That's why I'm hopeful that Resident Evil reboot happens, because the quality has really gone down. I think Resident Evil 4 was the last good one that I really enjoyed [although Relevations might be good too, but i still need to get that to find out.]
When you've got a series going on that long, eventually they need to start over and give it a new take. Otherwise you get Resident Evil 6. And the Silent Hill's I haven't bothered with except for Origins, because they don't interest me no more.
And what about Metal Gear? That fourth one should've been the last title and now they're popping out another one? Sure for all we know it might actually wind up being good, but is there a point where a series can get too many sequels, be stretched out too long and the quality starts decline? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sadly in most cases it's often the latter.