Jebus man, got carried away with Arachne's attacks much? XD
I'll help with the demon movesets. I can definitely get behind working that.
Once I got started I couldn't help myself. I'm looking for quite a wide selection of attacks for each enemy. Plus we'll also elaborate a little more on Devil Trigger moves and such (We can't just say 'similar but more powerful' than the demon who summoned them) I think that'd just be too dull and unimaginative. And I'm sure that's not what we work like, am I right?

Fantastic. I'll message you in the Conversation in regards to this. We'll half the list of enemies, and get to working on the move-sets for the ones we were left with.
Thanks, I appreciate all the positive comments. Me and my buddy Storm Silves here are working on this
together, but also other things too and such (So please don't rush us for updates and be patient) I can't stress this enough xD
Minds exploding? Damn, I didn't mean to kill anyone >_<
Thanks for the support! Presidency huh? Yeah, I could get use to that *Zips cool refreshing drink whilst wearing sunglasses* "Ain't life just grand?"