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  • Yeah, I've been keeping my eye on Ebay - there's one which still has about 9 days to go and no bids for the Game of the Year edition which is the one I want - that way you get all the expansions. I don't mind used copies - I just don't want to pay the sort of price you'd expect for something brand new...

    Aw crap, I gotta run - but let me know if you have any luck :D
    Yes alright smartarse :lol:

    But I have done that already :P and I refuse point blank to pay over £25 for a used copy of a game which a year ago was £3.00 new...I hate how a game can be a few years old and all of a sudden it warrants being worth four times its original retail value just coz it's been repackaged as "vintage" "retro" or "rare classic"...
    :lol: Sounds like a plan...hey, do you know where I can pick up a copy of Morrowind GOTY for Xbox? I tried all the usual places and so far there's only the PC version available and as much as I love Ebay I'd rather go with somewhere a tad more reputable if possible...I really want to play this game :D
    Oh, it's great :D I tell you what it all happens when I go offline, doesn't it? The whole emo thing....blimey...:lol:
    Great man :) You have some opportunities ;) How is everything with you and your girl? Still going nicely I hope :D

    Hmm... Imma gonna get me Mercenaries 2 and Just Cause 2 :D
    :lol: Pal, it did scare the heck out of me... :lol: My face must have been a picture when I opened the case and found no disk :lol:
    Ah thanks ;) But I don't actually do it for the rep :lol: I have enough of that as it is :)

    Anywho... I thought I had lost my copy of dmc 4 the other day. Turns out it was still in the console when my sis went to borrow it :lol:
    hey i have a question. I have searched for the answer to this question on Google and Wikipedia with no sucess. I was wondering if you could help me out. do you know what the rank order in Full Metal Alchemist? If not do you know where I might find such a thing?
    It's sweeeeet - replaced my much-loved sexist one with it, so you know how much I must like it :D

    Thanks so much!
    Hay man! I wanna ask this for someone: What is your time rank
    in mission 8 in DMC4? I have 6 min and 40 sec (Devil hunter)
    How about yours?
    You keep yours and do me something else (oh I'm so demanding!!) - you get e-cookies as thanks :lol:
    Steeeeeeeeeve! Can you make me a Gears sig pleeeeeeease!!!!! I would have put the request in the right thread but people get weird if they make you a sig and you don't use it :lol: Just have Marcus in it and you can do what you like artistic wise :D
    and to add more **** to the fan the guy had *** with a another women while his partner and baby when they were NEXT DOOR !!!!!!! i love britain !
    :lol: the story is that a girl aged 16 had *** with a guy she met of the internet and got preg and her mum allowed him to stay in the girls house and then locked the doors of that house !!!!!!!! and laid in bed all day and did nothing :lol:
    not yet ! but one will soon..... it always happens..... its funny as they think hes actullay going to help...... when he just shouts at u til u start crying :lol:
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