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Devil May Cry: Demon's Crisis


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther, deciding to do something crazy, outstretched a hand and summoned his aura. Concentrating as hard as he could, several small blue crystals appeared in the gaps around Solid's swords, making a cage with spikes inside, without so much as the smallest hole to show light through.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"You think this will stop me, sorry for you guys, but i am in the centre of the circle of life and death". Moises crossed the cristals, with a red aura surroinding him, it maked the sword dissapear and he walked towards the cristal.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther's eyes widened. "Solid! He's going for the diamond!" Grunting, he tried to pull himself the rest of the way up, but a small vine was clinging to his leg. Doing something that he'd probably regret later, he threw Alpha to Solid. "Stop him!"


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa took off running down the hall towards the diamond. When she entered it was there where she and Dante had left it. "Oh thank god..."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises walked to the room where the diamond was, he looked at Resa, his veins all over his body where glowing, he sayed to Resa."Help". A DT flux surrounded Moises, screams could be heared from inside it, a voice was heared all over the place."I am the demonic entity Blood, and here is my avatar".


Enma Katana no Kami
suddenly a portal appears behind the diamond. ziz walks out of it. " oh moises i forgot to tell you i copyed your power." ziz picks up the diamond and creates another portal " bye" ziz walks through the portal and it closes.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"Moises its not more here, is Blood". Those words came from the inside of the flux, Moises walked out of it, different, hooves grow in his head with fires dancing in them, his coat was red, two fire wings grow from his back. He looked at Resa and closed she."The blood diamond gives me power, and the closer i get to hell does the same". He started moving his winds and flyed."Ziz you will get to know pain when i found you".

OOC: A little question, its Ziz look like genesis from FF:Crisis core, cause i always imagine him like that.

Also here is Moises wings look, only wings the rest is different.


HQQR - Solid

Solid caught Alpha, and unsheathed Full Moon. With a powerful push up from his feet, he quickly escalated to where Moises was. Then with a large flash of light, he absorbed the sword's power, becoming a towering black demonic wolf, its fur ragged and long. It's eyes stayed their same icy blue colour. Solid then in his wolf form, which was much larger than Moises yanked him from the sky with a powerful bite. He then swung Moises around furiously and slammed him to the ground. Solid howled, as suddenly the moon was visible and it became considerably darker.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises laughs could be heared in all the mountain, he raised from the ground and looked at the giant wolf."You should really think when to attack the avatar of both Death and Blood".

Moises flyed and stop in front of Solid face, he grab the scythe Guardian and with his hands he grab the blade, absorbing darkness front it."I dont really need you now". A eye opened in Moises forehead, he throw Guardian to Tyther.

Moises opened a portal in front of him and looked at Solid."If you found Ziz before me, tell him that i can locate every that opens portals, and also everything that goes inside or out of them". Moises flyed inside the portal and closed it, showing his middle finger to all.

OOC: As Moises can search for everything that goes in portals Guardian still can use is power, and he talks, so its better for Tyther to grab Guardian.

HQQR - Solid

Solid, returning to his human form and falling a steep amount, landed onto the mountain standing up. "Moises... his abilities are annoying. How tedious it is that I cannot just kill him." he said with a disappointing sigh. "I would have just eaten him." Solid added spitting Moises' blood from his mouth.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther struggled up from his perilous perch and grabbed the crystal scythe, the darkness suddenly flowing into his body. He screamed as his fur turned white and dark black marks appeared under his eyes. Picking himself up slowly, he held his head as his body slowly turned back to normal. "That was weird..." The scythe glowed and a deep, guttural voice sounded so that everyone could hear. "I am Guardian. Use my power to follow my fallen master, and stop him before he causes too much damage." Tyther raised an eyebrow and then looked at Solid. "Well, unless you have any better ideas? Oh, and by the way, I think if you ate him you probably would've ended up being blown up from the inside. That's not a pleasant end, either."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Meanwhile Moises was in the worm dimmension, looking for all portals opening and closing looking for Ziz."When i found you i will make you regret taking the Cristal".

HQQR - Solid

"Why all of this trouble? Does he not get, that as soon as Loz finds him with the crystal he'll be dead?" Solid asked to himself a bit irritated by the situation. "That idiot... we have to stop him before he does something reckless... but maybe, just maybe Ziz can stop him."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther held up the scythe. "He's not doing it alone." The crystal began to glow a dark purple and he slashed, ripping a hole in the dimensions. "Coming?"

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises feeled a disturbance in the worm world."So Guardian is coming, let them come, they will know the pain that is stay here, specially when you dont know where to go, they might end in front of Mundus face". Moises put a smirk in his face, rmembering the firts time he went to this world."Suck a pain in Heaven".

HQQR - Solid

Solid shook his head and walked in the other direction. "If Moises is following Ziz... than all I have to do is follow his scent. Regardless if he's in another dimension or not... Ziz's scent is so noticeable that even a puppy could follow it."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther closed the portal and looked at his brother. "You have a point. I barely know how to cross dimensions anyway." He took a deep sniff. "Ziz seriously needs to take a shower. I think a human could probably smell HIM."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
OOC: DT you know why because Moises is still alive(I hope you remember ahem Demoni...blood..) being Blood avatar is the price for keeping his life


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz senses moises following him. " well this should be amusing" he holds up what appears to be the blood diamond. but it is a fake. the real on is hidden in a place that nothing with any amount of demonic power can reach except him. simply having drop of demon blood on your clothing is enough power to set off the wards surronding it. the fake has an aura identical to the real one but has no power it also drains all the power from anyone that tries to use it. there is no way to recognize the fake until it is too late.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa looked at Solid, then to Tyther. "I'm gonna enter the Demonic Realm, and see if Moiese or Ziz showed up... And... I'll keep Loz busy as well." She shifted abit, showing signs of being nevouse. "Will you guys be okay without me?"
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