Capcom Halves Forcast: Blames "Excessive Outsourcing"

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1) Is the content for most part recycled from main game? Not... really, I guess? The level layout is new as well as textures and music. Surely, they probably re-used models and demons, but hey, it still has to look like the main game and they probably didn't have that much money left anyway.
2) Has this gameplay existed before? GAMEPLAY that is Depends on your point of view :/
3) How long after main game release was DLC released? 6 months is MY "seal of approval" for DLC though there are exceptions to this rule. I believe that VD can be filed under exception. They knew that DmC would have problems with sales and that Vergil is a very popular character, so releasing it shortly after the launch of DmC was probably the best decision. Wait much longer, and people would loose interest. Sure, it was developed alongside the main game, but, well, I don't really see why that is a problem...? I mean, for all we know, every DLC ever could have been ready when the game released, but they just waited for a while to release that DLC. Not very likely, but possible :P
4) Was the DLC announced before or after main game release? Well, in this case they had to do so, as the wanted to offer it as a free DLC for pre-orderers, which is very generous of them, if you ask me.

5) Is there ALOT of new things in the DLC? STORY and GAMEPLAY wise. Story: The story is pretty much completely new, as it explores a character that has barely been explored in the main game. Gameplay: Well, you can't change that much about the gameplay, because if you would, it would no longer be a Devil May Cry game. I think the gamplay is new enough, seeing as it offers a different character to play as than the main game did.
6) Is there signs of lazyness? e.g DmC VD cartoonish cutscenes I really don't think that it was about lazyness, but about not having enough budget for motion captured cutscenes, as they are very expensive, as you already mentioned yourself.

Then you got yourself a "money grabber" of a "dlc" i.e your being sold content that they withheld for maaaney.
Nah. The game would have done just fine without it, and the only other DMC that gave you a "completely" different story as a different character was DMC2, so I really don't think it's withheld content.
On topic: Noooooooooo (;A; ) And I was so hoping for a DmC2! M'k, I'll just buy lots and lots of official merchandise to show them I care (TT_TT)
I'm not sure but I think the problem might not be the outsourcing or quality of the games, but that people these days are less likely to "take risks", so to speak. I mean, as far as I heard, Call of Duty just does the same thing all over again, yet manages to sell millions, because people know "Oh, yeah, Call of Duty is good, so I'll probably ejoy the next one aswell" so they tend to buy anothe CoD instead of a title they might be interested in, but never heard of, which results in bad sales of not-so well known titles...?
^ Your replies gives me impression that you work for Capcom.

You say Capcom is generous.
Tell me after Streetfighter x Tekken and Marvel "Ultimate" edition
After Capcom turning DMC fans complaint about original Dante being gone, Capcom made a costume for DmC Dante (DMC 3 dante costume) and put it up for sale.

After Capcom rebooted DMC for 5m sales, and made RE 6 FPS like for sake of money. Similar to Megaman reboot FPS ==== money.

Why should i give Capcom a benefit of doubt?

Vergil´s downfall certainly do not seem like a DLC.
The story sucked. It was as generic as it could be.
And there was barely any great cinematic cutscenes. Hell many of them were cartoonish stuff.
And Bloody Palace was not included for Vergil.
Hell Vergil isn´t playable in Dante´s missions.
And the DLC was released around 2 months after main game.

Tell me: Do you think i am a fool?
Because i am not.

"Capcom had a tight budget with Vergil´s downfall".
I don´t believe it, the budget they had for DmC probably included Vergil´s downfall.
Vergil´s downfall story and cutscenes compared to main game is piece of ****.

Again your reply gives me vibe that your working for Capcom (not that i think you are). Just saying.
"Capcom is so generous".

They aren´t generous enough to provide quality with what they have given to people:
You sure you want enlightenment from THAT guy?

Starting flame war...

Because his stupidity reaches the point where reading anything he writes is unbearable?
I thought it's obvious.

... And the first shot has been fired. Really Terrutas, you must learn to show some restraint before saying calling someone stupid.


^ Your replies gives me impression that you work for Capcom.
Tell me: Do you think i am a ****en fool?
Because i am not.

"Capcom had a tight budget with Vergil´s downfall".
Bullshit, the budget they had for DmC probably included Vergil´s downfall.
Vergil´s downfall story and cutscenes compared to main game is piece of ****.

Calm down. Stop swearing. There are better ways to get your point across without being overly aggressive. She was merely responding, and you start dropping f-bombs left and right. Relax a little before you reply.
Starting flame war...

... And the first shot has been fired. Really Terrutas, you must learn to show some restraint before saying calling someone stupid.
If his post didn't bring your **** to a boil, I'm honestly surprised.

He calls out people for not knowing what they're talking about when he barely has a grasp on reality.
If his post didn't brink your **** to a boil, I'm honestly surprised.

He calls out people for not knowing what they're talking about when he barely has a grasp on reality.

I'll talk to him later, then. He doesn't respond to PMs, so it'll have to be on a thread.
^ Your replies gives me impression that you work for Capcom.
Well, I'm just pretty naiv is all :/

You say Capcom is generous. Well, in my opinion, yeah, kinda. They could have just aswell make everyone pay. But yeah, generous was a bit exaggerated, my bad ._.
Tell me after Streetfighter x Tekken and Marvel "Ultimate" edition Never played it so I don't care.
After Capcom turning DMC fans complaint about original Dante being gone, Capcom made a costume for DmC Dante (DMC 3 dante costume) and put it up for sale. Probably something they planned on from the very start, you know, as fanservice?

After Capcom rebooted DMC for 5m sales, and made RE 6 FPS like for sake of money. Similar to Megaman reboot FPS ==== money. I'm not saying that I think it's good what they did to RE 6, but I'm no one to judge anyway, since A. I'm not a RE fan and B. I never Played RE 6.

Why should i give Capcom a benefit of doubt?

Vergil´s downfall certainly do not seem like a DLC. Why not? To me it does... ._.
The story sucked. It was as generic as it could be. I found it very interesting. idk if it was generic. I don't whatch many movies or read may books, so I never seen anything like it. I liked it a lot, and it moved me like nothing ever moved be before. That's all I know.
And there was barely any great cinematic cutscenes. Hell many of them were cartoonish stuff. Well, that was disappointing, sure.
And Bloody Palace was not included for Vergil. *shrugs* you know, maybe they simply didn't feel like pooring more money into a game that sold "bad" in their opinion?
Hell Vergil isn´t playable in Dante´s missions. Why should he be? It wouldn't make any sense story wise, and NT does care for their story a lot is seems, given that they left out taunts because of the story. Gotta admit I'm not sure if I should believe them on that one :/
And the DLC was released around 2 months after main game. I'm sorry but I still fail to see the problem here.

Tell me: Do you think i am a ****en fool? No. If I made it seem that way I'm truely sorry ._. It's probably me that's the fool here.
Because i am not.

"Capcom had a tight budget with Vergil´s downfall".
Bullshit, the budget they had for DmC probably included Vergil´s downfall. We don't know.
Vergil´s downfall story and cutscenes compared to main game is piece of ****. Cutsecenes, yes, story? Not at all. But sure, that's only my opinion.

Again your reply gives me vibe that your working for Capcom (not that i think you are). Just saying.
"Capcom is so generous".

They aren´t generous enough to provide quality with what they have given to people:
Again, I don't really care about Resi. But come on! Not that stupid lock on complain again! Yes, it makes it more difficult, but that has nothing to do with the quality. People just have to learn how to use it properly, and it'll work. And that player in the video didn't even seem to try :/
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I'm trying to prevent the thread from being locked. Refrain from swearing and undue aggression, lest you incur the wrath of the Almighty Angel.
Very true. Don't want another thread to be locked>_<

So, now that Capcom have made this statement, I'm wondering if they will bring all of their games back to their studios? Or do you guys think it's too late for them to make a change?
I've already seen comments on other sites saying Capcom is heading for bust. Sure, they've made mistakes, but I don't want them to be bust. They have made some really fun games, plus I don't want people to lose their jobs, especially in this financial climate.
Sure, they've made mistakes, but I don't want them to be bust.

I do. Yes, really. It's time for another company to move in.

Almost everyone will lose their jobs regardless of what happens within the next couple of weeks due to the next recession on the horizon.

People get fired. That's life. And all because they supported this corrupt system and did nothing to change it in the first place. We reap what we sow.

I know I'm coming off as a complete hick (you know what I meant) here, but it's going to happen. There's no use mollycoddling anyone over it.

Things will go to hell. But we will recover.

And not that fake "recovery" from the crash in 2008. I mean a complete system overhaul. People are tired of being screwed, and there's no jobs to take asylum in.

This is going to happen. Capcom's shutting down. It's over.


You know, reading that gives me hope for another Megaman game.

Don't count on it. At least not anytime soon.
I do. Yes, really. It's time for another company to move in.

Almost everyone will lose their jobs regardless of what happens within the next couple of weeks due to the next recession on the horizon.

People get fired. That's life. And all because they supported this corrupt system and did nothing to change it in the first place. We reap what we sow.

I know I'm coming off as a complete hick (you know what I meant) here, but it's going to happen. There's no use mollycoddling anyone over it.

Things will go to hell. But we will recover.

And not that fake "recovery" from the crash in 2008. I mean a complete system overhaul. People are tired of being screwed, and there's no jobs to take asylum in.

This is going to happen. Capcom's shutting down. It's over.

Pretty pessimistic now are we?

Is it just Capcom, is EA, SEGA, Activision, Namco, Ubisoft, and more in just as much danger.
Enlighten me then
cutscenes like the ones in vergil's downfall, (which are really hard to pull off btw because they consist of a ****load of layers that all move separately) are not lazy, its just that cutscenes are very expensive to make when you also have to make exclusive levels and balance gameplay with a totally new character, unlike the jetstream sam dlc which has pretty cutscenes and reuses a **** ton of levels and moves, also, there is no way to determine whether or not the content is being withheld because you aren't there and you don't know how much planning went into this from a business standpoint, another thing is that there is no set time limit to determine whether or not a dlc was "withheld from players" because who the hell are we to say whether or not it was, some games are more expensive than other to make, some games are harder to make than others, some games have better engines than others and the work that goes into it is more in depth than the already in depth development of other games, planning out dlc that you want to make is not withholding content if its not finished or polished by the time the actual game comes out, and since game development takes more time and money than ever these days, its hard to produce them over a long period of time instead of starting early when the game is still relevant