I didn't mean an unarmed style, I meant a "weapon" that lets him unequip his weapons and basically fight with no weapon.
don't gauntlets work the same way. after all gauntlets and greves are actually armor not weapons.
@ jackiexylon:
1.wall hike (the move where dante runs on walls) is a trickster move so anything related to it would be part of the Trickster style (that and work on a better name than Dust Taster)
2. attacks using select/back are not a good idea. something that simple dosn't even need a command (eg. Shove: push smaller enemies out of the way while running)
3. counterattacks are part of the Royal Guard style.
@ Danzye:
1. Reverber fits my ideas for Dante's expanded trickster style.(Reverber dosn't sound like a good name try to come up with another one)
2.Powerbomb sounds like it would fit best as a swordmaster move for Heraclese.
Dante's moveset
1.Kick Jump: (same as previous games)
2.Air Hike: (same as previous games)
3.Free Ride: (same as previous games)
4.Pole Play: (same as previous games)
5. Enemy Step: (same as previous games)
6. Speed: (same as previous games)
7.Kick Dash: while in air near a wall press A+ left analog stick (away from the wall); kick off the wall to quickly move away from it.
8.(can't think of a good name)- near a wall Y+ left analog stick (in the direction of the wall); stab rebellion into the wall and stand on it(uses rebellion even if another weapon is equipped.)
9.Shove: push smaller enemies out of the way while running
10. Boost: while moving in air press B+ left analog stick(in the direction of movement): use E&I to accelerate Dante's movement
Style moves
Trickster: mostly evasive moves Dante's version also includes moves that move him towards the enemy and even use the enemy as part of the move
Level 1:
1. Dash: right analog stick in any direction: quickly move in any direction to evade attacks.
2. Sky Star: right analog stick in any direction (in air): move a short distance in mid air.
3. Mustang: right analog stick towards an enemy; kick off the enemy and jump into the air.
4. Wall Hike: right analog stick towards a wall: run up the wall or run along the wall at an angle (ends by jumping off the wall)
5.Air Trick: RS; teleport above the targeted enemy.(works in air)
6.Flipper: RS(when knocked back by an enemy attack); kick off a sphere of energy and land on your feet.
Level 2:
7.??? (waiting for a good name): down+ RS(in air): kick off a platform of demonic energy above Dante and move towards the closest enemy on the ground
8.??? (waiting for a good name):RS (during Wall Hike);jump off the wall and move towards the targeted enemy.
Level 3:
6/6 level 1 trickster moves created, level 1 finished.
2/7 level 2 trickster moves created, 5 more needed.
0/7 level 3 trickster moves created, 7 more needed.