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Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Jan 29, 2012
Suda city on 51st ave. lol
So this is a theory I've had for a few weeks, but its one that I can't help but think about;

What if the story for Devil May Cry 5 is actually the ideas Ninja Theory had for the potential DmC2 that they wanted to develop?

Like Nero's design looking close to DmC Dante's design couldn't just be coincidence.

From the boots, to the hooded coat, and obviously the hair. I really do believe that DmC2's new design of Dante would've been this exact design, but with a different color coat, and the red amulet around his neck.

But to go into the story; basically its about Nero traveling around the world to kill demons in a sort of travel van.
A while back, Ninja Theory talked about what the future of DmC would've been like had they been able to do their sequel. They explained that for a sequel, Dante would've been older and he would've traveled around the world fighting the remaining demons and once again fighting his brother Vergil. There would've been more angel appearances as well.
So with DMC5, I believe they've taken this idea and applied it to DMC5 with the whole traveling around the world idea, while also using Vergil as a goal for Nero to achieve. Similar to DmC Dante fighting his brother from controlling the world.

I seriously believe that the story that is going to be used for DMC5 is what NT was going to do for DmC2. Maybe Capcom asked them to make some idea as to what they would want for a DmC2 as they came to finishing the first DmC. Then when DmC didn't meet those expectations, Capcom bought the rights to DmC, and therefore the ideas for DmC2 to adapt to DMC5.

What do you guys think?
If we asume, that DmC Dante got devil arm in some instanced and it was chopped by his father and replaced by cyber arm, it could be, but so far I haven't see a single connection to DmC. Neither in story pieces and neither in demon design.
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If we asume, that DmC Dante got devil arm in some instanced and it was chopped by his father and replaced by cyber arm, it could be, but so far I haven't see a single connection to DmC. Neither in story pieces and neither in demon design.
Well the robot arm being an add in when taking DmC2 and just replacing some of its elements with the original canon wouldn't be too uncanny. But this is all just speculation with no proof.
@DragonMaster2010 You know I've been thinking the same thing!
The way DmC ended was with humans everywhere becoming aware of the demons around them. DMCV seems a continuation of this concept, rather than a continuation of DMC4.

I heard somewhere (I just absorb info, I don't keep the sources) that apparently when Dante destroyed the hellgates in 4, it let loose all the demons which are over-running the place in V. This makes no sense to me because logically, with the hellgates destroyed and sealed, there is no way in or out for demons, and Nero (along with the other trio, Dante, Trish and Lady) seemed competent enough to take out the bunch that were still around afterward. In that sense, it doesn't seem logical that they would take the events in 4 and twist it into something it's not to suit the next instalment.

What I think is that they've taken the concept from DmC (which in turn had taken its inspiration from 3) and the darker more 'modern' gritty setting. Which is, in my opinion, friggin awesome. I'd speculate that their creative process went something like,
okay let's explore the idea of an influx of demons and humans trying to fight back.
But why the influx of demons?
Well in DmC, Vergil's plan was to merge the two realms which in effect, he basically did.
But the fans want DMC not DmC!
Then let's bring back DMC Vergil in a DmC-esque story.
Oh, great, well since we're resurrecting the dead, we may as well bring back Nero, and Goldstein, and hell why not DMC2 Dante, too?
Hell yeah, let's do this thing!

Kinda thing.
Creativity doesn't happen in a vacuum so I can see them taking a few cues from DmC as well as other sources. Like Nero's outfit reminds me of Drew from Scalebound or Noctis from FF15 in addition to looking like the Dark Dante skin from DmC. Nico looks like she stepped out of Dead Rising.

Most of the ideas in DMC5 like Nero's devil breaker, new(ish) character Vitale, Red Grave City etc are probably ideas they came up with on their own so it's not an exact 1 to 1.

I do think the modern look of Red Grave and demons being more public is due to DmC but that's more circumstantial.
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Its pretty possible since you put it like that. Although I do think DMC5 is basically a massive mishmash of all things Devil May Cry. Its basically taking and incorporating things from the novels and anime so its not hard to believe they'll be taking things from DmC too. Hell its probably obvious that there taking elements from DmC like the slow mo effect whenever you kill the last enemy.
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there taking elements from DmC like the slow mo effect whenever you kill the last enemy.
Actually, that's been an effect that they've had in DMC before. When you kill the Frosts in DMC1 for the first time you get a similar camera effect. Depending on your position in the area will determine how obvious it is. Also, I don't think there is a slow motion effect when it happens in DmC, just that the music downplays so it feels like it.

Either way, I think it'd be foolish to not add whatever they had from DmC, like the ability to go to or bring your enemies to you. Removing the choice would be a step backwards, so would the way it's absolute (and by that I mean how in DMC4 the thing works almost always with few exceptions. It's a crutch, you become almost completely dependant on it). It's not a necessity, the cinematic camera ending, but it is nice and it wouldn't hurt to keep it.
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Actually, that's been an effect that they've had in DMC before. When you kill the Frosts in DMC1 for the first time you get a similar camera effect. Depending on your position in the area will determine how obvious it is. Also, I don't think there is a slow motion effect when it happens in DmC, just that the music downplays so it feels like it.

Either way, I think it'd be foolish to not add whatever they had from DmC, like the ability to go to or bring your enemies to you. Removing the choice would be a step backwards, so would the way it's absolute (and by that I mean how in DMC4 the thing works almost always with few exceptions. It's a crutch, you become almost completely dependant on it). It's not a necessity, the cinematic camera ending, but it is nice and it wouldn't hurt to keep it.

I agree. For me, DMC should be a "sandbox" game, so to speak. The player should decide themselves how easy or hard they want to make the game. Or heck, have difficulty modifiers that place hard restrictions to "broken" mechanics.

The worst update to DmC for me, was the Demon Dodge nerf. Increased the difficulty, sure... but it removed the one mechanic that allowed me to go for pure efficiency. It was pretty darn fun to experiment and search for the shortest possible combos to kill the different enemy types. Ended up diminishing one variety of playstyle.
I heard somewhere (I just absorb info, I don't keep the sources) that apparently when Dante destroyed the hellgates in 4, it let loose all the demons which are over-running the place in V. This makes no sense to me because logically, with the hellgates destroyed and sealed, there is no way in or out for demons, and Nero (along with the other trio, Dante, Trish and Lady) seemed competent enough to take out the bunch that were still around afterward. In that sense, it doesn't seem logical that they would take the events in 4 and twist it into something it's not to suit the next instalment.
That's kinda wrong per see. First all Hell Gates in DMC4 weren't real gates but just gates build by Agnus. Second they are not THE only means for demons to appear in human world. Before it there was Temen-Ni-Gru which basically connected human world to demon world. And even before it there Dumary Island where Arius started to fuse demon and human worlds using his scyscraper as catalyst. So there is obviously other means besides gates in DMC4. Additionally we already got official word that in case with DMC5 demon tree is something that causing hell world and human worlds to colide. Overall concept of demon world fusion with human world seems to be more in line with DMC2 than DmC, since it's not something existing parallel to human world connected by Limbo, but rather other dimension breached by demon Tree.
In the end, I've yet to see anything connecting DMC5 to DmC, but maybe it will change with gamescom.
Increased the difficulty, sure... but it removed the one mechanic that allowed me to go for pure efficiency.

Yeah but there's a fine line between a move that's efficient and one that's just downright broken to the point of allowing you to cheese through the whole game. Demon Dodge in DmC, or Distorted uppercut moves in DMC4, they're all bad for their respective games because they roflstomp anything way too easily to the point that experimentation is actually hindered rather than encouraged. Cause after all, why on earth would I put effort into finding the best setups for each enemy when there's that one grossly overpowered thing that works on pretty much everything, right?

I agree on adding modifiers to make the experience even more varied though. I mean, I play on PC so I'm sure Cheat Engine tables will come out for DMC5, allowing people to play around with all sorts of crazy settings but an in game feature would be nice indeed.
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The way the trailer started with people running from demons did make me think about how DmC ended. If Ninja Theory had any plans, it's not that hard to think Capcom would have re-used and tweaked them to fit in the original series. I don't have many examples for games, but I know movies have done that.

Godzilla (2014) used plot elements that had been meant for Godzilla (1994, the one that was in development and got scrapped in favor of Godzilla (1998))

Spider-Man:Homecoming according to one youtuber I watch either took story elements that were originally intended for Spider-Man 3, or plans Sam Rami had for Spider-Man 4

And, X-Men: First Class, re-used plot points that had been intended for a solo Magneto movie
Now that you mention it, Nero is looking ragged (look at that sweater) and seems to live in a trailer. Nero has become Donte. There's also the symbolism with the "V" logo looking like a pair of demon+angel wings on Nero's back.
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The way the trailer started with people running from demons did make me think about how DmC ended. If Ninja Theory had any plans, it's not that hard to think Capcom would have re-used and tweaked them to fit in the original series. I don't have many examples for games, but I know movies have done that.

Godzilla (2014) used plot elements that had been meant for Godzilla (1994, the one that was in development and got scrapped in favor of Godzilla (1998))

Spider-Man:Homecoming according to one youtuber I watch either took story elements that were originally intended for Spider-Man 3, or plans Sam Rami had for Spider-Man 4

And, X-Men: First Class, re-used plot points that had been intended for a solo Magneto movie
The end from MGS3 originally appeared as a member of Dead Cell from MGS2. He was cut an reused in mgs3.

Assassins creed started out as a Prince of Persia spinoff.

In the artbook thread, they noted elements of DMC2 were from a different pitch. There was even another lead character, a dude with a green jacket that fascinated me ever since.

Most of the die hard franchise outside of the last film were based on scripts for other movies/ideas.

So basically DMC5 did take some influence from DmC but it's not necessarily a one to one transition.
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oh, oh.. and here's a radical theory, ready? what if nero's mum is an angel? tadaa~ unless ofc, it's already been canon that the mother is a human..

back on topic, i'm pretty sure the big bad is vergil here in 5, if this is the case, this kinda continues vergil's downfall where he is the demon king, with the ideal of bringing order to the chaos and rule both realm.. and only nero could end him..

wow, stretching too far..
IIRC NT was originally making DMC5 with an older dante, and the brilliant minds at capcom said "no no no, reboot it and make dante younger!" and then NT got slaughtered by the fans.

oh, oh.. and here's a radical theory, ready? what if nero's mum is an angel? tadaa~ unless ofc, it's already been canon that the mother is a human..
back on topic, i'm pretty sure the big bad is vergil here in 5, if this is the case, this kinda continues vergil's downfall where he is the demon king, with the ideal of bringing order to the chaos and rule both realm.. and only nero could end him.. wow, stretching too far..
I like to see DMC&DmC as kind of opposites of each other in how they view Demons. in DMC, demon are just beings from an alternate dimensions and unlike how its mentioned in the christian/western theologies so there's no "Angels" except for in myths humans made up(for ex:Credo referring to himself as one). Similarly, DmC takes a different direction where there is a difference between Angels&Demons but unlike christian theology, demons aren't fallen Angels but rather a separate species.
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I like to see DMC&DmC as kind of opposites of each other in how they view Demons. in DMC, demon are just beings from an alternate dimensions and unlike how its mentioned in the christian/western theologies so there's no "Angels" except for in myths humans made up(for ex:Credo referring to himself as one). Similarly, DmC takes a different direction where there is a difference between Angels&Demons but unlike christian theology, demons aren't fallen Angels but rather a separate species.

actually, these whole no angels in DMC could change if the case was indeed they incorporated DmC to DMC --will appeal all fans, as said by itsuno--, the origins of angels themselves could change to best suite the DMC lore, it might not be myth afterall --for example.

but ofc, i'm stretching :p
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actually, these whole no angels in DMC could change if the case was indeed they incorporated DmC to DMC --will appeal all fans, as said by itsuno--, the origins of angels themselves could change to best suite the DMC lore, it might not be myth afterall --for example.

but ofc, i'm stretching :p
I would honestly prefer it if is revealed in DMC5 that what humans call "demons" and "angels" are simply arbitrary and that just because Mundus or Other power hungry demons exist doesn't make the whole demonkind evil or something to be afraid of.

That's why i always wanted to see more of the neutral&good demons like Agni&Rudra&Nevan and hell even Griffon who seemed like someone with honour. They seemed like genuinely nice people. IMO the best way to conclude the DMC series would be by establishing a peaceful Truce between humans&demons rather than simply sealing them off and treating them as generic bad guys over&over.

DmC on the other hand can continue to delve more into the duality of Demons&Angels and how they differ from each other.
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