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Devil May Cry: Demon's Crisis


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther had a dead serious look on his face. "Your heart. It's beating really fast. What more proof do you need? Also, you're sweating a bit, and it's air-conditioned in here. And it's night-time. Look, if there's some big secret, that's fine with me. But you either tell me now, or I'll just end up finding out later and probably almost die." He softened his gaze. "If it's that important, I promise not to tell anyone else."


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa looked at him, then took a deep breath. She slowly pulled out the key. "You see this?" she asked, starting to shake abit. "Remember when Orrick had came in and asked about the 'Blood Diamond'? Well, guess what. Dante and I know where it is, because we were the ones that hid it."

She walked up to him. "We locked it in the Mountians outside town. We thought hiding it there would be the best place... But... I guess we didn't realize that the Diamond opened the portal to the Under World.."


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz walked in the door. " so, thats what it is. thats no big deal there are a ton of things that do that. you should have locked the door again if you where going to be talking about something secret. not that it whould have made and differnce in this case since i am the one dante is renting this place from so i have a key. ... but you get my point."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther jumped. "What the hell?! Even with my senses I didn't hear him coming!" He turned around, an air of menace around him. "If you tell anyone, I'll personally slit your throat."


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz laughed " what happened to your sense of humor. don't worry the only people i know are all looking for dante or otherwise busy. so there is no one to tell. but i needed this information. my current mission is to destroy a group of demons looking for the blood diamond. now i know what that is and who knows about it. now i can finally get started on the hunt."

ziz sits down on the couch. " so resa. mind telling me a little more about this diamond. don't worry you can trust me. my enemys are the same as yours."

HQQR - Solid

Solid slowly walked in the door behind Ziz, then making himself known with a loud outburst. "Why sisn't you tell me you were leaving brother? Was it... that maybe you wanted to keep something from me? Perhaps, you wanted to in a way... 'protect' me from this Dante. Who, by the looks of things, isn't even here." he said with a scowl towards Resa and his younger sibling. Then stooping himself up against the wall, he observed the shop. "Fear not of my actions Tyther, I am no longer worried about my revenge. I just want my birthright that is all. I want, of course, our father's power to be added to my own." he said closing his eyes and gripping his sword.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
"Our own. I deserve it just as much as you do." He turned to Resa. "There's nothing here of value. We should just go." He looked back at Dante. "Glad to see you aren't hell-bent on revenge any more. Doesn't mean you probably wouldn't try, though."


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa looked at Ziz. "We have a common enemy?" she chuckled. "I have an enemy that wants the Blood Diamond. And if you haven't notice, when Dante hides, he usually doesn't want to be found... And won't be."

Then she stalked out of the room. On the way down the stairs, there were three men in black standing there, waiting for everyone. Resa noticed they all had amber eyes like Orrick. Where they all working for that Loz guy?

"Can I help you?" she asked, abit annoyed. She placed her hand on the hilt of her sword.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther unsheathed his sword and stood at the ready, waiting for the enemies in front of him to attack. He looked at Resa and waited for a signal. It was now or never.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
"Where here for the diamond." One of the three men replied.

Resa looked at Moises and Tyther, then nodded. She flew forward towards the first man, and knocked him back.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises grab the rapier from his coat and impaled one of the mans shoulders, thusting him towards the window, the man screamed in pain."What is that diamond can i know i came here a little late".


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther sliced dauntingly towards the man. He drew a sword and attacked, but Tyther deflected the blow and knocked the man to the ground. As the man tried to get back up, Tyther stabbed him in the shoulder, not killing him, but pinning him down. He reached for a gun with his good arm, but Tyther kicked it out of the way. "You're not going anywhere, buddy." He looked towards Moises and Resa. "Need any help, you two?"


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa threw the man she was fighting against the wall. He went to punch her, but she caught the fist just in time. Resa bent back his arm backwards then threw her sword through his chest.

Resa looked at Tyther. "I'm good."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther looked at the man who was struggling to get the sword out of his shoulder. "Dude, if you take that out, you'll die of blood loss, so give up." With a sigh, the man slumped over and relaxed. Tyther turned to Resa. "I'm keeping him alive so we can question him. After all, we killed Orrick, and we didn't get any answers, so we should keep this guy alive." The man sputtered. "You KILLED Orrick? Oh my God!"

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises was interrogating the man he impaled towards the wall, he was punching his stomach, the man tried to kick him, but Moises could grab his neck before he could kick, Moises throw him to the ground, almost death from blood lost."What the hell are you doing here".


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa nodded. "Of course we did." she walked over to Tyther and the guy he was holding down. "I don't take lightly to assholes who distory my bar." She bent over him. "Now, who is Loz, and what the hell does he want with he blood diamond?"

She quickly pulled out her gun and aimed it at the man. "Better speak quick. I have an awesome tigger finger."


Enma Katana no Kami
ziz walks over " you guys appear to have the situation under control but i think i may be able to help with the interrgation." shadows surround his hand and copy the shape of a blitz's claw. he grabs the demon tyther is pinning down picks him up pulls him away and stabs him with the claws. electricity flows from the claw into the demon. " now be nice and answer resa's question. please.. as a favor for me" he stops the electricity and gives the demon a chance to answer. " remember i will know if you lie."

HQQR - Solid

Solid smirked, then haughtily remarked. "I'll assist you, in the interrogation." Solid said gripping the demon by the throat and summoning a little knife made of his crystalized blood. As he ran the blade's tip across the demons abdomen it screamed in agony. "Now answer fool... lest you wish to be made liquified." he said with a devious smile, letting his eyes turn towards his brother. "As I recall, I killed Orrick... the heathen."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Tyther winced at what his brother was doing. He took out the notes he found that Dante had written, but nothing about a human-like demon with strange eyes was there. "Solid, what if he's just human? You could be killing him right now."
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