Nero is Human now?

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I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Feb 17, 2013
Once again I went through the trailer frame by frame and I noticed something that could be a hint to Nero being completely human and having no demonic power anymore, or it could just be a game development oversight.

In that scene when the hooded figure(We all know it's Vergil) rips off the Devil Bringer, Nero's arm appears to turn into normal flesh and blood when it was the demonic scale like skin before.

You can clearly tell from the left image that the Devil Bringer covers Nero's elbow and up and based on the right image Nero's arm is human from the bicep down after the Bringer was torn off.
So it seems like the Bringer was torn off just under the red line at the forearm, which has me wondering why his arm is instantly human while he's still airborne from being tossed.

You can clearly see it yourself if you watch the trailer.

So is Nero completely human now? It seems like the Devil Breaker is gonna be Nero's source of power now, which means he may lack a Devil Trigger in the game.
Also to note that the boss demon in the trailer calls Nero a human.

Or it could just be a development oversight. What are your thoughts?
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Hmm...well the Devil Bringer was supposed to be the manifestation of his demonic powers, so I can see how he'd be weakened initially, but for him to be completely human? That'd be real weird since he's still part demon genetically.

I do hope that this means his devil trigger will encompass his entire body now and maybe warp around his robot arm or something. That'd be cool.
Thinking it over more, I think Nero may still have some demonic power inside him, but it's very weak and uncontrollable due to the Bringer being gone and now he has to channel it through the Devil Breaker similar to how Dante and Nero channeled their power through their guns for the charged shots.

We may be seeing that here:

I heard about there being some "Charges" for the Devil Breaker so I don't know if they relate to Nero's power or are just used to power the Breaker alone.
nero is not human he is a 3d cartoon on a video game his face model from dmc 4 did comercials for furniture stores
So Nero's mom is probably a human and that would make Nero a quarter devil. And I figured Nero may not have inherited all of Sparda's powers so I thought he didn't get Dante's healing or he hasn't figured how to heal yet.

I'm probably just overthinking it.
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i love the series but oh boy do i hope sparda never makes an appearance in one of the game nero already ruined dante,s and vergil,s family only reunion game
His definitely not 100% human now, but it will be interesting to see how his demonic side manifests itself now. My guess is partway through the game he'll learn how to channel it somehow. Maybe a Devil Trigger that just gives him a weak aura or something like that.

Or it could just be Capcom missing that detail. :laugh:
The story goes that Nero's arm changed when he got injured defending Kyrie against a demon. After that he started to hear a voice and his arm started to change. That being said, even before his arm changed he was still not all human then, why should he be all human now? It wasn't the arm that made him a descendant of Sparda, it was his lineage and equally so hi lineage is what keeps him from ever being all human, not his Johnny Tremain situation.
Well he's only 1/4 demon, so maybe him getting his arm cut it dissolved his powers.

I guess it depends on how it works in this universe. Dante seems to surpass Sparda's power by DMC2, and he's only half demon. Their power may not weaken at all, and it might just work like DBZ. Whatever fraction it may be - it all gets passed down all the same.
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perhaps Nero did not lose strength, but rather freed from the deterrent. the hand could only stop progressing as a son of sparda
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возможно, Нерон не потерял силы, а скорее освободился от сдерживания. рука могла только остановить свое развитие как сын спарды

Welcome to the forums, I know English may not be your first language however we do have a rule that says “All posts must be made in English or include an English translation.” Not everyone has the time to Google Translate everything & things can get lost in translation. Just makes things easier for everyone, hope you enjoy your stay here. :smile:
Welcome to the forums, I know English may not be your first language however we do have a rule that says “All posts must be made in English or include an English translation.” Not everyone has the time to Google Translate everything & things can get lost in translation.
wrote in English but the phone automatically translated into native Russian ... did not pay attention. I am sorry
How would he be completely human with his arm gone when he has demonic blood in him?

Nobody really knows how or why Nero’s arm changes, not even Nero himself. But what I would say is that even so he’s still far from being completely human, probably even before he got the Devil Bringer.