Recent content by ProtoTypeRaavyn

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  1. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    Opinion on piercing?

    Well, I am all for Peorcings considering I have 5 rings in my lip Alone. So yeah. Had my Libre since About 14 years old and got the other 4 Done All at once as Soon As I turned 18.
  2. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    Video Game Characters That Look/Act Like You

    Everyone I know Says I look Like Commander Steele From Borderlands. I think it's the Hair to Be Honest.
  3. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    What Are You Thinking?

    I am thinking That I wasn't Able to log on here yesterday, Anyone else Have this Problem?
  4. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    First LUNAR Eclipse in Over 172 Years

    There is No freakin moon Outside where I am at. I feel Utterly Jipped.
  5. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    Anyone Else notice that Steele is A siren?

    Yeah Same Tattoos. I started getting pics of her becaue people have Said that her and myself look Alot Alike and was going to start getting A costume Around for Next years ComicCon. lol and Almost Died when I saw the Tattoos.
  6. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    Movies That Blew Your Mind

    This is the Movie I was talking About.
  7. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    First LUNAR Eclipse in Over 172 Years

    LOL! Nice. Well At least that is Something. I have never Seen A lunar Eclipse, seen A Solar one when I was in Grade School. Should still be Fun though. Ps...... I clicked through All of those Spoilers. Very Nice.
  8. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    Favorite Boss?

    Haha, A buddy Brought this up in my Favorite Enemy thread and Really Bosses should be their own Discussion. My Favorite was Nightmare. He was the Funnest boss to Go up Against. I know most of you would say Neo Angelo or Mundus, But night to me was the funnest to go up Against.
  9. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    Favorite Enemy

    I would Include the Bosses, but I think that is Best served in It's own thread. Which I will do Now. :D
  10. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    First LUNAR Eclipse in Over 172 Years

    I want to Hug you :3 But yes Please get Some pictures. And I am Not Entirely Sure if it will be Tuesday morning for you since you're Acrossed the Seas from me. Is it Sunday in New Zealand right Now?
  11. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    First LUNAR Eclipse in Over 172 Years

    lol No you won't Need Goggles or special Glasses because this isn't A solar Eclipse its Lunar, which means Earth Blocks the moon from the Sun, not The Moon blocks the earth from the sun. But That doesn't means you can't be the coolest person watching it, in Goggles :D
  12. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    First LUNAR Eclipse in Over 172 Years

    And We Won't See it happen Again for over 300 Years. This year's event will take 3 hours and 38 minutes. The eclipse begins on Tuesday at 1:33 a.m. ET, when the Earth's dark-red shadow will turn up on the edge of the moon, according to NASA. It will take about an hour for the shadow to cover...
  13. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    What are you doing?Either at home,work or somewhere.

    Playing some Fallout New Vegas. Maybe make some more signatures later.
  14. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    What are you currently playing?

    Fallout New Vegas. Freakin Awesome
  15. ProtoTypeRaavyn

    Movies That Blew Your Mind

    No Actually Triangle is only like and hour and 45 min and it's not About the burmuda triangle. It's just A really ****ed up movie. By the same people that made Eternal Sunshine of the eternal Mind. It's good. Not sure if it was released in theaters or not, I heard about it from a friend, but...