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Sigh sometimes I really wish the Doctor was real. <3 Just travailing around time and space...... and running. Lost of running. :tongue: And I know it'll be dangerous, but what the hell. :D It's better than staying at home doing nothing. It seems I'm getting addicted to Doctor Who more and more. lol Might add that fandom to the growing list of fanfics to write. Heheh And I'm liking this Doctor a lot.

To bad some of the episode are bleh. It seems Steven Moffat likes to write so-so stories and one dimensional characters.....=_= bemuse some of the episodes don't make a lick of senses. And Clara being a deus ex or her boyfriend: Danny Pink....why is he there again? And the fight that happen at to "Kill the Moon". I was right behind Clara right up to the point "Mummy on the Orient Express" happened. Yup Clara too is addicted to the Doctor, but in a bad why. And what of this "Missy" and this "Promise Land" ? Hmm, I wonder what it has do with Clara. Curiouser and curiouser.
The perils of being the Maid of Honour for an anxious, yet adorable bride!.....I WANT MY LIFE BACK!! :grumpy:

Meanwhile, Alternate Universe. . .

Elektra: (Takes Ebony from Dante and points it at the Judge) " Let's not keep each other here for much longer, your honour...Rule in my favour and I'll let you live to judge another day.."

Judge: (gulps)
@Sparda's rejected son: Because maybe having that makes you cheap and tacky? I'd rather be the guy who can beat the bad guys, instead of having to call upon my robot minion.

Besides, Japanese Spider-Man's giant robot has a big weakness. That being magnets. I'm not saying all evil doers would go about carrying magnets. But all it takes is one evil genius to trap the robot in a magnetic field and Japanese Spider-Man is without a killing machine. Then what does he do? Try to control a coffee machine to spit boiling hot coffee at his enemies?...

@Sparda's rejected son: Because maybe having that makes you cheap and tacky? I'd rather be the guy who can beat the bad guys, instead of having to call upon my robot minion.

Besides, Japanese Spider-Man's giant robot has a big weakness. That being magnets. I'm not saying all evil doers would go about carrying magnets. But all it takes is one evil genius to trap the robot in a magnetic field and Japanese Spider-Man is without a killing machine. Then what does he do? Try to control a coffee machine to spit boiling hot coffee at his enemies?...


After watching the show (I own a bootleg DVD with Official subs... Yeah how does that work? :cautious: Yet its true! :eek: and while I have 20 episodes [Give or take] to watch before I've seen the whole show I can safely say that Leopardon has no weakness!) Yes, that's it name! O_o Not even kidding. :shifty: So cheap and tacky yes, absolutely fu@king brilliant, YES!!! :D

Ack! Learning Japanese is hard because I forget which Hiragana corresponds to each phonetic sound! :mad: Practice, repeat, practice, repeat! I will learn this, I WILL! :thumbsup:

... Until than, this gif of Daigo from Kyoryuger sums up how I feel when I study Japanese: http://media.tumblr.com/0c96eecf90587add92126ecf1b82081d/tumblr_inline_mq3qd8NoY21qz4rgp.gif
Yknow, in DMC2 I pretty much aced through Normal and Hard on both Dante and Lucia's stories. But knowing that I've reached Must Die mode for them both, and knowing what to expect... .m. Welp, I'm pretty much screwed xD
As for DMC3, I haven't even touched that for a while, I kept getting my *ss kicked by Agni and Rudra. I mean come on, I've clocked this game before and now I can't even get past a measly easy boss? I think it's on easy too. -.- Typical me.

I ran rather quickly through DMC2 so far, with the exception of that giant moth boss, it's nasty larvae were giving me trouble. I'm now in the arena with that red thing with eyeballs, and I just had to read walkthrough to realize I'm supposed to be pushing enemies on something to get an item that will help me... How do people figure that out? I feel like I'm supposed to be Sherlock Holmes for some of this stuff.

Agni and Rudra I expected to repeat couple of times, ended up beating them from the first go with Cerberus. But to even it out, Vergil showed me who's the boss in sword fighting, making me pull out Artemis in what I dreamed to be an epic battle with blades. That damn Grouchy Smurf and his speedy getaway technique. :shifty:
It's 2am and it sounds like someone's mowing their lawn. What the hell? O_o

Cooler in the morning? Dunno. Then again, it would make sense here because the temperature gets silly during the morning/day/afternoon -.-

Yup, ruined all my ocs. Trust no one pretty much. Lies and etc, had enough. For now I'm just sticking to what I know best.
Cooler in the morning? Dunno. Then again, it would make sense here because the temperature gets silly during the morning/day/afternoon -.-

Hmm, possibly. Though, now that they've been at it for a while, I think it's actually guys working on the road behind my house...if the overly-bright flashing lights are anything to go by. But good gods are they loud. x_x *knows what you mean about crazy temperatures**doesn't expect it to cool down properly here until late November*
So my Dad and Aunt (his older sister) finally came home today, glad to say that they're home safe and sound. I finally got to see pictures of my nan laying in her coffin with most of her family at her side. Still absolutely gutted I couldn't be there, but I'm glad my Dad was. :(
Hopefully I'll get the chance to visit her grave when I return home, some day soon I hope...