So, why is this acceptable?

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Guys i want to sleep its almost 1am STOP POSTING!! or else I have to keep reading to see where this leads
if I missed anyone saying they hate new Dante on this thread, then please let me know.
Because I don't see it at all.
Uhm yeah, from what i can see we are talking about Ninja Theory pictures from presentation, not new Dante.

This is a forum about VIDEO GAMES, NOT NEWS.
Was that an attempt to be rude?

I don't know where you want to go with that post, but still. I won't take offense to it, if it was meant to...(?):/

A render of a fictional character has been placed into a few images, and people go nuts over it.

Oh and I can mention what I want, only the forum police can stop me! :P
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But saying he's a character you shouldn't care for him is a crappy argument anyway.

In fact there is no argument. If you've never connected to a character in a book than that's just weird. It's why they give characters personalities. Not that you would know.

I never said you shouldn't care. I never said AT ALL that you should not care. I think you're caring TOO MUCH is the problem. You're blowing it completely out of proportion and you're trying to make me look bad for the sake of making me look bad by twisting my words, or taking everything I say completely at face value, or suddenly contracting super tunnel vision and only focusing on small, specific parts of what I say instead of looking at the whole picture.

Oh, and that passive-aggressive "not that you would know"... Yeah, seriously, f*ck you. I've dealt with enough sh*t today at my crappy job, and my girlfriend's cat died today, so I had to deal with THAT, and now I have to argue on the internet because you feel the need to insult me, when I haven't insulted you at all besides saying that maybe you shouldn't get so worked up over Dante?

Enjoy being on your pedestal. The higher it is, the more satisfying it will be when it's knocked down. Good night, I'm going to bed.
Was that an attempt to be rude?

I don't know where you want to go with that post, but still. I won't take offense to it, if it was meant to...(?):/

A render of a fictional character has been placed into a few images, and people go nuts over it.

Oh and I can mention what I want, only the forum police can stop me! :P
Coming at you from every side
Edit:anyone who can finish that gets a cookie
Was that an attempt to be rude?

I don't know where you want to go with that post, but still. I won't take offense to it, if it was meant to...(?)
You mentioned problems that have nothing to do with this thread. You may as well have mentioned how the Panda bears are going extinct or the next presidential election being more important than this.

A render of a fictional character has been placed into a few images, and people go nuts over it.

I am amazed why the reason people going nuts over it has gone over your head
Tameem is an asshole, dude. If Mitt Romney and George Bush Jr. had a baby, Tameem would be it.
He gives Britain a real bad name, he makes fun of the fans new and old constantly. I don't hate Ninja Theory in general though, they probably don't want to deal with his bullshit.
Of course, you have the right to like him, and I don't hate you for that. But, Tameem is #2 asshole for me. #1 being my mom's ex-husband.
But there are fans like me who take this as a joke, it's ****** up, yes...but just to me a joke.
It's like how the Cookie Monster was replaced by the Veggie Monster, wait that's a bad analogy.

He gives Britain a real bad name? LOL. You can't possibly be serious man...i mean WOW you (self proclaimed)"real fans" are really some kind of alien species to me and i'm not saying that as an insult, really. It's just that nowadays we have people going completely ballistic because a developer decides to change a character's voice actor or hair color for example. A video game character is a bunch of pixels for God's sake and please don't give me the " i grew up with x or y bla bla..." because i would just laugh even more than i'm doing right now. You can be disappointed sure but entering into some kind of rage state for this kind of things is just hilarious. Given the amount of hate the guys at NT have received at the moment people were aware they'd been chosen by Capcom i'd say i'm f*cking happy to see them "retaliate" which i really wasn't expecting them to do since the game pretty much bombed sales wise(those guys are ballsy lol). And no i don't think the customer is always right. If he acts like a jerk he deserves to be treated like one.

Kudos NT.

P.S: If they don't get to make DmC 2 then too bad but let me tell you this: for this move(and their work on DmC which i really like) these guys have become one of my favorite developers. Haters gonna effin hate.
He gives Britain a real bad name? LOL. You can't possibly be serious man...i mean WOW you (self proclaimed)"real fans" are really some kind of alien species to me and i'm not saying that as an insult, really. It's just that nowadays we have people going completely ballistic because a developer decides to change a character's voice actor or hair color for example. A video game character is a bunch of pixels for God's sake and please don't give me the " i grew up with x or y bla bla..." because i would just laugh even more than i'm doing right now. You can be disappointed sure but entering into some kind of rage state for this kind of things is just hilarious. Given the amount of hate the guys at NT have received at the moment people were aware they'd been chosen by Capcom i'd say i'm f*cking happy to see them "retaliate" which i really wasn't expecting them to do since the game pretty much bombed sales wise(those guys are ballsy lol). And no i don't think the customer is always right. If he acts like a jerk he deserves to be treated like one.

Kudos NT.

P.S: If they don't get to make DmC 2 then too bad but let me tell you this: for this move(and their work on DmC which i really like) these guys have become one of my favorite developers. Haters gonna effin hate.
This is painful to read.
Me pretending the GDC never happened is a violation of the rules.

But according to a desperate few I photoshopped those images myself in an attempt to epicly troll people. Because that's all I do apparently. I just want to make everyones time here uncomfortable because I'm not doing any damage control myself.
Me pretending the GDC never happened is a violation of the rules.

But according to a desperate few I photoshopped those images myself in an attempt to epicly troll people. Because that's all I do apparently. I just want to make everyones time here uncomfortable because I'm not doing any damage control myself.
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Okay seriously, what the hell? Can't we all just f*cking get along? No, we all have to have super tunnel vision and try to say that everyone who doesn't agree with us is a goddamned lunatic, or is just trying to get a rise out of us by pointing out the insults in their posts while ignoring well thought-out opinions.

If you make a thread, you can damn well expect that there will be people who do not agree with you who will reply to share their side of things. Okay, sure, maybe he was a little out of line by saying that he thinks you get pretty upset about this kind of thing, but I think he kind of has a point. Why get so up in arms about Dante? He's literally just strings of code made to look pretty for the viewers, with a nice voice to tie it up and a personality with the consistency of jell-o. You seem to be so sure in your views that you will not accept that anyone could possibly disagree with you or, *GASP*, dislike your opinion. That's just plain insane, right?

Phew... Sorry for the rant, but this kind of sh*t gets on my nerves. And I'm 100% certain I've just started a flame war, but I don't give a flying f*ck because I've had this bottled up for THREE F*CKING YEARS NOW.
Way too take a stand. You tell em'
As for my own opinion of this topic is , Ninja Theory can say whatever they want about The Original Dante and put him in as many obscure pictures as they want. I don't see what the amount of rage is for .. okay they insulted a cool character, to be honest i thought the point of redesigning Dante was to be more relate able which i didnt find him to be anymore relate able than the original so they kind of failed in terms of that ...
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Well jeez, it was never my intentions to come off as rude or offend anyone. Seriously, no need to be so snippy or get so damn angry. And also, the forum police bit was just a little bit of a joke. And also, I have the right to mention that a few stupid pics made by an idiotic NT employe isn't that big of a deal. Seriously though, I'll stop. Sorry if I offended any of you. >_<

And also, I hear this song playing in the back of this thread for some odd reason. A sign of impending doom? :P

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Well jeez, it was never my intentions to come off as rude or offend anyone. Seriously, no need to be so snippy or get so damn angry. And also, the forum police bit was just a little bit of a joke. And also, I have the right to mention that a few stupid pics made by an idiotic NT employe isn't that big of a deal. Seriously though, I'll stop. Sorry if I offended any of you. >_<

And also, I hear this song playing in the back of this thread for some odd reason. A sign of impending doom? :P

You didn't offend anyone.
You just brought up something that has no relation to this, and it was funny as hell. :D

In the Devil May Cry community, we don't discuss video games. We discuss politics.
He gives Britain a real bad name? LOL. You can't possibly be serious man...i mean WOW you (self proclaimed)"real fans" are really some kind of alien species to me and i'm not saying that as an insult, really. It's just that nowadays we have people going completely ballistic because a developer decides to change a character's voice actor or hair color for example. A video game character is a bunch of pixels for God's sake and please don't give me the " i grew up with x or y bla bla..." because i would just laugh even more than i'm doing right now. You can be disappointed sure but entering into some kind of rage state for this kind of things is just hilarious. Given the amount of hate the guys at NT have received at the moment people were aware they'd been chosen by Capcom i'd say i'm f*cking happy to see them "retaliate" which i really wasn't expecting them to do since the game pretty much bombed sales wise(those guys are ballsy lol). And no i don't think the customer is always right. If he acts like a jerk he deserves to be treated like one.

Kudos NT.

P.S: If they don't get to make DmC 2 then too bad but let me tell you this: for this move(and their work on DmC which i really like) these guys have become one of my favorite developers. Haters gonna effin hate.
Bold part, yeah you obviously don't know me then, I like/love DmC and DMC. I love NT, but I hate Tameem.
So to say I'm a "real fan" as a mockery, would make you more like Tam Tam than you are of your own person.
But, really? :c you're a tad bit meany head, man. I want DmC 2 as much as anyone who likes DmC out there, but my only wish is for Tameem to not be on it, it needs to be more like Vergil's Downfall instead.
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