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Devil May Cry: Demon's Crisis

HQQR - Solid

"You will NOT take her." Solid said walking towards the man. He was a little taller than Solid, but they met about eye to eye. "She will stay with me, you on the other hand... are not welcome here. Now leave." Solid said with his blade becoming encased in the acidic crystal, following the summoning of many crystal swords around the the man as Solid stepped back.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther unsheathed Alpha and pointed it towards the man. "I'm in no mood for this bullcrap, especially after glass-necklace over there hit an all-time-low on the maturity scale." He swung his sword towards the man's neck, nearly missing it as a warning. "You have ten seconds."

HQQR - Solid

"Or you can just be destroyed by the combined powers of the sons of Solidus." Solid said with a slight smirk. "Now leave..."


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Loz looked at the all. "I'm not the one asking for my own death." He replied, pulling out a large blade. "YOU ARE!"

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"Huh someone aside Tyther that doesnt scares with that". Moises readyed his scythe, he used his usual stance, with the blade behind him, he was prepared to kill.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther scoffed. "Suit yourself, buddy. I think those who brainwash others deserve to die. In fact, I was bluffing about the ten second thing. I was actually going to give you five." Tyther leaned around to look at Loz' sword. "Just because you carry a big sword and you lead a cult that doesn't even willingly follow you, you think you're the big man around here? There's a little thing called willpower and then there's another called teamwork. Lucky for us, we all have both." He looked at himself in his sword. "You, on the other hand, probably have neither of those." He looked back at Loz. "And you can knock us down all you like. We'll always get back up anyway."


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Loz laughed. "But when you all go down this time... You won't be getting back up." He flew for Tyther.

"Solid, you need to help me get out of here." Resa, said quickly to Solid. "We all need to go!"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther smirked and held his sword out, running Loz through. "That was smart, big guy." He turned to Resa and pulled his sword out of Loz' side, tearing a large hunk of flesh off. "Yeah, let's go before he gets ****ed off."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises slashed the air, a portal was created where he slashed."This is last call for quick way to the mountains, all passangers go inside before giant guy wants to kill us all".


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther jumped in without hesitation and found himself on a snowy peak. Grabbing his hood and pulling it over his head, he silently prayed, hoping the others would get through and thanking God for his thick fur.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises looked at Loz and smiled."Might someone want to end this, i dont want to clean Guardian later".

OOC:The portal is open in the other side for those that want to return.


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz looks at loz " i was hired to kill you and you walk right in front of me. " ziz draws yami and slices on of loz's arms off. " thats one " loz attempt to attack ziz. ziz holds up his hand and loz's attack is reflected. loz then teleports away.

ziz looks at the spot loz was in. " good at running away. crap he will probably find a new hideout. " ziz then walks through the portal. he swings his sword causing all the blood on it to fly off then he sheaths it.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther nodded. "Alright guys, we have a rendezvous point. First we get the Diamond, and then we head to Solid's former residence, the Wolf's Den Tavern. Any questions?" He glanced at Ziz. "That AREN'T wisecracks pulled out of your ass?"

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
OOC: Where is Tyther DT in the mountains or the bar, also Resa has the key to where they hided the diamond, or do we destroy the door


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
OOC: Ty is on the mountain. He's shouting through the portal, and Ziz is already there. Also, you two better get your sorry butts through the portal before Tyther grabs you both and throws you through. He will, too. :p

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises runned towards the portal and jumped in it, when he came out he hit Tyther and the both were in the ground."Never stand in front of the portal".


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther got up and rubbed all the snow off of his sweatshirt. "You were the one taking forever. I was about ready to reach through and just grab you. And why do they throw us out in the first place? Can't you come out without flying ten feet?"

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"That just ruins the drama".Moises got up, he remembered the times when he hiked, but thanks to his actual condition he didnt needed the warm clothes or anything else."So where should we start?".
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