Devil May Cry - Role Play

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Xevnas noticed Meg staring at him. "What? Did my hair frizz up from that bolt? Oh wait... I don't have hair. Duh. Are you looking at me because I defied Vergil like that? You shouldn't be so surprised. I would never let someone berate another for no good reason. It's just not in my blood. I'm too trusting, I guess. Except for PRETTYBOY SILVERHAIR OVER THERE!" He yelled toward Vergil, who was still sitting stoic. 'Probably gonna get up and punch my lights out any second now... Whoops.' He thought.
"Now that we are done here," Vergil said, rising to his feet. "Shall we proceed to the next hellgate and leave behind any..." his eyes flitted to Julie and he sniffed, "Liabilities?"

He shrugged off Xevnas's words in a condescending tone,"If you think you berated me with your little speech of power, think again."
Xevnas looked at Julie and then back at Vergil. "I'm getting the sense of deja vu. You acted the same way with Moises, and now you don't care about him. Give Julie a chance, alright? And if not, then I'll leave with her." Xevnas stood next to Julie. "Your choice, bluecoat."
Julie raised her hand in the air and slowly raised her middle finger. "It's because I'm human, isn't it, Vergil?" Julie sniffled.

She turned to face him. "I'm not stupid, you know, nor am I the kind of person that doesn't know her way out of a tight situation. And, besides, I have no where else to go." She placed her arm on Xevnas' shoulder and winked at "pretyboy silverhair".
Xevnas went stiff. His mind was racing. 'Holycrapholycrapholycrapholycrap' was all he could think, but he managed to regain his composure. "Right. So Vergy, do you want to lose two competent allies, or keep them and save yourself the guilt trip later?"
"Fine," Vergil relented, and scowled at Julie. "It's your choice." Your neck, he thought to himself, reeling with laughter on the inside.

That she would dare challenge him - a son of Sparda? Fight a human woman? Ridiculous. This was no place and no business for a human...but who was he to preach? Let the young couple learn by trial and error and experience first hand just how inept humans are.
"Good. Finally you're showing some cooperation. Now... What could Julie do that could prove her worth... Ah, those look like worthy targets." Xevnas leaned over Julie and pointed to a group of Mega Scarecrows. Xevnas counted four of them. "Why don't you take them out, and prove yourself to Silverhair over there. Hey, that rhymed! Heh."
Julie co.cked her head. "C'mon, Sara," she whispered, pulling out her gun. "Let's show them what we can do."

Julie pulled the trigger four times, hitting each demon spot on. "It's gonna take more to kill y'all, isn't it?" She sighed and pulled out a grenade. She threw it, holstered her gun, and said, "Done. Have I proven myself yet, pretty boy?"
From the skies above, Eris watched the human woman shoot each Mega Scarecrow once. Her interest slightly piqued, she continued to watch as the human pulled out a grenade and tossed it at the demons.

As the human smirked at a man standing a slight distance away, Eris let go of the Bloodgoyle that she was hitching a ride on, and landed a few inches away from where the grenade would impact. Before it hit the ground, Eris picked it up, tossed it into the sky and slashed at the Mega Scarecrows with the Ashura in a circular motion.

After she was sure she had absorbed some of their life energy through the Ashura, she rolled out of the way, in time for the grenade to land and explode.
Xevnas stood with his jaw dropped open, then he closed it when he realized how ridiculous he looked. "Uhh... Who is she? And why is she stealing your thunder? Hey, new girl? Who the freak are you?"
Xevnas walked as nonchalantly as he could towards the new woman. "Thou interrupted our rite of passage. Haveth thou a good reason for this intrusion? What are thou called, knave?" Xevnas snickered to himself in his head. This kind of talk ALWAYS confuses the ones he hates.
Eris turned to them with a slightly disinterested look; she really had no interest in non-demons. But then she noticed that one of them was neither human nor demon.

She smiled, putting on the child-like face that she had adopted over the many years of her existence, and said to the lizard-man, "Me? I'm Eris. You're asking why I'm 'stealing her thunder'? This... this is what I do!"

Eris then turned to the human woman, "Language, miss. I'm a minor, as you can see," and she made a gesture as if to draw attention to herself.
Julie raised her eyebrow. "Your attitude," Julie started, but paused so she could choose her words carefully. "I don't like your attitude. And do you really think I give a flying fuc- I mean fudge if you're a minor?" She laughed. "Because if you do, you have another thing coming."
Xevnas looked back at the girl, feeling stupid. "Look, the Shakespeare talk... Not really my thing. I'm Xevnas." He shook her hand. "As you can see, I'm not really very human, but I get around. Would you believe I come from a part of the underworld where war is nothing but a word?"
Eris pretended to sniffle a little when the woman spoke to her, but her expression remained one of disinterest.

"Heh. So humans have never changed... not one bit!" she deliberately looked at anywhere but the two who were talking to her. Over the years, she had come to realize that everyone, demon or not, gets rattled when they think they're being ignored.

But her standoffishness would have an important reason behind it. Eris would never tell the mortals that, though.

Then the lizard man introduced himself as Xevnas, and where he came from.

Eris was surprised. Nobody had shown her any hint of friendliness before. She was even more surprised when she didn't bite back her reply in time, "Well, no. I always assumed that where peace is a lie, there is war."
"That fake sniffling is my thing," Julie mumbled under her breath, and turned around. "Little prissy princess. Stealing my kills... Stealing how I act, too." She straightened up. Now is not the time to let your shield down. She smiled and flipped her hair over her shoulder.
Eris turned to face the human woman, and her eyes gave off a slight eerie glow as she set her face in what most people call "The Sulk".

"Me stealing how you act?" she asked incredulously. "Like I said, I am Eris, Harbinger of Strife and Discord. If I'm acting the way I do, it's because I learnt it... waaaaaay before you were born."
"Um..." Julie scratched the back of her neck. "You weren't supposed to hear that. And, anyways, your my baby sis' age. So, yeah, I doubt it." Her smile faltered. "This is getting boring. Can we do something, oh, I don't know, FUN now?"
Eris pretended to ignore the part about her being the woman's baby sister's age. It was difficult to resist a chance to retort, but now is not the time.

She tilted her head to one side. "Fun? Like blowing-up-demons kind of fun?"

Then Eris turned to Xevnas, "What about you? What's fun in your eyes?"