Because in general, japanese developers tend to understand how gameplay works and make great mechanics for their games, while western developers tend to make generic gameplay for a story-driven experience that holds your hand in a too linear experience with magnetic platforms and hand-holding. Ninja Theory may be an exception to the rule, but only AFTER working with a japanese developer very closely, specially about gameplay, before that their games were also generic in that department.
Not entirely true, though I mostly agree with you. I highly recommend watching Darksiders combos or even playing it yourself. The game lends itself to being creative your combos and weapons. I bring up Darksiders since it was developed by Vigil Games(Located in Texas).
Just compare any western shooter with Vanquish or Resident Evil 6, they don't stand a chance when it comes to mechanics, even the biggest ones like Gears of War. And that's a genre dominated by western devs.
Again mostly agree with you, but even Gears does have it's in-depth mechanics like RE6. RE4, 5 and 6 feel very..."Japanese" when it comes to using invincibility frames and animation reading(as someone who plays Mercs for 5 and 6 nonstop). Whereas Gears has mechanics such as blindfire estimating, wall bouncing and quick weapon switching.
And seriously, in this forum the question should be "Why does DmC gets a free pass at everything it has, no matter how flowed?", it really bugs me that unskippable cutscenes in the middle of a boss fight is seen as "nitpicking" in here, and also complaining about big loading times is reason to be laughed at, like you can't grab yourself a drink during that time. It's ridiculous, that's not the kind of feedback that will help the game improve in future iterations, that's just ass kissing that supports the kind of behavior they had about fans, even when they were offering very solid feedback about the game by playing the demo.