Zangetsu means slaying moon.
Umm. don't be angry at spider, he's doing good job by eating disgusting insects like flies who spreading infectionThere is this friggen humongous recluse spider on an even huger web that's right beside where I walk every morning. He hasn't left his web in two days. I named him Claude. And if he comes anywhere near me, I'm renaming him dead.
+ A little old lady was behind us at Albertsons with a bag of poppy seed buns (the savory kind) and two nearly gallon size jugs of no-name-brand whiskey. That's it. I have to wonder: what does one do with all that whiskey?
Umm. don't be angry at spider, he's doing good job by eating disgusting insects like flies who spreading infection
ok hopefully you'll get alongBut he's scary. :S And the way recluse spider bites can get if they don't heal properly.... *shudders**hides* As long as he doesn't bother me, I won't bother him, though.
Apparenly "Heaven Chain Slaying Moon", according to one of the wikia's, anyway.
I couldn't remember, because it's been so long since I watched the beginning of Bleach, but I know they explained it then, too. I still have nine more episodes to watch (still waiting on this site I go to for anime to upload the last couple--dubbed).
How'd you know I was thinking of bleach. :3
After DMC and DMC2 drill I have gotten significantly better at DMC3. On easy setting, but it's an improvement. I just wish I wasn't so confused a lot of time as to where I'm supposed to go next. Sense of orientation - zero.
Also, stuck on mission 15 in DMC2. Migraine killed the mood for that, maybe tomorrow I'll have more luck. That game is pretty awesome, like an action movie, though all that jumping will kill me. And I mean me as myself, not Dante. Dante I'm sure is quite happy pretending he is a bouncy ball. XD
I don't watch or read Game of Thrones.I wonder if I can finish this chapter by tonight? I mean, this section is nearly done, and there shouldn't be more than a page or two dedicated to Reeves' POV, so by all accounts...I should be able to pull it off.
However, my brain is both tired and distracted. So, no later than the morrow! (Curse you, GoT books!)
I don't watch or read Game of Thrones.
Does that make me uncool?
Currently working on a quirky little story for Halloween.
I'll use mobile phones needing to be charged when the battery is low as an analogy for how I feel right now.
@Sparda's rejected son Japanese Spider-Man might be compensating for something with having that giant robot. Or should I say, lack of something.