Cats or dogs?

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I'd go for cats over dogs...I prefer a cat's independence. They can be just as affectionate as a loyal hound too - and they don't crap all over the place either; they have the decency to bury their mess at least.

Been put off dogs ever since we inherited Steve's creature...
Another vote for dogs from me. I'm not a big fan of cats, sadly.
what's it's name.
i've noticed so far that most prefer cats. i had a hunch that they would be more popular.
houdini, cool name for a dog Bad Wolf.
Houdini the world famous escape artist dog.
^ lol. have you seen those weird cats that look like they are trying to bark? I've seen them on youtube, cats acting like dogs... freaky.
forgot how old it was, but technically I didn't revive it... it's dead now.
you like cats too, so do I becasue they are cute and furry, seems that this topic isn't as dead as I thought.