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All about batman


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
As the title suggests what is your favorite comic, or your fav animated episode or movie or game?

I am a long time batman fan , I read the comics and watched the animated series since I was a child.

my favorite storylines would probably be the dark knight returns, assault on arkham and under the red hood

My favorite of the cartoon series
probably be the original animated series and batman beyond

My favorite game would be arkham knight followed by origins and then city

I think I actually prefer new 52 batman a bit more than the previous one too

what are your thoughts?

This thread can be used to discuss allbatman related stuff from on screen to games to merchandise so have fun


Fake Geek Girl.
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is the best Batman movie followed very closely by Under the Red Hood.

And when it comes to the Bat family, my favorite is Nightwing. I also prefer Batman Beyond over Batman himself.
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Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Nightwing is the best of the robin's , loved jason todd as red hood though to be fair and damian is just a brat lol
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Legendary Devil Hunter
*Reads title* :woot:

Well I've been a Batman fan ever since I can remember

I think the first time I saw anything Batman was probably the animated movie Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

I grew up on the animated series, and use to watch it every morning before school

And even though I remember seeing all 4 (at the time) movies, the very first live-action movie I remember watching is Batman Returns, which came year I was born
I did watch a bit of the Adam West show growing up, but I always liked the animated series better.

I eventually reached a point where I started to lose interest in Batman....That was until my interest got rekindled in 2005 with, what I considered at the time, the best Batman movie yet
I mean I enjoyed the X-Men and Spider-Man movies, but Batman Begins was the first of the more modern comic book movies that really blew me away.

And really it continued from there, as the trilogy continued and a certain game series arose, I just always managed to stay interested.

Admittedly I don't read too many actual comics, even though I do try to keep up-to-date with what's going on, but most of the stories I really liked were adapted into animated films or influenced the movies in some way .

While I like both of Burtons films and Nolan's trilogy, hands down my favorite is The Dark Knight
My favorite animated film is definitely Under the Red Hood
Which I personally consider to be better then any live action Batman film.

My favorite game is a bit harder to pick, since the only Batman games I've played are the game for Batman Begins, and the 4 Arkham games. And from there I'm having trouble deciding between City and Knight, so I'm gonna call it a tie

And my personal favorite actor to play Batman is Christian Bale
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Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Nicely said , bale is good my fav movie actor is funnily enough keaton though

and kevin conroy and mark hamill will always be batman and joker to me , though roger craig smith is pretty close to conroy


Elite Hunter
The Dark Knight Returns beats everything, it's my fav animated movie.

Live action, I know that technically The Dark Knight is the superior film but I like Batman Begins more, I just love the whole Batman's origin stuff.

Game, haven't played Arkham Knight yet, and who knows if I will, thx to the spoilers I got from the most unpredictable places, but as of now, Arkham Origins takes first place.
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Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Didn't read lot of comics, but from what I read, I really liked Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth.

From animated TVs, I'd say I like original TAS the most, especially for episodes like "Perchance to Dream" and "Two-Face" plus some really hilarious ones like Harley's Holiday. Batman Beyond comes as close second, but it had really disappointing and shoehorned finale which wasn't even part of original TV and I think popped somewhere in JLU. But my fav episodes in it were Spellbound and Hooked Up (and I think Spellbinder was much cooler than his original counterpart)

Favorite animated movie is tie between "Return of the Joker" with "Under the red Hood" (had yet to watch new animations, with only one being "Son of Batman", which was very awful movie on verge of "Mystery of Batwoman").

My favourite game is Arkham Asylum with Origins being on the second place.

My favourite movie is original Batman with Batman Returns and Dark Knight being in tie for a second.

My favourite Batman in movies was Michael Keaton with Val Kilmer as second (and yes I don't consider Batman Forever that bad, since I found it pretty entertaining to watch. Its not best interpretation by far, but for entertainment show, it was fun to watch and I like Val Kilmer)

My favourite villain is Scarecrow.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
b-b-b-b-b-BATMAN THREAD!!! BATMAN THREAD i feel like the spaceship guy from lego movie right now

"batman mask of the phantasm" and "under the red hood" are my favorite batman movies of all time

my favorite batman costume is probably the field test suit from the "gotham knight" anime

however, while i really like bruce and tim as batman and robin, dick and damien are the definitive dynamic duo in my eyes because that's just the era of comics that i was introduced to (side note, that's why i'm super excited for the next DC animated flick which i never thought i'd say for a while)

i really love the 60's adam west tv show and the batman from 2004 because it feels like a more high tech version of the adam west show

batman forever is the closest thing to MY batman that i've seen on film so far (i've been really digging the 70's stuff with denny o'neil lately)

aaaaaaaand bruce greenwood is my favorite batman voice actor. oh and the arkham knight batmobile is my favorite batmobile design so far
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Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
My fav villain is actually deathstroke and the talons

my favorite batmobile is also the arkham knight one and my favorite batsuit is a toss up between the arkham origins suit and the v8 .04 arkham knight batsuit or else the suit batman has in the justice league


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall


First appearance Batman

I like the simplicity of the suit and the way the wings spread. Plus something about the purple gloves I really like. And the ears scream retro, which I find appealing. Since this was the very first appearance of Batman, I fell in love with the design the moment I saw it.

Year One Batman

I've always been one for the classics. And this is one of the best classic costumes I've seen. I really like this mostly for what it symbolizes; the beginnings of Batman. Seeing him struggle, seeing him having a hard time with enemies, and seeing him on the brink of death. Its seeing such a master even mess up when he first started that makes me love this version of batman's outfit along with his story.

Nolan Batman

I like this suit simply for how dark it looks. I always did want to see a real life Batman that wasn't in a spandex suit and this was an awesome design. Can't say the same for the actual movie though. I barely remember the first movie, and the third movie's fights with Bane were underwhelming to me. BUUUT the second movie was great and the suit really shined in the second movie to me compared to the others.

Arkham Asylum/City

This is another favorite because of how it reminisces the classic Justice League Unlimited animated series while also adding a body armor touch to it. It definitely embodies the style of what Batman is all about to me and I can't be the classic JLU style of Batman's uniform.

Arkham Origins

People give this version of of the Caped Crusader a hard time either because it reminds people of the Nolan films or the fact that the game wasn't that good, but I really loved this version because of the high tech armor he's got on. I really do love this outfit though since it looks so buff and just ready for anything that comes at it.

Arkham Knight suit

Come on now. How could I NOT like this uniform? I love it and its so slick and fast that it'd be impossible to deny its awesomeness.

Dark Knight Returns suit

So the reason I like this version is because of its story. Its Batman past his prime and ready to get back into the scene of fighting crime. He's ready to teach this punk ass thugs of Gotham that the city's no longer a city, but an operating table, and he is the surgeon.

BvS batman suit

Since I loved the DKR suit, obviously I'd love this suit as well. Fat batman logo FTW!! It's like the Nolan batsuit with the more serious tone, but still compasses that classic look of the comics. I love it so much that it's become my obsessed batman suit as of now! Now I can't wait to see the actual suit in action when the movie comes out. That and the actual armor to fight superman. and DAT CHIN THO.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Favorite Comic: Batman: HUSH

Favorite Show: Batman Beyond

Favorite Movie: Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker

Favorite Incarnation:
Michael Keaton

Favorite Game: Batman Vengeance



Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I always liked the Teen Titans animated show's version of Dick Grayson's Robin.
As for Jason Todd, he's a cooler Red hood then a robin.
And Tim Drake's look for Arkham City was my favorite. Can't say the same for Arkham Knight though.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Ya he seems a lot more like chris o donnell as robin from the movies in arkham knight, thencity version was much cooler or the version of tim with hair that you get in the skins pack

as for jason he really is a badass as red hood
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