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Another review: 7,5/10, from insight-factor...


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
He doesn't have a negative attitude to the fans. He has a negative attitude towards ass holes who sent him death threats over Dante's hair colour.

You see, thats just your way of looking at things.

Its ok if you have an opinion, but I would be nice to not try to push them on others.

Its ok if you if you like his attitude or think his negativity is warranted, I on the other hand do not.

And If I'm reading you wrong with the whole "trying to push opinions as fact" thing my apologies.

But your comment just drew me to that conclusion.

And that's a completely fair opinion, you don't like him, that's no crime either, you don't have to like or accept the way he behaves, but people really overreacted to his statements.

I remember people even being ****ed at NT for saying they want DmC to be better than Bayonetta, I mean, what's wrong about acknowledging Bayo's quality and aiming to be the best? Seriously, there's no healthier mentality than that.

Yes some fans can be complete jerks that are unfair simply because they don't like change, but what I was saying is that Tameen doesn't even have to stoop to addressing those kinds of fans let alone taunting them.


You are not in control
You see, thats just your way of looking at things.

Its ok if you have an opinion, but I would be nice to not try to push them on others.

Its ok if you if you like his attitude or think his negativity is warranted, I on the other hand do not.

And If I'm reading you wrong with the whole "trying to push opinions as fact" thing my apologies.

But your comment just drew me to that conclusion.

Yes some fans can be complete jerks that are unfair simply because they don't like change, but what I was saying is that Tameen doesn't even have to stoop to addressing those kinds of fans let alone taunting them.

So basically I cut down your whole negativity argument and you proceed to fall back on the "it's just your opinion!!!!!!" rebuttal.

Please leave, Mr DmC "sceptic," if you can't just accept that you're butthurt by DmC and Tameem.


Well-known Member
So basically I cut down your whole negativity argument and you proceed to fall back on the "it's just your opinion!!!!!!" rebuttal.

Please leave, Mr DmC "sceptic," if you can't just accept that you're butthurt by DmC and Tameem.

Was this really necessary?

Of course, I don't particularly like some of Tameen's responses to the haters as well.
He doesn't need to stoop to their level. I agree with what ToCool74 said.

That doesn't give you the right to tell him to leave just because he disagrees with Tameen's attitude. Especially since he was civil about the whole thing.
And not to mention he's giving DmC a chance, just like I have.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Was this really necessary?

Of course, I don't particularly like some of Tameen's responses to the haters as well.
He doesn't need to stoop to their level. I agree with what ToCool74 said.

That doesn't give you the right to tell him to leave just because he disagrees with Tameen's attitude. Especially since he was civil about the whole thing.
And not to mention he's giving DmC a chance, just like I have.

Thanks for the defense, but his post just proves that there can be unreasonable fans on both sides of the fence.

Like you said, i was civil and respectful the entire time, and yet I still get this kind of response lol.


First of the Dead
So basically I cut down your whole negativity argument and you proceed to fall back on the "it's just your opinion!!!!!!" rebuttal.

Please leave, Mr DmC "sceptic," if you can't just accept that you're butthurt by DmC and Tameem.
No need to insult the guy, he seemed very respectful of your opinion you should respect his as well.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
No need to insult the guy, he seemed very respectful of your opinion you should respect his as well.

another defense, thanks.

As i said earlier, even supporters can be unreasonable during this whole mess that has divided the fanbase.

I find it odd I was called "butthurt" simply because I disagreed with Tameen's attitude, despite the fact that I have made it very clear around this forum that I fully intend to give this game a chance.

One member in particular even has me saying that the demo was "ok" in his sig lol.

Can't see a "butthurt" fan even giving this game a chance let alone saying the demo was a ok one.


First of the Dead
another defense, thanks.

As i said earlier, even supporters can be unreasonable during this whole mess that has divided the fanbase.

I find it odd I was called "butthurt" simply because I disagreed with Tameen's attitude, despite the fact that I have made it very clear around this forum that I fully intend to give this game a chance.

One member in particular even has me saying that the demo was "ok" in his sig lol.

Can't see a "butthurt" fan even giving this game a chance let alone saying the demo was a ok one.
You're welcome, and yeah supporters can be unreasonable as well.
It's not fair for either side to insult the other and disregard their opinions. I'm a huge supporter of the game but you know what just because people don't like this game doesn't mean I should condemn them for it.
I'm glad you are giving the game a chance so you can judge it on your own.

Devil Player

Well-known Member
Love or hate Tameem, the guy really knows how to give a cool come back for antis, lol.

Gotta love how he makes some antis looking like complete idiots, with his answers. :)

He's probably one of the few people that I know, being able to make fun of himself. I remember when a guy said he would like to f--k Tameem with a DmC copy. Tameem then replied him, by telling him to buy a copy and get in line, lol. I notice some people didn't like his answer, but the same people probably didn't get the irony. The guy said he would like to f--k him with a copy, but Tameem just pointed the fact that to do so, he would need to buy a copy. Just that. He also acknowledged that a lot of people would like to do that to him, thus explaining the "get in line" part. What's bad about it?

I think it's funny that some people say that he should have ignored the haters, but if that's the case, why couldn't they have ignored him first? Some people love trolling, but they must be prepared to the consequences. You can't think you're free to do whatever you want, without suffering the results of your actions. That's not how life works, it doesn't matter if you're a politician, game designer and so on. If you create a fight, you can't complain if the other part attacks back. You asked for it, you'll hardly find a person who turns the other cheek or turns the other side of his face to be slapped. Keep dreaming.

What goes around, comes around, folks.


You are not in control
another defense, thanks.

As i said earlier, even supporters can be unreasonable during this whole mess that has divided the fanbase.

I find it odd I was called "butthurt" simply because I disagreed with Tameen's attitude, despite the fact that I have made it very clear around this forum that I fully intend to give this game a chance.

One member in particular even has me saying that the demo was "ok" in his sig lol.

Can't see a "butthurt" fan even giving this game a chance let alone saying the demo was a ok one.

Sorry but I can't take you seriously when you have "re-poo" Dante in your sig.

The height of immaturity.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
I think it's funny that some people say that he should have ignored the haters, but if that's the case, why couldn't they have ignored him first? .

Hate to stir this back up, but I can't help but reply since I feel that this is more towards me considering my earlier comments (even though it may have not been your intention).

To answer your question, who is to say that the haters aren't some 9 year old in their basement trying to spread hatred for this game?

or that they simply are unreasonable fans who just hate all change?

Fans can have many reasons for hating this game after all.

The point I'm making here is that Tameen isn't a "fan" he is the guy who is in charge of making this game.

He is also a grown man.

My point is that given what I just listed above, Tameen should not even stoop to those fans level that are like that, he should be the adult in this situation given the fact that he isn't a "fan" but the guy who is in charge of this game.

Not saying his isn't allowed to be offended or mad at some of the hate that he is thrown by "haters", just that I don't think someone of his standing should be expressing such a attitude towards the less than favorable fanbase that sling mud.

I say this while looking at it from a mature and business like standpoint.

All that being said, I don't think its funny that you like his attitude, even though you apparently think me disliking it is...

Sorry but I can't take you seriously when you have "re-poo" Dante in your sig.

The height of immaturity.

I made this sig back when I first joined as a joke, if you can't take jokes than I'm sorry.

I think its pretty immature of you to insult a member just because you don't like his sig or outlook on things.


Well-known Member
Devil Player pretty much said all I could say myself. The man's a human being. Why should he care about the feelings of a multitude of faceless cowards talking down on him directly?

I can't hold it against him if he decides to be sarcastic or dismissive. It isn't like he's outright insulting people in the most rude of ways. Which is exactly what's happening to him. Honestly, I think that's admirable, because I'd be trolling the hell out of message boards if I were him.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Devil Player pretty much said all I could say myself. The man's a human being. Why should he care about the feelings of a multitude of faceless cowards talking down on him directly?

I can't hold it against him if he decides to be sarcastic or dismissive. It isn't like he's outright insulting people in the most rude of ways. Which is exactly what's happening to him. Honestly, I think that's admirable, because I'd be trolling the hell out of message boards if I were him.

Well If that is the way you look at things than more power to you dude.

Its just that I think someone of Tameen's standing should behave more maturely in this situation.

Just my opinion on things.


Well-known Member
Your opinion is your opinion, I'm not trying to change it. I'm just saying he's an actual human being, not a faceless corporation.

When people sling mud on a company like Capcom, NT, EA, or Activision or so, that's a lot easier for the people who work there to brush off. Hell they can leave the company and escape the hate. Probably even get praised for it. But Tameem is being personally attacked. I don't think a few sarcastic at best comments are the epitome of immaturity in that light.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Your opinion is your opinion, I'm not trying to change it. I'm just saying he's an actual human being, not a faceless corporation.

When people sling mud on a company like Capcom, NT, EA, or Activision or so, that's a lot easier for the people who work there to brush off. Hell they can leave the company and escape the hate. Probably even get praised for it. But Tameem is being personally attacked. I don't think a few sarcastic at best comments are the epitome of immaturity in that light.

I know he is a human being.

As I pointed out above, I understand him being mad and where he is coming from, I'm not saying that he doesn't have to get mad or feel offended.

I just believe that he should not post this kind of stuff to the public taunting the "hater" fans since he would basically be stooping to their level in my opinion.

He should be the better man here and just ignore unreasonable fans who are most likely just trying to get a rise out of him at this point.

Also, this conversation isn't going anywhere, not to mention its offtopic, lets say we all agree to disagree and move on from this?

Wow, have people just waited to find a reason to jump eachothers' throats? Because that's what just happened here.

I know right?


Well-known Member
Love or hate Tameem, the guy really knows how to give a cool come back for antis, lol.

Gotta love how he makes some antis looking like complete idiots, with his answers. :)

He's probably one of the few people that I know, being able to make fun of himself. I remember when a guy said he would like to f--k Tameem with a DmC copy. Tameem then replied him, by telling him to buy a copy and get in line, lol. I notice some people didn't like his answer, but the same people probably didn't get the irony. The guy said he would like to f--k him with a copy, but Tameem just pointed the fact that to do so, he would need to buy a copy. Just that. He also acknowledged that a lot of people would like to do that to him, thus explaining the "get in line" part. What's bad about it?

I think it's funny that some people say that he should have ignored the haters, but if that's the case, why couldn't they have ignored him first? Some people love trolling, but they must be prepared to the consequences. You can't think you're free to do whatever you want, without suffering the results of your actions. That's not how life works, it doesn't matter if you're a politician, game designer and so on. If you create a fight, you can't complain if the other part attacks back. You asked for it, you'll hardly find a person who turns the other cheek or turns the other side of his face to be slapped. Keep dreaming.

What goes around, comes around, folks.

If I (or many supporters here) were Tameem, I would've told the antis to STFU! I really would just to make them either get off my back or **** them off even more.


Well-known Member
Well if you know the group he's talking to doesn't include you, I don't see why you have a problem with his attitude towards them. It's like getting mad at police officers, teachers, etc. who don't treat known trouble makers with the utmost respect.

But I agree. Let's drop it.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Well if you know the group he's talking to doesn't include you, I don't see why you have a problem with his attitude towards them. It's like getting mad at police officers, teachers, etc. who don't treat known trouble makers with the utmost respect.

So I guess we can't agree to disagree then?

And I don't have a "problem" with it as much as more like I just don't like his attitude.

Just like I don't like the attitude of the "hater" fans he is taunting with his remarks.

How many times do I have to say it?

I just think that he should carry himself in a better light given his role in making this game.


wow, was that really neccessary?

Why is everyone jumping on me because I said I don't like his attitude?

That suddenly means I am a 2 year old?



You are not in control
Well If that is the way you look at things than more power to you dude.

Its just that I think someone of Tameen's standing should behave more maturely in this situation.

Just my opinion on things.

So you're basically saying he should just sit quite like a ****ing pussy when all of the internet makes fun of him because he does his job which pays the bills and keeps him living?

Stop trying to act mature kid, youre just making a fool of yourself now. You have no say in what's mature, you have "re-poo" Dante in your sig.
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