Now that we've seen V's gameplay and have seen significantly more of Dante and Nero who are you guys the most hyped to play as and why?
Nero - always liked him from his introduction and am curious to see where his story is going.
Dante on the other hand feels stale and only there because he's the mascot, whilst V feels really out of place like he's just there to test the waters for adding different play styles down the road rather than being there organically as a character.
V's the client who brought the job to Dante. That's just as organic as the anime or 4.
DMC's a case of the week style series so certain roles are going to reoccur in each entry. They gotta set up the case somehow.
You could make that argument of whether V is a necessary addition or he could have his role filled by someone else but he'll have to take his place in line behind Patty, Morrison, Nero, Nico, Kat(DmC) and everybody else not named Dante.
I don't get V not being there organically as a character. We don't know V's role, backstory, or well anything about him or how he plays into the story. For all we know he could be the most significant character in the plot.
It seems my point has been misunderstood. In the context of this thread which is all about asking "Who are you most excited for (to play)?" my statements about V's in-organicity were about how I perceived V's gameplay to be slow and boring - completely contrary (thus inorganic) to what I imagine when I think about "Stylish Action" and thus I was the least excited to play as him. Granted I very well may be proved wrong when I finally get my hands on the game but until then I stand by my opinion.V's the client who brought the job to Dante. That's just as organic as the anime or 4.
that's the point of the first part.Isn't that the same case for DMC1 with Trish, DMC2 with Lucia, and even DMC3 with Arkham. The plot all started when someone else came to Dante with a job or an invitation.
It seems my point has been misunderstood. In the context of this thread which is all about asking "Who are you most excited for (to play)?" my statements about V's in-organicity were about how I perceived V's gameplay to be slow and boring - completely contrary (thus inorganic) to what I imagine when I think about "Stylish Action" and thus I was the least excited to play as him. Granted I very well may be proved wrong when I finally get my hands on the game but until then I stand by my opinion.