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I don't know if I'm late, but Happy Easter everyone, have a cute bunny.
Why can't I access my FIII game file? I know it's been some months since I played, but...what the hell? D: If I have to restart, oh well--but I don't want to do it until I know for sure that it's 100% gone. If it's still there, and I wind up saving over it... :'( Damn you, X-box! This must be because of the recent updates, or something...

You should be able to have up to 5 FIII saves at a time and none of them will cancel each other out? I wonder why you can't access it. :S That's odd.

Okay, now I'm just getting mad. You can't just leave someone a review calling them a liar with no context and then not say what they lied about when asked. It's been two days. Wtf, person? You faved the story on two different sites, so I know you don't dislike it. It was funny at first, but this is seriously rude.
You should be able to have up to 5 FIII saves at a time and none of them will cancel each other out? I wonder why you can't access it. :S That's odd.

I don't get it, either. It said something about not being able to load the game, due to different downloadable content? I'm not sure if it's because there's been a recent upgrade, or if this is the result of the hubby accidentally deleting my sign-in from the system awhile back--which of course we retrieved, but I wonder if it compromised the game file, itself? (We had the game data on the external drive, but I dunno. I'm going to have to run through the system again today, and see what happens, if any of my other game data has pulled a Houdini, too. I started a new game, so it's possible I've lost the old one officially now...I'll let you know). ^^;

CT: I know I said "take your time", but it's been a few weeks; I'd have thought they'd have it drawn up, by now. :S If they don't want to do it--regardless of payment--I wish they'd just say so. I'm not going to bite their head off, or anything. ._.
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I believe @berto is a connoisseur of Martial Arts flicks and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, if you've seen it that is.
Once Upon a Time in China is a fascinating look into chinese Wuxia (Martial arts stories. The term is mostly used for written stories but the term still applies. It pretty much translates to 'Martial Hero') films. It's a perfect example of so many common elements of the genre. For example:
The scene where the girl grabs her camera and takes a picture of the man falling from the second story and then there's a pause which signifies importance.

This scene is made to look important but then those events never show up again. This is because martial arts films in Hong Kong and China, at the time, often were not planned, there was no written screenplay and the production simply went forward as they could. As a friend of mine once put it when I described to him this little fact: So it was kinda like two dudes who were like dude I know martial arts, dude I got a camera, dude let's make a movie. An oversimplification but kinda sorta. Once Upon a Time is one of the more successful examples of this and while've not seen any of it's sequels it showed that it can still work very well, though a bit messily.

Another interesting fact is that there is a certain historical truth to the silliness of some aspects of the film. Specifically in the scene where the bad guys attack and put a banner claiming that it was Wong's school and under his order and the authorities actually believed it. Believe it or not, as obvious as it seems these clear and blatant attempts at framing someone were always successful. It's an unusual little historical fact but a thing nonetheless.

As for the movie itself, I haven't seen it in years. I owned it on DVD but made the foolish mistake to let someone borrow it. If I had to name my favorite Kung Fu movie, gun to the head, well, this wouldn't be it. If I had to pick one then it would have to be either The Raid or Fist of Legend, but I do remember enjoying this movie immensely. It's a fun and well made adventure and Jet Li makes a fine addition to the list of men who've played Wong Fei Hong.

The stuff I mentioned I learned from the DVD. It has a commentary track from a film historian who's very informative on the history and story behind the film. If you have the DVD then I recommend watching the movie with the commentary on. It's actually pretty fascinating.
Playing Kings Bounty, and I'm having fun. Some of these quests and encounters are actually kind of clever. For example, there's this paladin that, in his youth, swore to the gods that he would not rest until he vanquished all the evil in the land. WELL, in almost a show of divine trickery, the gods granted him exactly that, eternal life until he rids the entire earth of all evil. All of it. They don't even define the terms of evil, meaning liars, swindlers, or even jerks might fall under that catagory. So he's pretty much entirely screwed. Your actually find him isolated out in the swamps, almost like he just gave up and accepted the fact he's just gonna be around forever. This game is awesome.
@Xeroxis That does sound super cool. What kind of game is it? Fighting? RPG? Xbox or computer?

Which begs the question, if your immortal does that mean you are still afflicted by illness? Thus meaning that your forever plagued by asthma, cancer, or loss of bowl control? Is immortality the same as immunity to all illness? My genie told me to think about my wishes before I request them.
So I need answers, because my genie is impatient and hungry for some deep dish pizza.
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@Xeroxis That does sound super cool. What kind of game is it? Fighting? RPG? Xbox or computer?

Which begs the question, if your immortal does that mean you are still afflicted by illness? Thus meaning that your forever plagued by asthma, cancer, or loss of bowl control? Is immortality the same as immunity to all illness? My genie told me to think about my wishes before I request them.
So I need answers, because my genie is impatient and hungry for some deep dish pizza.
Well, Immortality means you don't suffer from aging, but it doesn't guard you from harm. Young or old, a bullet doesn't care. Invulnerability would mean you can't succumb to things, like disease, mind control etc, and invincibility is where you cannot be harmed, but it doesn't stave off death forever. I think this calls for careful wording, personally I would go with "Permanent Invulnerability to Disease, Aging, and Death." You can mince whatever you want at the end, the grouping is what's key here.

As for the game, it's like a isometric fantasy RPG with turn based troop combat. It's a tad more on the Baldur's gate side rather then Final Fantasy. It's PC, and it's available on steam. It's also a remake of the classic King's Bounty, but you don't need to know anything about the classic to jump into the new one.
Well, this is the final stretch for WoN edits--at least until I hear back from my would-be editor. No doubt there will be more to follow, but that's all right; the year is still young. Gotta get this belle all gussied up for the ball, and all.

...Oh gods, I can't believe I just used "gussied". I'm sorry; I promise to never do that again. ._.

+It's true what they say; you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. :meh:
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Bored. Bored bored bored. Borditty bored. Bored. Did I mention boredom?

So many games yet I can't play any of 'em because my clingy friends want to watch me play them and how dare I play a game because I like it if they're not watching...
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