Based on what I've heard in the article it seems Capcom isn't blaming any devs but are blaming their decision to outsource (or excessively outsource) their games to outside...I mean western devs.
Look on the bright side, at least they're not blaming the fans this time.
As for the decreasement in quality....its not denyable that some of their worst games this gen were outsourced games (RE: Operation Raccoon City, Bionic Commando (reboot), and Steel Armor Battallion...there is probably more) and not just bad games but low quality games (Asura's Wrath and more). There has been some pretty good outsourced Capcom games (Dead Rising 2 and Bionic Commando Rearmed 1 & 2).
Can't say much on Lost Planet 3 yet. However, Capcom isn't innocent here too they have put out some mediocre titles this gen as well (RE6 IMO wasn't bad it was a fun action game...some times...just a bad RE game, RE5 is pretty good .....with a friend, and DMC4 if backtracking and cliche writing is a deal breaker).
However, though not as good as the PS2/Gamecube era they still published plenty of great/good games this gen (RE: Revelations is the best RE game since RE4, Sengoku Basara series may not be DMC or Onimusha good but its quality is arguably getting better and better each game, Okamiden is a great mini sequel to Okami even without Kamiya's help, Dragon's Dogma though has some flaws is an insanely fun action RPG with the best combat system in any RPG out there, MM Starforce series were pretty good and SF3 was amazing, U/MvC3 IMO was a great fighting game it just had a small roster for a sequel to a game that had 60 characters, Lost Planet series, SF4....before it got milked...well its not bad just milked, Ace Attorney is just as good as before, Zack & Wiki was a fun and ambitious Wii title, and DMC4...based on who you are).
I can't say anything about DmC...I might offend someone (either pro or anti) here but I think if anything Capcom possibly grouped DmC in there....reason is DmC is their latest outsourced game.