Your telling me to stop pushing my morals on others, yet you tell me to accept something i dont want to accept? What the hell is that supposed to be "If you cant accept it then thats your call", what is it wrong for me to not accept something being replaced?
Because DMC is not a human its all of sudden ok to accept a reboot?
You are not getting my point. I am NOT telling you to accept the reboot. If I did, you'd be completely right in saying I am pushing my 'morals' on you. (although morals is not the appropriate word for this, 'kind of love' is maybe better. My fault for using it.)
Maybe saying "that's your call" was not the right expression (not a native English speaker, so I may have got the meaning of that expression wrong, and for that I sincerely apologize

Let's put it like this.
MY kind of love, my way of being a fan, allows me to accept a replacement. YOUR kind of love, your way of being a fan, does not.
But who am I to judge which kind of love is stronger? Who am to say, for example, that you are not a real fan of this franchise because you reject something that IS a part of it? But I am NOT making such a statement. I would never dare. It would be disrespectful of me to judge another people's love.
But, just as I should not say that you are not a true fan because of my personal "criteria" for love, neither are you to judge how true a fan I am.
I am not trying to say you should love the reboot. In this sense I said "that's your call". Once again, if this expression confused you, I apologize.
What I am trying to say is that respect demands of you that you do not pass judgement on others (saying they are not true fans) because they do. On the other hand, no one should not say you are less of a fan because you don't like it.
I can even come to terms with the fact that, in the privacy of your mind, you think less of someone because he is not a true fan according to your standards. What I cannot come to terms with is that you publicly say this in a post, belittling other people for their beliefs. (Sorry, but saying 'you are not a true fan' is belittling)
That's the ONLY thing I ask of you, because not belittling the people you are speaking to is the first rule to lead a respectful conversation.