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Devil May Cry: Demon's Crisis

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises opened a portal in front of the Resa, Tyther and Solid, the eye in his forehead became blue instead of red, he throw the rapier to the portal and screamed from the inside of the portal."Guys....help me....this is not me, this is the price for my life...the rapier, a hole in my chess, the only way to make me return".

Moises closed the portal and the eye became again red.

HQQR - Solid

Solid shook his head and took Resa's hand. "I guess i'll tag along then." he said smiling briefly then looking to Tyther. "Are you coming, or will you just follow through with your original plan?"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther grabbed the rapier that had fallen out of the portal. It felt like it had a small aura, but it's power was insignificant compared to other devil arms. "He said this had to go in... a hole in his chest? The price for living... For him, is being a host to that thing." He looked at Solid. "I'm coming with you. The sooner we find Ziz, the sooner we turn Moises to normal."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
OOC: I will RPing as Guardian as Moises is in the worm dimenssion, if someone doesnt aprove this i edit this post.

Guardian spirit got out of the scythe, resembling a giant Hell Vanguard, compared to Tyther size doubled, it was incorporeal, it cant do anything to something of the real world."That weapon, i always wondered why he had it, he always sayed that it was important for him".


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz placed the false diamond on the ground and sat down to wait. " who will show up first. loz or moises. it whould really save me some time if they both fell for the same trick. but if one of them has a brain then i may have to work a little. only a little of course. "

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises opened a portal behind Ziz and grab him from the neck, raising him hight, flying up and throwing him to the ground, Moises still flying talked with Ziz."Come on, you think that i Blood will fall so easy for that trap, i know the exact diamond".


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz opened a portal below himself istead of hitting the ground ziz appeared above moises. his jacket turns into a pair of bat wings. " you are not fighting a child here. i complement your abilty to recognize the fake diamond i didn't think that was possible. but that peceptive skill apparently dosn't extend to recognizing combat abilityl." ziz draws yami. he opens a protal and stabs the blade into it. the other end of the portal opens inside moises. the sword slides through mosis. " try not to cause me to much trouble. i won't simply destroy you. when i face opponents of your level of power i forge them into devil arms. you will become a weapon with no free will. sold to the highest paying customer. or you can leave and i will let you remain what you are."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"You know Ziz, i am a dead among the living so the only way you win me is to make this fight very longer, what can be a problem to a human like you". Energy started forming in Moises hands, it created a sort of red magical katana for him."Now if you let me to play". Moises opened a portal and went in it, he appeared behind Ziz and impaled his sword in his stomach."You might now feel this, but i know for what is that shard that you got in you neck".


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz laughs " you are a mindless fool the shard is just a toy it dosen't hold power anymore. i on the other hand hold enough power to defeat you." ziz graps moises arms and holds him in place with strength far more than a human whould have. ziz's shadow appears behind moises in its three demensional form. two swords appear in its hands and it slashes at moises' arms intending to sever both

OOC: ziz used to be human now he is far from it. and the shard is just a focusing tool without it he is still a powerful demon it is just harder to focus his powers.

and try to remember that ziz is very fast and specializes in countering enemys attacks. don't automaticly say an attack hits. we both did that once in this fight but lets both agree not to do it again.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"Ok thanks for clearing that, but now lets make this interesting". Moises wawed wildly his wings, making Ziz separate from him, he shot a white ball of energy with one hand to the shadow of Ziz, holding it in a sphere of light.

He looked at Ziz."Firestorm". Feathers of the wings flyed towards Ziz, they created a strom of flames as they flew, enveloping Ziz, Moises smirked and the eye in his forehead opened shooting a red ray to Ziz neck piercing it.


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz quickly moves his hand and reflects the attack back at moises. ziz places both hands on Yami. a blak aura flows from the sword and surrounds ziz. suddenly ziz's injury begins to heal. ziz appears behind moises and slashes with Pheobus. his speed and power have increased.

OOC: you may have missed something check my last post. we should both agree to stop having our charicters hit automaticly it is very rude and compleatly ruins the fight( and is also actually against the rules of this forum) . ziz is not the type to sit there and just take hits. he dodges and counters.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
The ray that the eye launched was deflected by Ziz, Moises absorbed it and it became energy to heal his injuries, Moises moved out of the way when he feeled Ziz behind him, he throw his katana to Ziz and it became enveloped in shadows and fire.

OOC: I agree, we both power played.

Moises doesnt feel any pain, his wounds open after a long time, with his Dark devil form the time of the battle as to be more, and with Blood possesing him, the time increases.

HQQR - Solid

OOC: Solid can take a hit... XD

Quickly following the scent Ziz so effortlessly left behind, allowing Solid's nose to lead him right to the two. With a snap of his fingers, an extremely large amount of Solid's crystal sword appeared around them. Then they moved into a smaller proximity around Moises. "I don't care if you are under some influence or whatever the deal is... but If you do not cease this nonsense I will force every, single, one of the swords into your body. Then I guess we'll have to refer to you as pincushion." he said before snapping his fingers again all of the swords jutted at a high speed towards Moises' body.

Then with another burst of energy, Solid released most of the demonic power in him that was sealed by his human form. Though his appearance did not change from the seemingly human shell, a difference in power could be sensed as he drew his sword. "You just turned out to be a waste of time..." he said arrogantly as the swords got closer.


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz opened a portal. he appeared next to solid " crap what are you doing here" then he created a group of swords out of shadow. they surronded moises. " hey solid lets see who can poke the most holes in this loser."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
A flurry of blue crystals appeared around Moises. "That would probably be me, then." Tyther said, smirking as he walked toward Moises with one hand outstretched, glowing blue. "If you don't stop this, Moises, I'll have to do this. I probably won't regret it either."

HQQR - Solid

"Nicely done Tyther, even for a simple imitation." Solid's red crystals disappeared and Solid turned and went in the opposite direction. "I guess you two can handle this..." he said just before disappearing.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Solid, you piece of crap... Tyther thought as his brother confidently left. I'm not as strong as you, yet. Don't shove your overconfidence down my throat! The blue crystals turned into a multitude of different weapons, scythes, swords, axes, you name it, it was there. Tyther closed his hand into a fist and the weapons made a bee-line towards Moises.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises smiled, looking at the carnage that could be unleashed here, he walked thought all the weapons that Tyther and Ziz created, a red aura surrounded him, he looked at Tyther."So, you think that this will stop me now, when you and you brother joined failed in this".

Moises started wawing his winds, leaving feathers all over the room, he blow them all with a quick wawe of his wings."Fireblast". All the feathers exploded in a giant fire bomb leaving smoke and fire all over the place, Moises opened a portal and went inside it and it close.


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz casually reflected the fire towards the portal moises opened. then he opened a portal " hey tyther i think i have a way to stop him it is risky but if it works right this will be over and moises will still be alive"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther held up Moises' rapier. "Your plan won't matter. All this has to do is go through the hole in his chest. You saw it too, didn't you? Once this goes in, he'll be fine. That's what he said. Blood will be forever gone." He smirked. "Tell me your plan, just so I can say how redundant it is compared to mine."
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