I was actually never a huge fan of the music. The big thing for me was the attack loadout.
Since it was possible to make a completely terrible, non-functional build, your decisions really mattered. When I played I was sure I had picked the best skills, but I
still see videos where people are using some weird combination in a way I've never seen, and I'm like "****, I have to try that"
People submit godhand to the truestyle and v-style tournaments, standard submissions are to play at level 3 as long as possible wearing the sign on your back and without doing anything to make it drop (don't take hits, don't use the god hand, etc)
Edit -
here's a pretty sweet compilation video. It's got some really good clips from god hand (some using the ruleset I mentioned, some not) devil may cry, pikmin may cry (wonder 101), viewtiful joe, sengoku basara, just a ton of flashy action games. Also showcasing some recent mods to DMC3 and 4, featuring neat stuff like style switching in DMC3, and nero with doppelganger