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Ah very clever. Making a quote that appeals to one of my many likes. Sorry, I've been watching a lot of Big Bang Theory, so I might talk like Sheldon lol
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson
I like the Big Bang Theory too "Those guys are stealing a car what should we do?"
"We'll do what the real Justice League of America would have done. We walk away and pretend it never happened."
Lol, yeah Big Bang Theory is a great show.

Sheldon addressing Penny: "Ah, so you're the milk thief?! Leonard said I was crazy, but I knew that carton felt lighter".
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson
Do you remember the three person chess game sheldon mad
Leonard:Beekeeper to E-5 I release the swarm check mate.
Sheldon:I knew I Should have given my pope the jetpack
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson
I am trying to decide whether or not to change my name here to Mr. Anderson.
what do you think?
Yeah three way chess, that was funny as hell man. We share a few things in common. Our like for The Matrix and The Big Bang Theory is uncanny. Please tell me you like Family Guy also? And if so, are you me? =/
"Mr Anderson. Do you like the what I've done with the place? I spruced it up a bit. Agent Brown said not to put a couch over in that corner, but I overruled him and did it anyway. I think it really compliments the other decorative features this room has to offer, what would you say?".
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson
Neo: I thought it wasn't real
Morpheus: Your mind makes it real
Neo: If you're killed in the matrix, you die here?
Morpheus: The body cannot live without the mind
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson
Family guy is hilarious but I am not you you have 5 years on me
One of the best quotes in The Matrix film in my opinion =) Awesome. Ah yes, true. But you could be me five years ago? =0
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson
depends did you ever play football cuz I do in fact I am about to leave for football camp
Unfortunately our similarities meet a bitter end.
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson
I don't see the bitterness it makes it better that we aren't exact copies because we see things a little differently we think of things differently and it would help if faced with a problem because we would have different ideas
Hey DD99. Would you like an basketball RP? You too, LoD.
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson
Sure I am game ((lolz see what I did there))
Enter your char bios on the Rp: Road to the champion.