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Devil May Cry - Role Play

Zany Blac

Well-known Member
Vergil deflected the blows thrown at him with a countering kick and smoothly dodged out of the way of the flinging tail.

"You have no idea who you're up against, do you?" Vergil drawled arrogantly, and retreated a step, eyeing Xevnas with a look of pity.

"Perhaps you should think before picking fights with just anyone. Now, I have more important matter to attend to."

Vergil made a mocking bow at Xevnas, and without another word he turned and strolled in the opposite direction to join up with his brother.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas spoke up from his 2D perch on Vergil's skin.

"I think he found me worth fighting, yes. He let me use him as a host this far. But our deal was that if he won, I use Dante as a host. All I need is his consent. If not, I will leave. I may be a dishonorable fighter, but I'm a Zeronian of my word. If you wish me to leave, I will, host or no host. But, six hours after that, I will die, without a trace. So, Dante, care for an extra partner?"

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Dante walked up the steps to a building with the words Eliade written in bold black letters above its door way.

A bright light told him his brother had decided to join him.

Dante turned around to see Vergil walking towards him with beowulf in full glow.

"They always fit you better, though i hate to admit it" said Dante looking at Vergil.

"Was that thing worth fighting?" asked Dante before shooting the door off its hinges with Coyote-A.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas stood behind, looking bewildered that Vergil would just leave him like that, knowing that when they touched the first thing he did was plant the fact that he only had six hours to live without a host. Was he really that cold? Xevnas sighed and stepped inside the shop, hoping to find something that would track Vergil to where he had gone. First things first, however. He had to find some clothes. He raided Dante's closet until he found a coat that fit. Then, he resumed his search for something to teleport him. He found a small object that looked like a twisting spire and placed it in the floor. He then chanted Vergil's name ten times, and the spire created a rift, through which he could see Vergil and Dante. He jumped through, landing with an inhuman yelp as his cracked rib acted up again. This time, both Dante and Vergil turned to look. Xevnas looked back, immediately regretting following them... Vergil had that look on his face again...

Zany Blac

Well-known Member
Dante looked at the thing he shot out of the trash.

A navy blue ball of energy entrenched in ice white began to form around his hand, it shone very bright and disappeared leaving a suitcase pulsating with yellow energy in dantes hand,

The monster like emblem in he middle othe suitcases from shone evilly as dante placed it on the ground and covered his eyes.

"Ooh, shiny" said Dante as they became engulfed in bright light.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas stood up quickly as the portal closed behind him, and Vergil was still staring at him. Xevnas walked up to him, but did not speak. He merely glanced at him with pleading eyes. Then, he looked at Dante the same way, and then changed his face to a devilish grin.

"Why so surprised? Is it because I'm here, or is is because I'm wearing your clothes, Dante? And Vergil, you really are a cold being, leaving me even though you knew about my six-hour limit. It takes guts to leave a person to die like that. I think I'm gonna enjoy being with you guys."

After he said this, he began to host Dante.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything that any of us would regret. I will protect you all..."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises suddenly steped in front of the demonic group.

After grabing with migt his weapon because the more obvius reflex of then was to fight,he said,"It has been hard to follow you but finally i can reach you,
i hope master was knowing what he was doing to sent me here and wacht for you" after saying the last word he released his weapons of his hands.

He thought,"From what i see this is not to be easy".


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas took his hands off of Dante and turned around.

"You were sent to watch us? Fair enough. Any help is welcome, right guys? And Verge, stop staring at me like that. I feel like the first move I make you're gonna slice me in half."

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
"Then maybe you should listen to that 'feeling'," Vergil said, shifting into a fighting stance, ready to deliver a painful blow at a moment's notice if Xevnas came any closer. He looked from Xevnas, to Moises, and finally down at the blinding light emanating from Pandora at Dante's feet.

He scowled. "Damn thing getting jammed again, I see," Vergil muttered, and landed an irate kick on the suitcase. The bright light flickered in response, and Vergil seized hold of it. A boomerang glowing with white gold light was suddenly in his hand, and he sent a wary look at the others.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas looked at the others and then back to Vergil, more frightened than ever before. It doesn't help that he left a bad first impression... Now how was he going to convince him? Suddenly, Xevnas felt clean. Pure. He had never felt like that before, except when he was with his family. He looked at the golden chain he always kept with him, a symbol of his unity to his family, and noticed Vergil was eyeing him, ready to kill him.

"Alright. Vergil, I'll come clean with you. All I want is to live, and to live, I need a strong host. I was testing you back there. Truth be told, I don't know a single person stronger than you. Here's the cold hard facts. Zeronians CANNOT control their hosts. However, they empower their hosts beyond their limits. Meaning with me, you'd be stronger than your father. Everyone wants a little power, you just want more. With me, you'd have that power. Ugh...!"

Xevnas went to his knees as his body began to feel weak.

"It's now or never, Vergil. Either take my power now, or I die, and you
never surpass your father. And Dante..."

At this, Xevnas collapsed, barely breathing.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Vergil dropped his fight stance and lowered the boomerang, watching Xevnas fall to the ground with a dull thud. He sent a sly glance at Dante, and then he was gliding down the steps and crouching beside Xevnas.

"If you deceive me, I will tear you to pieces," Vergil whispered to him, then spoke clearly as he straightened up and nudged Xevnas onto his back with his foot. "I thought you said you still have a few more hours before you die? A bit dramatic, aren't we?"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas smirked. So, Vergil saw right through the facade. He whispered back:
"Hey, I had to put on a show for the others, right? So, are we partners?"

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Vergil arched his eyebrows thoughtfully, and returned a faint smirk that rolled off his lips as fast as it had rolled on.
"Ask me again in six hours, and we'll talk," Vergil said smoothly and stepped away from Xevnas. "You said you can heighten my power with yours, yet you were unable to defeat me before. Until you prove to me just how much power you possess, you should prepare yourself for your demise."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas expected this much from him. He was the wary type that wouldn't go through with a deal unless they could trust the other guy, and then would stab the other guy in the back at the slightest turn.

"Alright. Find me some demons and I'll show you what I can do. Unless you'd like to throw down here. Again. But that would be the boring thing to do."


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
There was a flash of lightening...after a second the lightening disapear to reveal Trish.
She surveyed the scene, and then Xevnas.
She looked at Vergil and then Dante.
"Need some help?" she asked. "I'm a walking demon encloypedia..."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas looked at Trish. Had this been a normal situation, he'd have been infatuated in a heartbeat. Here though, he was merely surprised.

"Let me guess. You're here to convince these two to take me, aren't you?"

He then walked up to her and whispered: "That's what you're here for, right?"

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises after looking at the scene and scouted all the people in the room

"Well, though i dont know how master was right about all of yours personalities are interesting ones, specially yours Vergil".After seeing Trish he sayed. "Thats what i call a beatiful señorita".

He them heared some strange noice, he thought"Well it looks like we are not alone"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas then turned as he heard the familiar groaning of Hell Prides. He then yanked the golden chain off of his neck and it transformed, growing longer and sharper. It had turned into a whip-sword. More specifically, the family heirloom, De'La.(Guardian Soul) Xevnas leaped forward, slicing through the Prides with all his might, and was soon surrounded. Using his tail for balance, he hit many of them with his four flailing limbs, De'La in his mouth. Then, when one tried to jump him, he grabbed it's scythe and cut it down, and then spun in a circle, pressing a button on the De'La's hilt that kept it in sword mode. When all the Prides were dead, he turned to the gang, a smug look on his face.

"That good enough for you guys?"

He didn't know that one more was creeping up on him though...

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises saw the Hell Pride behind Xevnas."Move away if you want to live".after saying that he grab his Rapier of the Heart and runned to help him

"Now let begin this".His heart started and he began to run more fast,finnally he caught with the Pride

"Attacking from behind,well now you will see what i do to those that fight dirty".He impaled it several times later he grab it by his leg and throwed it to the air and grab his gun

"Ready".And fired a big shell to the Pride, it receibed the shot and became sand

"Next time you prove your worth try to kill all enemies first, later celebrate"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas looked at Moises, angered. He felt his face grow hot.

"Hey! How was I supposed to know he was sneaking up on me? And it wouldn't have been a big deal if he had hit me anyway. I'm a demon, remember? So, I've still proven myself. And without further ado, am I good enough yet?"
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