biohazardmaster;155770 said:well u see in my opinion(exclusively my opinion) the ps3 have much more comfortable controls than the xbox360 and i am a long time playstation player so i am used to these controls and making it on ps3 would make the game much better from the control side and which would consequently make it better and more enjoyable for me =]
But from my personal point of view, I was also raised with the playstation as my main console; and therefore the controller is also easy to use for me

Anyway, as this is not a topic about consoles or controllers; I'll resume to the actual topic at hand. I never did complete the game, and I don't actually own it myself. My sister does own it, but I have no save for it

It's not a scary game at all, as mentioned by others. I suppose this can be a big put off, for those who prefer more scarier survival games (Such as Silent Hill .etc.) But it's an enjoyable game nonetheless, that I thought was entertaining. It's not the best survival game in the World, but nor is it the worst (I would imagine)