Capcom Halves Forcast: Blames "Excessive Outsourcing"

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Because his stupidity reaches the point where reading anything he writes is unbearable?
I thought it's obvious.
and reported for being a personal insult for absolutely no reason, grow up, seriously, i'm tired of being insulted by you of all people, you rarely contribute anything to the discussion(like with this post) and constantly talk **** about me, your profile says 16, act like an adult for once

Thank you, Edenic. Poignant and civil, without resorting to aggression.

I'm just saying, it's not a good idea to insinuate that someone may be completely clueless and is completely lost... even if they did have it coming. It's just that this is how flame wars start, and I wanted to avoid that.
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I think that Capcom need to focus more on his studios than on publishing games, they need to play safe and stay faithful to their roots. I mean, they already was a great company with top-quality studios who made games that became classics, reference and top-quality in its genres, and in various genres like: fighting, plataformers, hack'n'slash. They've made it to the point of being a publisher because they've constructed their story by making good games, and all of a sudden they just want to sit down, mock their fanbase, all this the DLC thing, dismiss good employees, "get the CoD audience" for all their games, close good studios and all that drama we're seeing on the last years.

So i agree that this outsourcing can be a bad thing, not only for them but for people who likes their games the way they are (and who buy every title of their loved franchises everytime they're released). The japanese companies think they are hopeless because CoDs and Battlefields sell a gazillion of units and they assume they have to take gigantic risks to stay on par with this franchises and western companies. They've took that "japanese videogames companies are crashing" too serious and became desperated to be like the western ones, and this is not working as we can clearly see on the market reality.
You really need to have more confidence in yourself. And if you don't, then do something to improve your life to make yourself feel better.

Or just play games. That's what I do. Does wonders for boosting confidence.
i joined the track team in high school to boost confidence, i can jump six ft in the air and i exercise regularly, so yeah, idk about anyone else but i'm good on the confidence part
I do. Yes, really. It's time for another company to move in.
But which company should it be? Each company is as bad as the next these days. You can't just say another company should take Capcom's place. That's too simple. Besides, in time that company would become like Capcom.

Almost everyone will lose their jobs regardless of what happens within the next couple of weeks due to the next recession on the horizon.
Literally not everyone, but people do lose their jobs. However, I still don't want people at Capcom to lose their jobs because of the choices a few at the top made.

People get fired. That's life. And all because they supported this corrupt system and did nothing to change it in the first place. We reap what we sow.The workers at Capcom did not support it. They are simply doing a job for a wage, just like any other employeee at any comapny.
Besides, by being passive and going to work or education each day, aren't we all supporting a 'corrupt system' as you put it? We're all doing it, not just the people at Capcom.

I know I'm coming off as a complete hick (you know what I meant) here, but it's going to happen. There's no use mollycoddling anyone over it.

Things will go to hell. But we will recover.

And not that fake "recovery" from the crash in 2008. I mean a complete system overhaul. People are tired of being screwed, and there's no jobs to take asylum in.Something might happen, but it would take something bigger than this for revolution. Right now, people are kept just happy enough not to revolt.

This is going to happen. Capcom's shutting down. It's over.


Don't count on it. At least not anytime soon.
cutscenes like the ones in vergil's downfall, (which are really hard to pull off btw because they consist of a ****load of layers that all move separately) are not lazy, its just that cutscenes are very expensive to make when you also have to make exclusive levels and balance gameplay with a totally new character, unlike the jetstream sam dlc which has pretty cutscenes and reuses a **** ton of levels and moves, also, there is no way to determine whether or not the content is being withheld because you aren't there and you don't know how much planning went into this from a business standpoint, another thing is that there is no set time limit to determine whether or not a dlc was "withheld from players" because who the hell are we to say whether or not it was, some games are more expensive than other to make, some games are harder to make than others, some games have better engines than others and the work that goes into it is more in depth than the already in depth development of other games, planning out dlc that you want to make is not withholding content if its not finished or polished by the time the actual game comes out, and since game development takes more time and money than ever these days, its hard to produce them over a long period of time instead of starting early when the game is still relevant
A speech about how hard it is to make video games.

How hard can it be lol with nearly still images with slight animations:
i joined the track team in high school to boost confidence, i can jump six ft in the air and i exercise regularly, so yeah, idk about anyone else but i'm good on the confidence part

Crap, now I'm envious.

Oh well. I can always resume exercising again. *falls asleep*

Oh, and I think it's great you were on the track team. That's quite an accomplishment.

A speech about how hard it is to make video games.

How hard can it be lol with nearly still images with slight animations:

It's hard. Even the 2D games are really hard to make. If it were that easy, I would have made my Ninja Gaiden + Metroid (NES) game by now.
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A speech about how hard it is to make video games.

How hard can it be lol with nearly still images with slight animations:
very ****ing hard, harder to do than traditional animation -_- i'm an animation major and my roommate does animation this way and it takes weeks just to make one ten second animation using the layered illustration technique, like omfg its annoying when people who don't know how to do this stuff think its SOOO SIMPLE when its harder than anything they have ever done in their life
You really need to have more confidence in yourself. And if you don't, then do something to improve your life to make yourself feel better.

Or just play games. That's what I do. Does wonders for boosting confidence.
You mean play videogames? I'm not sure how that improves confidence, but it workes for you and that's what counts^_^ This is anecdotal, but I see people retreat into games like a fantasy escape from reality and not bother to leave the house. Like the opposite of confidence, and it's a terrible cycle to break.

i joined the track team in high school to boost confidence, i can jump six ft in the air and i exercise regularly, so yeah, idk about anyone else but i'm good on the confidence part
Yep, sports teams do give a great sense of confidence. That's why I started martial arts as a kid and swimming (well, thatw as more practical).

And oce again I fail to see the problem here. Vergil remembers everything he has been through during the course of VD, which is the last straw to losing himself completely, which leads into him unlocking all of his potential and power, as presentated by a large outburst - just like when Dante gained his DT in DMC 3. I really don't see your problem.
Very true. VD does a goo job of showing a story and telling it well without the cutscenes that are in DmC. I think the comic style ones work just as well. I think they did something like those for Heavenly sword too.
very ******* hard, harder to do than traditional animation -_- i'm an animation major and my roommate does animation this way and it takes weeks just to make one ten second animation using the layered illustration technique, like omfg its annoying when people who don't know how to do this stuff think its SOOO SIMPLE when its harder than anything they have ever done in their life

Aaaaaaand you've just crushed my dreams on being a (very low-cost) game developer. :(
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I was being sarcastic. Looking at the cartoonish animation of Vergil´s downfall makes me puke.
And i said earlier lazyness is a indication of "dlc" (notice " ").

Compare the animation of Vergil´s downfall, the animation of the cartoon cutscenes with this:
You mean play videogames? I'm not sure how that improves confidence, but it workes for you and that's what counts^_^ This is anecdotal, but I see people retreat into games like a fantasy escape from reality and not bother to leave the house. Like the opposite of confidence, and it's a terrible cycle to break.

Actually... I use it as an escape. The confidence boost is a part of what makes that escape so compelling (it has been proven that games are not addictive, they are compulsive, due to the fact that there's no external chemical from the actual physical game product itself (like normal drugs) that changes your behavior -- it's all motivational).

And leaving the house is expensive. Yes, even for a walk. You get hungry and have no money, you have to wait until you get back home. It's just really bothersome to leave the house at this point.

Yep, sports teams do give a great sense of confidence. That's why I started martial arts as a kid and swimming (well, thatw as more practical).

As long as you're moving, then I guess it counts. But I see MA and swimming not only as practical, but also necessary and overall just better than most sports. I don't like anything involving running on a field, I guess (my only other option was to say, "I don't like anything involving balls.").

MA and SW mostly only involve yourself. You can just swim without any competition. That, and it's great trying out your favorite moves. The feeling of swimming in the water just puts one's mind at ease, too.

Very true. VD does a good job of showing a story and telling it well without the cutscenes that are in DmC. I think the comic style ones work just as well. I think they did something like those for Heavenly sword too.

I love the VD cutscenes. I'm also very fond of the story as well... it was certainly a lot better than the one Vergil got in DMC3.




Two cutscenes if you count the library. Ok, so what's so special about that library? Is it (puts pinky on mouth) an EVIL LIBRARY?

How did Vergil get in that library? Did they let him in on his Demon VIP card? It has to be a very exclusive, and very secret library because he's there with his sword, and yet, no one cares.

See, this is what I hate about Dunte Must Cry. Most of the story had to be explained through fanfiction. :/
I was being sarcastic. Looking at the cartoonish animation of Vergil´s downfall makes me puke.
And i said earlier lazyness is a indication of "dlc" (notice " ").

Compare the animation of Vergil´s downfall, the animation of the cartoon cutscenes with this:
its extremely hard to do, compare the fact that was an animated series compared to vergil's downfall which is dlc with half an hour of cutscenes meaning it was more expensive to do than that series, like i said,ANIMATION IS HARD, PERIOD, see this
spent three weeks working on just this, 115 frames,
and it has no background, no layers, no shading, and it was harder than most of the work i've done, for just ten seconds, honestly, try to make an animation with two moving objects and a consistent size for each object and then call NT lazy after bags have formed under your eyes from exhaustion -__-

One more to the count.

One more to the count.
Why even do that? It's stupid.

It's not funny, and it just makes the thread go down even faster because you're baiting other people into doing it. It's completely pointless.

Freaking 9GAG level of humor, come the **** on.
its extremely hard to do, compare the fact that was an animated series compared to vergil's downfall which is dlc with half an hour of cutscenes meaning it was more expensive to do than that series, like i said,ANIMATION IS HARD, PERIOD, see this
spent three weeks working on just this, 115 frames,
and it has no background, no layers, no shading, and it was harder than most of the work i've done, for just ten seconds, honestly, try to make an animation with two moving objects and a consistent size for each object and then call NT lazy after bags have formed under your eyes from exhaustion -__-
Terrutas was right. You don´t make much sense.

You defend Ninja theory like crazy.

Which is ironic because the animation you made compared to Vergil´s downfall is on a different level.
Your animation is smooth and full of frames.

The cartoonish in VD seems to have very little frames.

And i dont care about if it was NT, a clown or Capcom who did the animation.
It sucks ****, and u dont have to be a animator to KNOW THIS.

The background had no animation...
Most of time objects/creatures was the things that were animated.
And it was lazy as ****.