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Devil May Cry: Sparda's Blood (DMC5)

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New Member
Thanks for the understanding!;)

To my fellow readers: The descriptions of Nero's new moves and weapons and everything regarding his side-game will be shown after the completion of his story.;)


Well-known Member
Fantastic Dante; your really creating some Drama here ^___^
Also, its nice leaving Nero's moves etc til the end...Spoilers eh? lol

Can't wait to see what you conjour up for the Devil Bringer =p


Dante Aseroth;101419 said:


Nero is resting in his royal chamber. The Destino Argento is on his right, detached from his demonic arm. Thoughts were brainstorming the 19 year-old young ruler. He then looked at his arm - a devilish spawned weapon. The meditation is interrupted, when Kyrie comes in. She stares at Nero's eyes, which didn't turn when she had got herself inside the chamber.

'The knights have built the fortifications on the harbor and the ones near the Mitis Forest. Also....'

Nero raises his hand, making with a sign to his captain to stop. Kyrie looks down and her mouth is open as she's trying to finish what she started.

'I need to stay alone for some moments. I'll later get downstairs and have dinner with you, Kyrie.'

'As you wish.'

Her tone was severe and was as sharp as a blade. Intentionally, she slammed the door. Nero stood up, and watched from the balcony, the sun setting. The dusky breeze of It seemed to calm Nero's tormented channels of mind. Then, he was swimming in his own rivers.

'Why me?! What I have to do with Sparda?! Is he someone I'm related to?! Impossible! He can't....No, he can't...Being my father?!'

An explosion interrupts the navigation, and Nero grabs his weapons, attaches the Destino Argento, and jumps from the balcony to action.


To be continued.....


New Member
Thanks, K-MAN!:D

I really thought that everything that has to do with Nero's side-missions, is better to come at last. Glad you agree.:D



Kyrie wildly opened the door of Nero's royal chamber, and saw the curtains of the balcony swimming in the powerful wind of the explosion. She noticed Nero had jumped off and went to the Palace Grounds. Another explosion occurs nearby the chamber, and the young female captain is thrown outside and falls into the stairs.

Meanwhile, Nero gathers the Knights of the Order.

'Where is Captain Kyrie?!'

'We thought the Captain was with you, sir!'

'She must be inside the palace. You there! Gather some of the Knights near the Icy Caves. We might need some aid from our legions from north the island.'

'Yes sir!'

'Knights. Secure this area till I get back with the Captain. I think she might need some help.'

Nero gets inside the edifice, partially ruined.

'Kyrie! Kyrie! Where is she?'

A strange breeze blows behind Nero.

'Huh?! Who's this?!'

All of a sudden, the young ruler found himself surrounded by eight dark-armored knights. Nero recognized them as the ex-Bianco Angelo. They did look darker, with red pulsing eyes on their helmets, silver armor combined with black and rough metal. As the knights were making their move to assault Nero, a single slash was heard, and then, the crumbles of the armors falling.

Nero saw upstairs, at a broken window. The warrior's angelic wings, and then, a slight view of his portrait.


It was too late. The mysterious person flew away. As looking below, Nero saw Kyrie, which had fainted. He grabbed her around his arms, and walked away the palace, still wondering about the strange happening.


To be continued....


Well-known Member
Fantastic Dante!
I love the way you apply detail enough to create new and exciting locations :D You are also generating alot of suspence and mystery so don't keep us hanging for long lol


Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Dante you charismatic stallion!

Awesome as per usual, your attention to detail is unsurpassed, the more you write, the more hooked in I become, keep writing! I love this! +Rep for you my friend. :D


Let's rock, baby!
Is Dante going to be in this story too? I bet Dante and Nero are going to team up for this one... maybe more allies too. I bet this game will tell the truth about what happened to Vergil


New Member
Ronin;102252 said:
Is Dante going to be in this story too? I bet Dante and Nero are going to team up for this one... maybe more allies too. I bet this game will tell the truth about what happened to Vergil

I'm not further telling what's gonna happen...:p....Going to leave It as a mystery. But there are plenty of surprises in Nero's side-game, that's something I guarantee of.;)

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
Dante Aseroth;103075 said:
Oh, come on man! Post something useful and on topic, or don't post at all, please!

It was useful , its motivation in my eyes lol

gonna give us a teaser for the next part?


New Member
Here's how It follows...



As Nero was walking with a fainted Kyrie on his arms, he saw his knights corpses' surrounding the place, and caught a view of the Dark Bianco Angelo flying away. The Destino Argento was near to shatter from the fury and the hate the Devil Bringer was accumulating. The eyes went red, and a cyan aura was beginning to conquer him. Nero put Kyrie on the ground, cuddling her innocent face. Then, he unsheathed the Yamato, wielding It with his right hand, and the Red Queen with the left hand.

'....Shall face destruction in my way!'

Suddenly, a sword came from behind right in front of him. He recognized the sword - its unique design....

'Well, I told ya we'd meet soon, but not this soon!'

It was Dante. He smiled at Nero while taking the Rebellion back.

'I don't have time for chit-chats!'

Dante put his zweihander on his back, and then swirled his guns. He

'Wait! Before going as a hero to kill the bad guy, don't you think I need a welcoming ceremonial dinner?! It's OK. If you got pizzas only, It's better.'

A motorbike sound is heard. The light of It, blinds Nero a bit, while Dante stands like in a stoic way, in front of its route. The bike accelerates, while Dante prepares to put his foot to stop It. As the bike goes right in front of Dante, he puts his foot on the tire.

'Hello ladies!'

'She's the Lady, you know!'

Trish gets up from the bike, having the Sparda sword on her back, and the guns, Luce & Ombra in her holsters.

'She doesn't have a sense of humor recently, right?!'

Lady knocks her head with a negative sign.

'I'm hungry. Did you guys bring the pizza I told you?'

Lady stares at Trish. Dante laughs.

'Don't eat a lot Trish, or you might get fat assets!'

Trish looks at her behind.

'I think they look a bit fat.'

'This is not a picnic area! This is a palace!'

Nero angrily responds to the 'guests'.

Meanwhile, Kyrie awakens. Dante notices It and makes a sign to Nero.

'Kyrie! Are you alright?!'

'I'm fine! Please, move aside. Leave me some breathing room.'

Nero moved and noticed what she intended. Knocking his head slightly, he ran straight to the motorcycle, and drove to the Mitis Forest.

'Nero! Com' on, kid!'

'I think the kid needs some as$ kicking. Now my cleavage is ruined.'

Trish looks at Lady's cleavage....

'They seem fine....'

'Don't touch them....'

'What a punk! Kyrie! I know your boyfriend is a little of a hothead...'

'It was my fault.'

'Don't worry. He'll be back....'

The four were standing between in the Palace Grounds, or better, in a blooded battleground, and were being observed. In the highest point of Fortuna, which is near the location of the heroes, an angelic silhouette stands. A dark trenchcoat is swimming from the wind - two mysterious warriors....Who could they be?!


To be continued.....


Well-known Member
Lol your latest chapter is...uhh...charismatic :D lol, wouldn't expect anything less ^_o

Good job Dante :)

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