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  • Very much so - was so glad he wasn't there for the birth because I was not a pleasant person to be around and it was all so quick I went into shock for a while afterwards which would have been hard for him, I think.

    He's holding Jake now, having given up on trying to play the XBOX with a wriggling baby in one arm :lol:
    Thanks K - feel like I've been hit by a train but it's all good. And he's quite honestly the most amazing little person I have ever seen. So glad we didn't have an ugly ginger troll :lol:
    keaton...i wrote a thread...it's been a bad time in my life....if i went against any rules or offended anyone, i am sorry...i did not mean to take my anger out on anyone in particular
    Fun? In college? I should hurt you. :lol:
    Death by powerpoint again, writing down everything from a 15 page powerpoint FTL.
    Good stuff, just posted my response. ^_^

    Eurgh, and now, I'd best get off to college, talk to ya later. ._.
    Bartz I dislike, dunno why, just the fact that he copies the moves of everyone else puts me off, if I want quick and horribly powerful, I'd take Tidus, to be honest, Jecht Shot and Energy Rain are just evil.

    I advise against doing the Inward Chaos story until you're more accutomed with a particular character, have him at a high level and have damn good equipment, unless you enjoy having your ass handed to you time and time again.
    Fighting a level 110 Chaos sucks.
    hi keaton .. when u next on live ?? as me and ryan wanna play halo and see who is the best
    If I am not mistaken, you are a Kingdom Hearts fan too. Gotta share with you some nice KH: Birth By Sleep renders, just got them from kingdom hearts wikia.

    Terra (Looks like Zack.:lol:)

    Ven (A guy who looks like Roxas, what the hell? The game was set ten years before the first game.O_o)


    Aqua (Looks hot, and she looks a bit similar to Kairi. :wub:)

    Blargh, sorry 'bout the lateness again, college and all that, been basically crashing out the second I get through the door.

    I put some effort into leveling Cloud, got him to 100 and unlocked Omnislash V5, chains off of his basic air brave attack, using that attack to kill Sephiroth is just reminiscent of Advent Children, I finally found a reason to enjoy playing as him. :lol:

    Did you try Sephy yet? ^^
    Well, probably because he is younger back then, so they made Leon much younger for that scenario,haha.

    Sorry, gotta go, as I need to get my work done. See you later Keaton.:)
    Not bad, just got my internet line restored these past few days,haha.

    Probably you will like these too.


    Leon and Krauser are so cool.:)
    Hi, Keaton. How are you?

    I found a new image for Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles, and I think you will be very interested.

    No one knows who is she, but I am guessing that girl is Sherry Birkin, what do you think?:) Some people said that her name is Manuela. It was said that she will be in scenario when Leon and Krauser worked together to eradicate the T-Virus infection in South America.

    New Assassin's Creed II artwork if you like.


    P.S - I guess you must be enjoying Dissidia a lot, eh Keaton?:)

    P.S 2 - Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles will be released on 17th November this year, but the weird thing is that the Japanese release date is still TBA. :lol:
    Actually, I'm dominating as a level 100 Sephiroth as it stands, I think I've been beat once by Chaos in the Duel Tournament mode, and that's because I wasn't paying attention, it doesn't get all that much more difficult really, especially once you get used to the character's movesets.

    I dislike Sephy's Alt. Costume, I mean, I expected that it was gonna be that, but it still felt like a letdown, I still take him in his coat over the coatless version anyday, honestly, my favourite Alt. Is Cloud's one, I love his Advent Children costume, then you've got Squall's SeeD one, which wins major points, and I like Kuja's one too, though it's basic.

    Try some new characters, Kuja and Sephy get my instant vote for best characters of that game, though I'm a little biased, considering I've always loved Kuja, he's very strong if you know how to use him right, though it takes some getting used to.
    Fair enough, take your time getting settled, all will be back underway soon, I'm sure. ^^

    I'm loving it, utterly brilliant game, if a little lacking in the story department, the gameplay more than makes up for it, haven't regretted the purchase for a second. :D

    Oh and, as to how I managed to level up so fast, simple really, it involves getting all three of the experience boosting items from the three initial play plans, getting a x5 Experience Multiplyer bonus for your next battle, equipping your chosen character with the three experience boosters and the Magic Pot manual summon, then fighting a level 100 ExDeath, letting him get 9999 Brave Points, using Magic Pot to copy his bravery, then one hit killing him for about a million experience.

    Disgustingly overpowered way to level, but it's gotten my Squall to about level 80, Sephiroth at level 94 and Kuja's at a lowly 43 from it, need to work on him a bit more. :lol:
    'Ello chap, how've you been?

    Finally got some free time on my hands, working on a review of Dissidia which should be posted by tomorrow. ^^
    Could I ask you to try out a review if you can? Painkiller?

    I've just picked it up again and I would like to know what you think of it.
    Same here, all this bloody prep for A2 is driving me up the wall, I haven't even had time to sit down and think about an article, ugh. >.<

    I'm not too bad thanks, yourself?
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