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  • I'm all good. Working and making sigs for people I'm cool with and myself. Also playing alot of JRPGs.

    So what you been up to man?
    That's good to hear =) I noticed that you seem a tad confused as to what to make of the new DmC. Am I right in thinking this? =/ Ah well that's nice of you =) The usual myself, just engaging in friendly banter with fellow online friends. It helps to be social I suppose lol Hope you've been well as of late?
    Yo LoD, Would you like an basketball Rp?
    No thanks, I've got a few things I am currently writing myself, I just wouldn't have the extra time. Thanks for the invitation though, much appreciated =)
    Nah, okay then. See ya!
    Best of luck with it though :)
    Hey LoD, how has it been going?
    Thanks Amber :) Is it a good day for you? =/ Thank you, I appreciate it. At the moment I'm writing something about two best friends who go through day to day routines with each other. I could send you what I have atm in a convo if you want? =/ You're welcome as always =)
    Yeah, it's a pretty good day so far!

    Oh nice, good luck to ye! =D I would love to read it sometime. :)
    That's good to hear. I hope it stays that way for you :) Thank you me hearty =P
    Hi! How are you? How did the move go? Missed ya lots! :)
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Hello there you ^^ The move went great for about two weeks, then my sister told me to move back home. I was under the impression as of late that my girlfriend was pregnant, then as you know it turns out she wasn't. Now we're going to try for a baby properly, as we weren't actually trying. Missed you too :) Hope all is well with you? =/
    Dante's Stalker
    Dante's Stalker
    Agh, as well as it could be trying to control two little hypers while I'm waddling around like a ginormous sized penguin.
    Having a baby is a BIG commitment, I hope you guys sat down and really talked this through with your families, too, since they're going to be your life-savers a lot of the time in the beginning. Or shall I say, your sanity-savers? :p Either way, good luck and I wish you all the best!
    Personally I left telling my parents until a week and a half after we both knew the good news. I know it's a huge responsibility, we've both matured a lot and are ready to have this baby with each other. I'm sure my parents will be of great help, they always have been to me. I'm lucky to have them, really =)
    Hummmm.....well... *very contemplative*
    I thought about giving you a poke. Then I thought about petitioning against the coin slot that seems to have been added to my official hugmachine since I've been gone. THEN I thought of just pulling a ninja on you with a broomstick and going KIAAAAAAAA!
    Then my conscience came back from its coffee break and my insanity was sent to the Time Out room.
    So all I'll say is
    What about the option of sending your army of deadly ninja warriors to hunt me down and savagely attack me, leaving me unable to walk? You knew it wouldn't work so you gave up didn't you? =P By the by, I wrote more on my DmC 5 Concept. You don't have to read it, just letting you know :)
    Likewise :)
    I wasn't sure how this whole following thing worked lol. I haven't really looked into it since the big site change.
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Me either to be honest. I was under the impression I was already following you (On here of course, in real life would be creepy) Or would it? Remember that shadowy figure in the background last night? That was me....Mwhahahahaha.
    After death, we will remain together for always. In peace. In tranquillity. Completed and whole, forever united. Bounded by our endless love
    Hello sir, how are you? :)

    forgive me for being nosy but I noticed your post in W.A.Y.T and feel you may have a lot on your plate at the moment, so wanted to come have a chat :D
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Nice to know I have someone concerned for me, who puts the effort in to looking out for me. It's more than appreciated and it's more than mutual. If you ever need any help, you know where I am. Don't be afraid to talk to me about whatever is on your mind. I mean whatever, I'll listen to anything and everything if it means I can help you because you're my friend and you'll always be that man =)
    Thanks buddy, I'll do that and that also solidifies my impression of you being a legend! ;)

    I can imagine such an outcome would be driving you crazy, keep me informed ;) also, know it's not just me, but everyone here feels respect and admiration for you, so if your ever feeling a bit crazy and I'm not on (unlikely! ;) ) just talk to anyone.
    Thanks, but I'm not a legend.

    And not everyone thinks so highly of me, like yourself. Not that I think they should, but some don't even speak to me any more. All the forum change has brought me is depression, purely because it seems some of my old friends have decided not to make any contact with me any more. But thanks for the support, I'll bare it in mind.
    not bad my friend. How have you been?
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Yeah I did. I found this old thing were Nero picked up Dante's daughter at a bar. lol...oh fudgies i just rolled my desk chair over my big toe. ouch!
    You don't want to be hurting yourself like that. Nero hitting on Dante's daughter? Gee, he must have some nerves lol
    He had no idea she was Dante's daughter...lol
    you going somewhere?
    On another note I think it would be better for them to have another character, either new or established and have them try to fill Neo' shoes by becoming his succesor.
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    V's patron
    V's patron
    that's a good idea but that would be harder to pull off because they would need a character to anchor both and be a framing device
    Yeah I see where you're coming from. Would be cool though, wouldn't you agree? How's everything with you lately? =/ I've enjoyed our little conversation. Thanks for bringing the news to my attention in the first place, it's much appreciated =)
    V's patron
    V's patron
    no problem dude. im cool just have to study for my last final tmrw. need to get a job.
    but to get back on topic, they could do both of ours by having a character from the old movies become the new neo and had to deal with a problem from the past in order to keep the peace that neo brought.
    Good to have you back BTW. Very good... ^ ^
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Chibi Dante
    Chibi Dante
    No problem! And thank you. x3 lol I feel flattered. XD And hell yeah we'll talk more often! =)
    You're always welcome Cloud ^_^ How are you doing then man? You know I only just noticed how many members I miss having around here. You were one of them, obviously, but now you're back here so that's awesome =)
    Chibi Dante
    Chibi Dante
    I'm doing well, actually. Thanks for asking. ^^ And yourself? Oh and I miss some of the old members too.. T_T They made this site more fun than what it was, including you. lol Guess us and a few are the only ones left eh..
    Justin Bieber should change the title from "Never say never", to "I just said never...Twice". And then have a giant picture of a facepalm.
    Chibi Dante
    Chibi Dante
    LOL True, I wouldn't want that either. =P He may make more in album sales than most other artists today, but does that really mean that he's a talented artist who should be taken seriously? F*** NO. O:<
    More album sales from teenage girls who force whoever has money to buy the bloody thing for them lol
    Chibi Dante
    Chibi Dante
    LOL True.
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