Devil May Cry - Role Play

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Vergil chuckled, and with index finger and thumb, he gingerly took hold of the blade against his neck and carefully pushed it aside.

"I'd like to see you try that, boy," Vergil said. "Another time."

He shoved the kid out of the way dismissively and crossed the room with lengthy strides, blue coat bellowing around his ankles until he reached Zebra's side. He gave Zebra a look, and placed his hand on the seething girl's shoulder. "Meg, how the hell did you get here?" He asked in a low voice.
"I drove." said Meg. "I haven't seen you since I was little, I'd kinda like a hug, Vergil. But if I remember correctly you're not the hugging type. I really didn't think you'd recongize me, I kinda expected you to go who the hell is this, like Nero over there did."
Meg laughed a little.
"I guess I grew up huh, Vergil?"
Vergil surveyed Meg up and down. He smiled at her - not a pleasant smile. A quiet smile that would have sent anyone else running. "I wouldn't expect him to have known you, we were only children when we were separated. Now what is the story about these hellgates you were so furious about?"
"For the last three years, I've been traveling around sealing all the hellgates." Meg explained.
"And now all the hellgates I so carefully closed are open again. While I doubt them being open is entirely Dante's fault. I am furious because well do any of you have any idea how long it took me to seal all those hellgates?"
Megara sighed and then smiled.
"So I'll have to close all those hellgates again. But I should take the time to enjoy this family reunion now, 'cause believe it or not there were days when I was in hiding where I thought I'd never see my big brothers again. So you have no idea how happy I am to see you both."
"What, not quite as happy to see me," Zebra jokingly said.

Nero cautiously inched toward Meg, Yamato clutched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He also decided it would be wise to keep Blue Rose at the ready, so in a fluid motion as he walked, he moved his left hand down toward his belt and gripped the gun firmly. He would not be taken by suprise again.
He could hardly believe it. Vergil turned from Meg to look across the room at Dante, and caught sight of Nero inching his way closer. He frowned, and shook his head in bewilderment, and then he turned on Meg.

"Dante? Opening hellgates?" Vergil asked, and circled the group of people slowly, eyes following the contours of the office. "No." He said, and then laughed bitterly, "No, no. This is some alternate dimension of sorts."

He finally paused in his tracks beside Eva, and fixed them all with a frosty glare. "My brother wouldn't open any hellgates. Trust me," He said, and smiled coldly. "I'd know."
"Ah, well, you know what they say, one door closes and two more open," Zebra said, patting her on the shoulder.

Nero kept creeping, as if a tiger stalked its prey. He needed to watch Vergil's every move. Apparently this so-called brother of Dante's was familiar with the sword, HIS sword. he wanted HIS sword. And that just would not do. Yet Nero was intrigued by this new female. He had no choice, but to edge toward the group so he may learn more of her
Megara laughed. "There's a first time for everything, Vergil. But seriously I don't blame Dante entirely. Someone or something else helped. And must be something divine. Because only something divine could bring someone like Mom, back."

Meg's ice blue eyes met Nero's gaze. She was as intriged by him as he was by her.
"You think the celestials had something to do with it," Zebra asked.

Finally, a way for me to enter this conversation, Nero thought. "Maybe both the demonic and divine forces are reacting to Dante taking that foresaken staff," Nero said, motioning towards Dante. Finally, thought Nero, there's a way to know what I'm up against.
Eva was in shock... 'Meg...Dante...Vergil...' She thought to herself 'my children all grown up... and in the same room. I'm so proud." She never thought she would see the day she would be standing amongst them.

"Hi Meg" Eva said with a tear rolling down her cheek.
Dante blinked several times before surveying the room,

Going off into his happy place of thoughts he had remained detached from the on going debaucle in the room.

which was getting very crowded by the way.

He walked out of the office silently while everyone was hugging and making merry.

The cool air outside was chillingly comforting on his face, he brought out the staff from the folds of his jacket and looked at it.

The diamond on top shone at him again.

"What are you shiny?" asked Dante tossing it into his other arm, it was fun having the staff with all the people coming back but it was time to take it to the one who requested it.

If they intended to use it for any evil purposes,

He would just have to kick their ass.
Zebra noticed Dante walk out of the room. When he had the chance, he left as well, leaving everyone to their conversation about hellgates.

"Damn it's cold outside," he said rubbing his shoulders for warmth. He was standing next to Dante and noticed him looking at the staff. "You ok Dante? Or is it all hittin you too fast?"
"Yes Meg. it's really me." Eva said. She found it hard that her children had difficulty believing it was her.
Okay, so being dead for a time was a problem, and having a demon in the same room that looked like her didn't help. But all Eva really wasted was for her children to accept she was their mom, and she was in the same room.
She wanted to prove herself... but, she didn't know how.

"I'm so pleased to see you meg."
Nero smirked at Eva.

"So you're Dante's mom? I always figured he came from the darkest abyss and that the whole Sparda thing was a cover. Really, you look good for carrying THAT for 9 months. They should give you an award," Nero said, joking about Dante.
"Its confusing to say the least old man" said Dante staring off into space, "But if its any good, im glad as hell you're here".

"Now are those old bones of yours any good?" said Dante with a glint of mischief in his eyes. He pointed to the staff with his other hand.

"Why dont we deliver this?" said Dante, his blood running with excitement, it has been a while since he saw Zebra fight, fighting alongside him was going to rock.

To say the least...
(On her way to her latest mission Lady takes a detour to see Dante.)
Lady was dressed in her normal clothes, but she wore a long white coat with white 'imitation' fur around the hood. She was also carry the Kalina-Ann on her back.

"Hey Dante", Lady said as she approached him "What are you doing outside, i thought you'd be indoors scoffing pizza."
She noticed a man standing beside Dante, her devil hunting expertise told her he was a demon. "Hi" she said cautiously to the man which was Zebra.