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Cats or dogs?


Aya Brea
Nothing will ever be as cute as this... (Lol. I think it's shooped cause it looks edited to look like it has more cats. I still thought it was cute!)

I like dogs and cats, but I prefer cats alot more. <3 Yay! Tomorrow is Caturday! :D


The devoted
Cats are better becaues i have been attacked by a dog but cats dont hurt as many people so CATS FTW!!!


Aya Brea
Lol. I used to own 15 cats. I was attacked daily. xD Dogs are more agressive when they are angry though... :[

The dark knight

Well-known Member
Any animal that wont eat me and/or tear the flesh off my bones for fun.I have to say both.But if it was a kitten I would LOVE IT FOREVER!!!Puppies are more attached to thir owners.Cats are like eh if you're here might as well pet me.


Aya Brea
I wish we could have at least one on animal. But since I live with my 91 year old great-grandmother who's not always feeling well, it'll be hard to take care of it since I'm not always home and she can't take care of it and give it attention. :/ I guess I'll just buy some fish for now. They're relaxing to look at.


Aya Brea
*has been attacked by both* I can't stand dog attacks. They were never vicious with me or rabid, but I just feared one day they would be pushed to the limit of being agressive.

Some reason... I can stand a cat biting me, scratch me, or just clining to me with it's claws deep in my skin biting me. I'm just used to it. xD The most I do to them to make'em stop is a quick pop to the head. I don't hurt'em or do it roughly or hard. Just enough to say, "Hey! You need to stop and let go." Pulling them off of me just makes them more mad and more likely to bit harder. xD


Aya Brea
Also... Dogs are loud. Especially the little ones. xD They may be very loyal, but I cannot stand things that are louder than me.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
fish are cool. dogs are alot smarter than cats. Cats dont like being made a huge fuss about.


I prefer Dogs, cats constantly shed hair and quite often I find myself having an allergic reaction to them.

maybe those hairless Egyptian cats would be good tho'

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
I much prefer dogs they are loyal.

I remember once reading about a dog owner who took his dog to a lake or something and tried to drown it. The owner accidently fell in and the dog still saved his life. When would you see a cat do that (even if it was physicly capable.)
A dog has more going for it than the fact that it is a cute animal a dog is a real companion and most would probably die for their owner.
Dogs rule!!!!


TimeLord Detective
I am not into animals, but if I had to choose I would probably get a dog's side.:p I find them easier to understand than cats.


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
I like dogs because they're awesome, but I also like cats because they're soft and I love petting them :)
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