Apocalypse 2012

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i also have very little luck with women, i had a gf but we broke up yesterday after 2 years 4 months and 2 days, and that was my 1st gf
My relationship lasted 4 years and 6 months... it honestly wasn't great. I haven't had a boyfriend in 2 years. I honestly don't want one. Not yet. It's not killing me either. Plus I don't know what I want just in life yet. I'm still young with much to do. I don't want to start something that won't last this soon.
yeah i know what you mean but i am REALLY bored now, i used to stay at her house for an hour or so, but i need to get paid so i can buy bioshock and a new z-board so im not bored, but if the end of the world comes then it will have been a waste lol
Meh. I'm not worried on what video game I should buy. I need to save up my money. I'm just wondering what I want to do, not indulging in pleasures to ease my mind. I'm wanting to move out soon. Perhaps in a few more years. So I need to work on that.
that would be an amazing way to go, there is so much natural gas than will burn easy in the air that they light the Olympic flame and BANG!!!! the world blows up, how cool would that be?
on the other hand what if god (or gods and goddesses depending on your religion) comes down and kills everyone that isn't part of that religion, that could be scary but also it would prove one religion right and others wrong, but who knows which it would be?
ok, this is way off topic but i just have to say this..VI, that is one sweet sig..lol..i wish i woulda got it first..lol, but yeah..personally i think this is how it is...supposedly according the cristian religion, fyi im not christian im just using that as an example. according to their bible, god has destroyed the earth twice b4..once by water and once by fire..if this is true..then their are limited options left to take on this apocalypse. it would have to be something like..extreme wind and abnormally strong earthquakes, and stuff like that..and most likely if what the christians believe IS true..then all the elements might actually be the cause of the end of the world cuz supposedly this is suppose to me the most furious end...supposedly, "the final end" a hail storm of unpredictable disasters all in one
Fire?I dont remember that....He destroyed Babylon by fire...not the world. But he DID flood the world before.
.....Okay.....kinda weird lol.JK. I enjoy learning about my religion. I sometimes like to learn about other religions. Think about going to church. We arent bad peolle and we dont force things on you. Would you rather be in a happy place filled with love for an eternity or in a place full of pain and fire and misery for an eternity? But it is your choice. You choose what your religion is.If you want one.