Really? You think nero is mechanically the same as dante? Okay then, let's run over these hypothetical scenarios and test that notion
I rather play DMC 1 and 3 because they are just as fun and also like, good games. Unlike DMC 4. Go ahead, have pride that you wasted more time than me on that piece of crap. You have bad taste.
You want to act like Nero is actually so drastically different from our usual protagonist. He's not. From appearance and fighting style. He doesn't bring much to the table to really usher in a new character and Dante should have just been mapped with a grappling mechanic. They did that in DmC at least. The angel and demon pulls were an evolution of Vergil's teleport and Nero's arm. That worked out well and it should be incorporated in to the future.
DMC 4 is a terrible game. I remember most that game p!ssing me off. Making me go through the same levels again as Dante. That annoying board game mechanic that popped up twice. 2nd time more annoying than ever. That game is the definition of laziness. You should have gotten rid of it like I did a long time ago. I threw mine in a fire because Gamestop is like, we'll give you like $2. I'm like f*ck you too. I tossed it in a fire.
Those were some good marshmellows and I had more fun snacking on smores with my friends that day than playing DMC 4. If all I did was Bloody Palace after finishing the game then I regretted spending my money on it. Bloody Palace isn't worth $60. It mind boggles me how so many of you are just willing to shrug off the obvious faults DMC 4 has and accept it like it's one of the best. It's illogical. DMC 4 is a game that spits in your face as a Devil May Cry fan but it's freaking praised suddenly.
Scenario 1:
Let's say you're righting berial. You're standing right on top of him and he's just recovered from a stun, he's about to do his aoe fire roar and **** up everything within about 50 feet of him. What are your options are dante? What are your options about nero? Get as creative as you like, and assume any level of skill needed to pull it off
Scenario 2:
Echidna is flying around in snake form being a bitch. She flies straight toward you and tries to bite through you. What are your options as dante and as nero? Again, get creative
(or if you can't, feel free to throw on the e-thug routine and dance around the subject like an angry 19 year old)