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All about batman


Keyser Söze
Fav Comic:-
Batman black & white


Okay i'm just a sucker for the art so i have my bias.
Fav Game:-


This game is just like the Animated Show as much as i love arkham Asylum this game pretty much nailed the Batman feel to the point where you feel like you're inside the show! A++ Sound&Art design.

Fav Show:-

Its a tie between Batman&batman Beyond... i mostly like the first season of Batman but after that the show became less&less about Batman and the artstyle also had DRASTIC changes,i seriously miss his iconic bluish tint in the batman's Cape i also HATE most of the redesigns especially Joker's redesign sersiouly WTF!?

Fav Movie:-
Batman Begins

I might sound like a super Hipster here but i think the best Batman movie was Begins.. the 80's batman movie was okay but the Begins is what really NAILED the look&feel of Gotham and the characters and Bale's voice was actually tolerable here.

as for its sequel YES it was awesome but it was missing the look&feel of Gotham from Begins and its plot is just your typical crime thriller.. i mean it just didn't feel like "batman" to me.


Grew up with the animated series and mask of the phantasm movie. Which were great. Also grew up with the live action movies.

But for me, the arkham games trilogy by rocksteady are my favorite and definitive interpretations of Batman :thumbsup:


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
The game batman is the best version of batman for me , although justice league batman and the animated batman voiced by conroy rocks too also I loved batman in assault on arkham too , he rocked


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Chris o donnell was an abomination as robin just like clooney was horrendous as batman , tim seems cool in the game but would prefer him with hair


the devil is not as black as he painted
my fave batman related only come from movies and games, can't enjoy the comics, can't enjoy the animatioins/series..

my first batman encounter was adam west's, fell in love with tim burton's, amazed with nolan's, bale is the best wayne, bat-voice is awesome, it distinct him from wayne, best looking batman is the one on arkham origin's cover.. this may change after dawn of justice, gonna wait..


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
My first experience was the animated series and keatons movie , I always loved the anime but was never as into the comics as much and have to admit I haven't read em all.


Well-known Member
Well Beside the Batman Animated series. I loved The Batman

I loved the Riddler's and Joker design

The Riddler


The Joker



Earthbound Immortal
Never read the comics, but I grew up with the animated series and batman beyond.

Batman and Static were the only DC heroes I was interested in. That's why I was so hyped when thry crossed over.
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