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Apocalypse 2012


Wesker's #1 fan!
Yep, that's right folks, the worlds gonna end again, just like it did in 2000 with the Y2K. (Man im gonna feel like an a$$ if it really does end)

According to the Mayan calendar, the world is gonna end in 2012. *looks at watch* Uhhh that's in 4 years. Why the hell did they take so long to warn us?!

They say the Mayan calendar has been correct on assuming disasters such as Hurrucane Katrina and stuff like that.

*sigh* Well, if the world really does end im hoping for two things.

1. That it's not painful.
2. That where in time for the release of the next two DMCs. XD

What is everyone's opinion on this?

I was in a book store today and they have books on display on what it is and how to survive it. Could this be another scam to make money like with the Y2K? Or is it true that we won't live to see Playstation four- uh I mean 2013.

I tell ya one thing if im a survivor I am NOT going to help in repopulating the human race. :dry:


Aya Brea
Or we could always die in May when the Large Hadron Collider turns on. Lolz. (It's not going to kill us, but 14 year old girls who don't understand science are basically baawwwing over it.)

Honestly, I've heard "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" waaayyy too much... and guess what. We're still here. I don't deny that the world will end someday. But sadly, we have too many people who want to push, "IT'S THE END! REPENT!" on us too hard that it makes people go crazy and lose sleep over it.

I just turn off the TV and just live my life out. If it does end in 2012, then it ends. But I'll laugh when I wake up January 1st 2013.


Wesker's #1 fan!
VI-Rainbow;68100 said:
Honestly, I've heard "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" waaayyy too much... and guess what. We're still here.

You have GOT to be kidding me, no way! XD just kidding. But I agree with you. And why is it that the world has to end now? Why couldn't it end during the revolution? Why couldn't it end in the 1950s? Why does it have to end in our days so soon?


Aya Brea
I think we have a long way to go before the world ends. :] People were saying we were supposed to be killed January 29th of last month. The sucker missed us just as we told the little whiny kids. When people see something they don't really understand, they'll do all they can to make others lose their mind over it.

If something drastic does happen in 2012, I highly doubt it'll clean us all out. Sure, we would lose alot, but as humans we are meant to build and continue. Sadly, we have too many people who abuse the planet, thus leading to our own doom. I guess we all know who to thank now.

When people were saying, "ZOMG! THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN 2000!" I joked about it. I wasn't losing sleep or anything. Plus... why would God want to end the world 12:00 central time? aflkjalkfaj The world bewilders me.


Wesker's #1 fan!
That's another thing, if the world is gonna end how the hell is the Earth gonna know what time it is? And what exactly is 12 oclock? Central? Eastern?


Aya Brea
I was like... It's past 12 and it's the year 2000 over in england and other countries... Why is it waiting for a certain time in the US? Oh well. That little delima is over, so yeah... I guess I'll just have to sit on my back porch in 2012 with my faith hound dog and shotgun and see what happens.


Wesker's #1 fan!
With a gun? I don't think it's a matter of people attacking. I think it's soppose to be like crazy earthquakes and tsunami's and stuff like that.


Aya Brea
OH SHI-- I live in Louisiana... we get hurricanes alot. I'd keep a gun near by anyway. People go crazy in such situations. Like a rebellion and every man for himself. So jah... ;3;


Aya Brea
I live in Lake Charles. We got Rita, but it didn't do much here as it did to Cameron. I used to live in Grand Chenier, and month after the storm we got to go down there and see it. It was like a ghost town. We went to the land where one of old houses was and it was gone. It was honestly scary cause alot of things were just hard to tell with what used to be there.

But, as for LC, we flood easily up here. When I was in high school we got alot of students from New Orleans. That honestly looked like a scary situation.


Aya Brea
And that is why... I hate living in the south. But hey! No matter where you go, there will always be bad weather and stuff. Earth quakes freak me out though. We had one in the gulf I believe a year ago. I just don't remember ever having one in Louisiana while I have lived here.


The devoted
i live in the middle of Britain and the worst that we have seen here is a bit of flooding(i think 3 people died) some small tornadoes (nothing came of it really) and low level earthquakes (while i was sleeping) so if something doesnt happen that is a natural disaster then the British will be saying "WTF!!!" lol which would be funny to see some people say

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
if the world does end in 2012, i highly doubt where i live will get the worst of it..lol, i live in michigan near detroit..the worst anyone around here would get is some heavy rain, maybe a microscopic hail storm, and alot of ppl stealing all the sweet looking cars..lol and then shortly after the rest of the world was gone and for some reason we were still alive. we would have to worry about ppl robbing the videogame stores and lexus dealerships..lol but i dont think the whole world would end all at once..atleast not in one day..it would have to be something huge that like...lasted for days and days and picked apart every little inch of every city and neighborhood


The devoted
but if you look at what VIS said, she said that it ends in 2012, but didnt say it ended on one day, so it could be america gets wiped out in january-March asia and africa april-june europe and the rest of the northern hemisphere july-september then the rest of the world october-december , that would be funny to see, americans get taken out 1st but then alot of you would be gone :'( lol

The dark knight

Well-known Member
End of the world eh????Maybe they got bored making the calender to long.Or if it the end of the world.......yay.....and kinda crud.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
personally if it were the end of the world i wouldnt mind it much..death scares me not, and quite frankly i have very little of a life outside videogames tv and my friends...so im pretty much a loser..lol

The dark knight

Well-known Member
I dont like living in the south.....I am way to much like a Yank.I talk like one for sure....and other things.I dont like country cooking. But death dont scare me either.I will just miss the people and animals I love behind. Cause i would like to be a Vetinarian.
VI-Rainbow;68128 said:
And that is why... I hate living in the south. But hey! No matter where you go, there will always be bad weather and stuff. Earth quakes freak me out though. We had one in the gulf I believe a year ago. I just don't remember ever having one in Louisiana while I have lived here.
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