And based on this, if your a DMC fan and you give DmC a chance knowing it could replace DMC, then how are you truly a DMC fan if you ignore the fact it could be replaced?
This is the only relevant thing to your post here, and the answer is YES, because I STILL LOVE IT.
As I said, love comes in different forms, and some of this forms CAN ACCEPT that a thing can be replaced. A game is not a person, you know. I cannot accept that a person I love is killed, but, gawd, there is a difference between PEOPLE and GAMES. And there is a difference between killing and not getting a sequel, too.
I am not asking you to be happy that DMC was replaced. I am not asking you to like DmC. If YOU cannot accept your game to be replaced, than that is YOUR call.
What I am asking, is to respect other people's love for the series, for DMC. Stop pushing your strict morals on anyone else. Stop deciding who is a true fan and who is not. Stop judging people because they use different standards then yours. Stop saying I am not a DMC fan simply because I like something else.
And if, deep inside, you cannot stop thinking in terms of true fans, then at least stop filling your posts with that logic, because, once again, this is completely NON RESPECTFUL. Why is it non respectful? Because it is pushing your parameters for value judgements upon others, while discussing a topic that it is of non vital importance (it's a GAME we are talking about, not matters of life and death).
And please take note that
1. I did not even question that DmC was a replacement.
2. In my previous post I even said that I could AGREE with your need to ask ONLY DMC fans. (Even if I think that this poll was not THE RIGHT WAY to do it). When I am talking about respect, I am talking about imposing one's morals (see the concluding part of this post). That's why it is YOU who failed in the first place. That said, I admit that I personally read your request not to vote later, that's why I voted in the poll (and since in the OP you stated that it was people who knew DmC first who shouldn't vote, I would have been qualified for the poll, by that criterion).