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Apocalypse 2012


Aya Brea
DMC takes place in our modern day world, so I'm sure christianity and all that other stuff exists in it along with what the order followed.

All I want to know is what state Dante is located in. For some odd reason I want to say Chicago... don't ask.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
well, i wont push it on u, but it is one great game in most ppls opinion..lol, but anyways..yeah, thats the game that got me started on studying greek religion and mythology. but for the most part my studies started when i was about 10 and realized my family dosnt have any real religion base so i descided to start learning about them all and my origional intent was to find the one that i believe the most and follow it..little did i know it would for the most part take over my life..lol, even when it comes to videogames


Aya Brea
Yeah. I think the order was a mix of alot of things.

I, myself, don't have a religion. My grandmother and I are on the agnostic side, but I like reading and learning about all kinds of religions. How they came to be, practicies, ect... it's really fun. I wish more people would do it, though. Doing that doesn't mean you have to throw away what you believe. But I've just met too many people who bash someones beliefs when they have no idea what they're talking about.

That is why I say, "Learn of what you hear before you open your mouth."

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
exactly..u see thats the way it was for me..i was tired of everyone always saying that their religion was right and everyone else's was wrong..so i started learning about them to decide for myself..and what ive come to realize is..there cant possibly be any one religion that has it 100%...there's just too much that has to be explained for anyone to get it all right


Aya Brea
In the end there is no right or wrong to it. Well... only wrong to it is how you wish to use it for evil intentions. At least in my opinion.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
yeah..its kinda like..nobody has the right or wrong answer, but the whole point of living is to find something to believe in..if u dont believe in something then why are u hear? u know.


Aya Brea
Raptor Jesus was my savior...

I kid. I don't deny a higher power exists. I do have a spiritual side. Especially in balance and nature. I study alot on Buddhisim, and Tao.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
i havent gotten to tao yet..ive studied alittle of buddhisim, im still working on that one..u actually just gave me my next study though..lol..ive never even heard of tao..atleast not that i can remember

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
im gonna have to look into that one..thats a new one on me, sounds like it would be something fun to learn though..just the name sounds interesting, wonder if they have any theories about the apocalypse...lol
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