clairavance;197822 said:Vergil is no Wolverine. None of the superheroes owned my marvel can even come close to him or Dante.
But for the sake of amusement, how do you think Hulk would defeat Vergil?
The Hulk possesses the potential for near-limitless physical strength depending directly on his emotional state, particularly his anger. This has been reflected in the repeated comment "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets." After probing, the entity Beyonder once claimed that the Hulk had "no finite element inside". His durability, healing, and endurance also increase in proportion to his temper. Greg Pak described the Hulk shown during World War Hulk as having a level of physical power where "Hulk was stronger than any mortal --and most immortals-- who ever walked the Earth."
The Hulk is resistant to most forms of injury or damage. The extent varies between interpretations, but he has withstood the equivalent of core solar temperatures, nuclear explosions, and planet-splitting impacts. He has been shown to have both regenerative and adaptive healing abilities, including growing tissues to allow him to breathe underwater, surviving unprotected in space for extended periods (yet still eventually needing to breathe), and when injured, healing from most wounds within seconds.
His powerful legs allow him to leap into lower Earth orbit or across continents, and he has displayed sufficient superhuman speed to match Thor, or the Sentry. He also has less commonly described powers, including abilities allowing him to "home in" to his place of origin in New Mexico, resist psychic control, grow stronger from radiation or dark magic, and to see and interact with astral forms.
'Nuff said.