I'm bringing drinks. Coke, beer and... What do you guys want? I'm just heading to the supermarket. :troll:Not your fault. Your not the only who reacted, so don't be harsh with yourself^_^
Also, come and join the party.![]()

I'm bringing drinks. Coke, beer and... What do you guys want? I'm just heading to the supermarket. :troll:Not your fault. Your not the only who reacted, so don't be harsh with yourself^_^
Also, come and join the party.![]()
Seeing all those lamps in that video made me think of this.This is how you party at IKEA.
Lyssec, you say your love accepts a replacement correct?You are not getting my point. I am NOT telling you to accept the reboot. If I did, you'd be completely right in saying I am pushing my 'morals' on you. (although morals is not the appropriate word for this, 'kind of love' is maybe better. My fault for using it.)
Maybe saying "that's your call" was not the right expression (not a native English speaker, so I may have got the meaning of that expression wrong, and for that I sincerely apologize).
Let's put it like this.
MY kind of love, my way of being a fan, allows me to accept a replacement. YOUR kind of love, your way of being a fan, does not
Drugs....only drugs. I'm happy with only drugs...and Dante. Try and find him too:troll:I'm bringing drinks. Coke, beer and... What do you guys want? I'm just heading to the supermarket. :troll:
Why not?Lyssec, you say your love accepts a replacement correct?
Hypothetically DmC reboot was replaced with another game or a reboot of DmC.
Would your love still accept that?
I'll have to find Vergil too.Drugs....only drugs. I'm happy with only drugs...and Dante. Try and find him too:troll:
And if you dont like it, will you still accept it replacing DmC?Why not?
Yes, I would be sorry DmC didn't get a sequel. I would maybe be angry for a while, even. But then, I would give this hypothetical dMc a try, and, if I find it good I will probably come to love it as well.
I'd be sorry, disappointed. Maybe angry. But, oh well, I can't have everything I want in life, can I? And surely I would be wary of openly saying someone is not a DmC fan as me for liking dMc, if that is the next question you are going to ask.And if you dont like it, will you still accept it replacing DmC?
I am not saying your not a multi fan. You are.I'd be sorry, disappointed. Maybe angry. But, oh well, I can't have everything I want in life, can I? And surely I would be wary of openly saying someone is not a DmC fan as me for liking dMc, if that is the next question you are going to ask.
Yes, ask all of them to the party, especially Jamie Lannister...I would also like John Snow and Drogo...and more drugsI'll have to find Vergil too.
Since I'm out there searching, any other requests? I'm phoning Jaime Lannister and Cesare Borgia too, so just tell me if I have to phone someone else. I have free calls on my phone. :troll:
I wouldn't mind either way.I'd be sorry, disappointed. Maybe angry. But, oh well, I can't have everything I want in life, can I? And surely I would be wary of openly saying someone is not a DmC fan as me for liking dMc, if that is the next question you are going to ask.
And that's what I was getting at before, but you denied it. I said that you thought fans of DmC would have a tainted view towards DMC5 being made.But i don´t think you´ve gone through the same thing as those who have been fan prior to DmC.
And reason i also excluded multi fans from poll is because i dont think someone can truly be fan of both DmC and DMC equally.
It's all about what you think. But you have no idea what goes on in someone elses head. You can't say that you know a dual fan doesn't like DmC as much as DMC or DMC as much as DmC. How do you know how people feel? -- You don't.
And as such i believe people who have become multi fans may let their bias of enjoying DmC the reboot influence whether they would support DMC 5 or not after what Capcom did to DMC fans and the original serie´s character.
I didnt deny anything. You assumed i excluded DmC and multi fans because you thought by doing that i would get the desired voting results, preorder price, but you are completely wrong.And that's what I was getting at before, but you denied it. I said that you thought fans of DmC would have a tainted view towards DMC5 being made.
But i don´t think you´ve gone through the same thing as those who have been fan prior to DmC.
If I was Capcom's CEO, I'd say whatever they think sells best (and possibly would help reuniting the fanbase, even if I don't think it possible).e.g what if you had to make a decision: Capcom would either release a DmC or DMC game from now on, and you impacted their decision:
And as such i believe people who have become multi fans may let their bias of enjoying DmC the reboot influence whether they would support DMC 5 or not after what Capcom did to DMC fans and the original serie´s character.
You never made that clear, so how was anyone supposed to know.I didnt deny anything. You assumed i excluded DmC and multi fans because you thought by doing that i would get the desired voting results, preorder price, but you are completely wrong.
But you're saying that you only want DMC fans to vote because they would be more likely to want DMC5, meaning that they would be more likely to buy it.
I think multi fans have a bias that would make them support Capcom because they might have enjoyed DmC and thus they arent to bothered with what Capcom did before, during and after DmC.
Of course fans are bothered with what comes after DmC; whether it is DMC5 or DmC too, fans of all or fans of only one will be bothered.
And what is wrong with supporting Capcom? How is that a bias? If Capcom is not supported by fans then there will be no more games.
Plus, you're wrong about fans of DmC not being bothered with DMC. I'm a fan of both, DMC since I was a teenager, so of course I am bothered with what comes after DmC, be it DMC5 or DmC. And just because I like DmC doesn't mean I suddenly no longer care about DMC1,2,3 or 4. I'm playing DMC3 right now.
Please take your baseless assumptions away. You are wrong.
And poll wasnt meant to ask DmC fans for whether they would support DMC 5 or not. I didnt care about that, and thats not what my intentions with poll was, hence why i wanted the poll to be strictly DMC fans.
Thats why i said if your not qualified please dont vote.
i.e asking you to respect the reason why i made the poll.
What a coincidence. Jaime Lannister and Cesare Borgia had an incestuous relationship with their respective sister.I'll have to find Vergil too.
Since I'm out there searching, any other requests? I'm phoning Jaime Lannister and Cesare Borgia too, so just tell me if I have to phone someone else. I have free calls on my phone. :troll:
Yes, it is possible. Why else would I be all over this forum talking in-depth about all the DMC games. I like to talk about them, analyse the plot and find out tips for improving my stylish ranking from other players on here.You may play DmC and had fun with it. Enjoyed it. Put a smile on your face. Then when someone talked about Capcom, despite Capcom´s bad acts you might be critically soft on them.
I enjoyed DmC, but it certainly has its faults and there's no hiding that. There's room to improve, that's for sure.
Yes, this forum is open. But i never told DmC or multi fans to not comment.
You said they couldn't vote, that's the issue.
You surprise me, i dont think many multi fans would give an answer like yours "I will flip a coin". I could continue and give you a ultimatium, but i think that wont be necessary.
I'm not flipping a coin. And why would you want to threaten me with an ultimatum? That's just weird.
That does not mean i view every multi fan in same way as i view you.
Perhaps its possible for someone to be fan of both DmC and DMC EQUALLY. Perhaps...
I can respond as I please. Don't tell me what to do. Do you think you're my Mommy?:lol:Speaking of respect Loopy which has been a topic in this thread.
Yes, a topic people have called you out on- not me.
Do you think your being respectful towards me by assuming that because i ask only DMC fans to vote that means i want that to influence the poll positively?
Click on the "10-15 dollar" option. Who voted that?
Yes, I do, and yes you do want the poll to be infuenced positively because you seem to think that only DMC fans will want to buy the game, not DmC fans or dual fans.
I did.
Which goes against your assumption that reason i asked strictly DMC fans to take part in poll is so taht the poll
will be only preorder price votes.
No it doesn't.
I am seriously frustrated at how you can assume that and still keep bringing it up.
Shall i go as far as say i am offended?
Go for it. Be offended. It's only a forum. Not my problem if your feeling offended in real life over and exchange of words un a virtual domain.
Besides, if you look back at this topic and others, you'll see how many other members you've offended. If you dish it out, prepare to take it.
And if your going to talk or discuss with me, you should take notes from Lyssec (everyone should).
You had a go at Lyssec in other topics, so at least Lyssec is still willing to try and talk sense to you. Others are not so tolerant of you. As for me, I'm being more polite than others who have called you 'mentally unhinged' and posted memes at you. Take a look back at other topics, and you'll see.
Dont use bold text
Dont write in the quotes I do this for all replies to quotes for the sake of convenience. You're not a special case-- trust me.
And generally stop assuming things and instead ask me.
Heh- you're right. Nice connection there.What a coincidence. Jaime Lannister and Cesare Borgia had an incestuous relationship with their respective sister.
At least I could see that...unlike whatever you posted above. Now, let's see if you stick to that, walk away and don't respond to me.Yes your being respectful towards me by assuming something that´s not true? Hey, at least I'm not calling you names like other on here have in various topics and memes.
Didn´t i just tell you i am offended by that? Do you think i take offense because of nothing.
You are being offended over nothing. I don't agree with you and for some reason this offends you...
Why would i vote 10-15 dollars if the aim of the poll was to get people to vote positively dollar wise as you assume?
You even assume i think only DMC fan would buy a DMC game. That is laughable. Let me express how frustrated and much i laugh at your assumptions (because they are not true):
But that's what your getting at by only allowing DMC fans to vote. I'm not the only one who got this impression.
So, when you can't argue properly, you post GIFs...
You're the only one laughing at me. I don't see anyone else doing it. Enjoy your exclusive club, members: One-- you.
GIF expressing my reaction to you assuming i think only DMC fans would buy a DMC game:
Ah, anime...the last resort to prove a point....cute....
GIF expressing my frustration with you assuming that i wante the poll results to be positive hence why i asked DMC fans only for their vote:
I can't see that image. It's asking me to go to 'funnyjunk' so your attempt at whatever you are attempting is lost on me. Nice try.:troll:
And this is my response to our talk
What a coincidence. Jaime Lannister and Cesare Borgia had an incestuous relationship with their respective sister.