I'm generally happy with life, sure i have my ups and downs, but doesn't everyone? Life can pretty much equal up to little more than a kick where it hurts some days, and others it can amount to something great, you take the good with the bad and there is no getting round it, it's sort of like...The natural order of things, for every good thing that happens, something bad must happen as a balance, but really, I just take whatever shot comes my way and move on.
My parents got divorced, so that was a tough time for me, coupled with the fact that I already had a lot flying around in my life, it really brought me down, and I mean HARD, but I just got back up and carried on with life, now, things really couldn't be much better, so I suppose what I'm trying to say is...Bad things will happen, you just have to be able to take the heat and move on with your life, be happy that you're actually alive, regardless of what anyone else says.