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Dante vs Hulk vs vergil

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New Member
aoshi;198483 said:
@Sparda : I think i jus nailed the difference logically and if the rest of u do not understand logic, I dont see that as my problem. As far this ridiculous arguement on comics goes, Hulk is by far logically unjustified.I am not the fanboy here. I got logical points to bring down the monster with a sword( I dont think sword is imaginary). As i said earlier , kiss marvel's a#@ elsewhere. Dante,vergil will pin down hulk.Atleast i prove it with logic unlike u who has no logic to prove that hulk can beat dante or vergil besides uber strength and toughness. Arkham, Mundus and saviour were no different.

@DreadnaughtDT: Its "swallow ur pride , with ur hate". Know ur DMC before u can talk trash.

Are you serious?

I just gave you facts. If you wanna troll, go ahead, I ain't gonna feed you...

I'm done with this sh1t.


Well-known Member
"Hulk" is not a fact and so are not his strength or toughness. Same toughness and volume were in arkham, mundus , saviour. If dante can beat all three, I dont think hulk's power can match up to the three combined.U can add mini-bosses as well, which makes dante to have brought down an entire devil army. Hulk is a giant. Dante beats devil army, Hulk is just another difficulty.


LoD Come Back!!!
yes...he may have brought down a "devil army" but he did it one at a time and all those "bosses" were weak...as for arkham, he was one of the weakest of them...and hulk, btw, gets stronger the madder he gets...there is no cap to his strength...as long as he's angry, he's bigger


Well-known Member
And how do u say these bosses are weak? Cuz they do not have gamma radiations or take giant leaps on earth? They were not given such ridiculous traits for the simple reason that they dont make sense. Saviour is so tall that can reach the sky and and can spin at a speed to generate a cyclone with legs. I dont think even hulk can match to a few cyclones from such. Dante did without any gamma radiations but with a sword. Dante beats saviour beats hulk.End of story.


LoD Come Back!!!
omg...is that where u get ur info? that stupid movie from 2000? hulk doesn't jump like that....as for dante not needing radiation?! HELLO he has fricken demon blood, which works the same....as for SAVIOR....wtf u talkin bout cyclones with his feet? are u high? its a STATUE....a demonic statue, but a statue nonetheless...i'm not saying it couldn't...but judging from gameplay, it can't....and if it's a statue, then that means it's made of stone...and it doesn't take much to break STONE....and again....hulk gets bigger and stronger as he gets angrier...yeah he'd take a beating from Dante.....in the beginning...but once he got angry enough, Dante wouldn't stand a chance


Well-known Member
Atleast the information i have given in this thread(with swords and moves) makes sense than a load of crap of a giant getting stronger when gets mad. Last time i saw a gaint get mad at dante was cerebrus and it was easy fido.

Saviour can do a roundhouse. Roudhouse at that size can generate a cyclone if u dont understand science. Apparently, i am not drunk, It is u who is dumb.

I dare u to give an info on hulk besides ridiculous gamma radiations and angry crap. I dont think u have any. Fact that a human consumed gamma radiation is pathetic enough.


LoD Come Back!!!
do u know anything about the Hulk? as for the "cyclone".....yeah like i said, it's not the he couldn't...but since capcom hasn't included that in anything...he can't...plus...if u haven't noticed in the game, all his actions are extremely slow...if it's too slow, no cyclone...learn physics


Well-known Member
Do u know anything about "devil may cry"?:O

Point is saviour has potential to take down hulk jus as much as u argue that hulk is more potent to take down dante(in ur dreams perhaps).


Well-known Member
Okay, Aoshi, we'll play your game. We'll be logical about this.

The Hulk's power is his rage. When he gets angry the large amounts of adrenaline set into his body will begin to mutate his cells, thus causing him to turn green in color and his muscles to grow into superhuman sizes. Of course, since his power is his rage, the angrier he gets, the stronger and bigger he gets. Thankfully (for him), he is put into situations where his anger can increase- such as pain from enemies attacks, someone he cares about being harmed, etc. Now, due to his muscle size increase, his muscles become almost impossible to penetrate (Note: Bullets have as much penetrative power as a sword if not more) and if his muscles continue to increase in size, there would probably be nothing that can actually harm the dude and possibly nothing that could stop him considering the fact that he gets stronger as well. Now, put him in DMC's situation:

Mundus: I will kill all humanity.
Hulk: HULK SMASH! *Smashes Mundus to bits*
Savior: Roooaaarr!
Hulk: HULK SMASH! *Smashes Savior to bits*
Arkham: I have the power!

As for Dante and Vergil, all they do is shoot and slash, get stabbed and survive, and that's it. We haven't seen them get any stronger except for getting a power boost from somewhere (Vergil actually got weaker when he turned corrupted, may I mind you). So, really, there's nothing much to them. In fact, I could easily say that there is nothing that they can do that can defeat the Hulk.

Now, that's fictional logic. If you want REAL logic, that I shall state that you, my kind sir, are an idiot. You can't put any REAL logic into this thread. Attempting to do so makes you look more like a retard than a fanboy. You even ask for logic, yet you don't pull any crap at all! And that angers me to no end. So I'm going to be straight with you. Me and other people have been nice with you so far, but I'm going straight-forward: You are a fanboy, who just wants to make his favorite characters look like gods. There is no point in this thread. You haven't entertained us with any actual good arguments, and in all truth, you made this thread more pointless than interesting. With that, I shall take my leave.


LoD Come Back!!!
omg...as i have said multiple times....according to CAPCOM...the makers of the game...and the way they portray the "savior", he can be easily taken down by hulk...as for dante fighting the hulk...again...as i have stated before....Dante has a limit to his power...Hulk doesn't....he can just get madder and madder and her will get stronger....dante, on the other hand...is only most powerful when he is in his dt, which only lasts for a limited time...seriously....u know any dmc?


Well-known Member
Railazel;198498 said:
Okay, Aoshi, we'll play your game. We'll be logical about this.

The Hulk's power is his rage. When he gets angry the large amounts of adrenaline set into his body will begin to mutate his cells, thus causing him to turn green in color and his muscles to grow into superhuman sizes.

As i posted earlier, cell mutations is a fantasy. U get diseases if cells mutate not not super grown tissues. Dante and vergil are no mutated creatures but have demon blood flowing in them. But the only demonic element DMC is demon flux. Not an explosion or mutation. It is logical as the flux is only finite unlike u state for hulk on an integeral factor which keeps increasing which in itself is non-logical.This will result in obvious imbalance.

Railazel;198498 said:
Of course, since his power is his rage, the angrier he gets, the stronger and bigger he gets. Thankfully (for him), he is put into situations where his anger can increase- such as pain from enemies attacks, someone he cares about being harmed, etc. Now, due to his muscle size increase, his muscles become almost impossible to penetrate (Note: Bullets have as much penetrative power as a sword if not more) and if his muscles continue to increase in size, there would probably be nothing that can actually harm the dude and possibly nothing that could stop him considering the fact that he gets stronger as well. Now, put him in DMC's situation:

Mundus: I will kill all humanity.
Hulk: HULK SMASH! *Smashes Mundus to bits*
Savior: Roooaaarr!
Hulk: HULK SMASH! *Smashes Savior to bits*
Arkham: I have the power!

Hulk impenetrable skin and rage are what is fanboyish. Arkham consumed sparda's power and arkham's imbalance let to his defeat unlike hulk whose imbalance seems to be a gift. Can u justify ur fanboyism here? U think mutated cells give supergrown tissues. And dont be thankful as hulk's disorder is put in right circumstances because that is where the comics place him.

Railazel;198498 said:
As for Dante and Vergil, all they do is shoot and slash, get stabbed and survive, and that's it. We haven't seen them get any stronger except for getting a power boost from somewhere (Vergil actually got weaker when he turned corrupted, may I mind you). So, really, there's nothing much to them. In fact, I could easily say that there is nothing that they can do that can defeat the Hulk.

No, that is wat u do with ur controller. They dont get stronger but get more skillful. Point is u dont understand these characters or their growth except for the hack and slash.

Railazel;198498 said:
Now, that's fictional logic. If you want REAL logic, that I shall state that you, my kind sir, are an idiot. You can't put any REAL logic into this thread. Attempting to do so makes you look more like a retard than a fanboy. You even ask for logic, yet you don't pull any crap at all! And that angers me to no end. So I'm going to be straight with you. Me and other people have been nice with you so far, but I'm going straight-forward: You are a fanboy, who just wants to make his favorite characters look like gods. There is no point in this thread. You haven't entertained us with any actual good arguments, and in all truth, you made this thread more pointless than interesting. With that, I shall take my leave.

Hulk with the super grown tissues and unbalance anger management is characterised as an animal on loose. Dante has tamed animals before and hulk will be no different which is logic i give. If u cant accept it, I can care less. I dont have to be a fanboy to state these. Ur character justifications are ridiculous.


LoD Come Back!!!
wow dude...u seriously make no sense....cell mutations are not fantasy...happens all the time actually...ever hear of cancer? mutation right there...ever hear of radiation poisoning? that's a mutation caused by radiation! omg...u seriously know nothing....so this SPECIFIC TYPE of radiation, just so happens to have this effect...that's highly more believable than dante's half demonic blood, which, by nature itself, is a mutation...hybrids, which is exaclty what dante and vergil are, are a LOT less common than genetic mutations


Well-known Member
GamblingGambitCloud;198505 said:
wow dude...u seriously make no sense....cell mutations are not fantasy...happens all the time actually...ever hear of cancer? mutation right there...ever hear of radiation poisoning? that's a mutation caused by radiation! omg...u seriously know nothing....so this SPECIFIC TYPE of radiation, just so happens to have this effect...that's highly more believable than dante's half demonic blood, which, by nature itself, is a mutation...hybrids, which is exaclty what dante and vergil are, are a LOT less common than genetic mutations

Cell mutations of hulk. In the same post, i have stated that cell mutations cause diseases and not super grown tissues. And the only demonic part in DMC was demonic flux and not overgrown tissues. Also state of constant DT drains life as in misson 12 of Devl may cry 3. Demonic inheritance is limited and so can be mutations or watever the cause of hulk's energy is. But since posts state hulk is invincible because of unlimited source, I dont find it logical to accept. I can understand LASER is one which can produce output on an integral factor. But certainly not on human tissue.

I am done with this crap. If u dont understand science, It is not my problem.


New Member
See people?

Aoshi is the perfect example of blind fanboyism. Don't try It at home.

Now, that's fictional logic. If you want REAL logic, that I shall state that you, my kind sir, are an idiot. You can't put any REAL logic into this thread. Attempting to do so makes you look more like a retard than a fanboy. You even ask for logic, yet you don't pull any crap at all! And that angers me to no end. So I'm going to be straight with you. Me and other people have been nice with you so far, but I'm going straight-forward: You are a fanboy, who just wants to make his favorite characters look like gods. There is no point in this thread. You haven't entertained us with any actual good arguments, and in all truth, you made this thread more pointless than interesting. With that, I shall take my leave.

You sir, don't need to waste time with this kind of people like Aoshi. ^_^


Well-known Member
Sparda™;198511 said:
See people?

Aoshi is the perfect example of blind fanboyism. Don't try It at home.

You sir, don't need to waste time with this kind of people like Aoshi. ^_^

I'm like my father, whenever I see children acting stupid, I have the urge to slap them.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
OH MY GOD WILL YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP?! This is frickin' pointless! Stop feeding the troll. If you guys stop talking and let the admins handle it, it'll stop. I'm not saying the admins are my guard dogs. No, far from it. I just want this pointless arguing to stop, please? Your argument that Hulk makes no sense is pointless, because Dante and Vergil make no sense. It even has been proven that certain radiation types can cause BENEFICIAL mutations. There. I hope this ends...
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