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I really can't think of anythink interesting to post....I'm back in lurker mode.
I'll just change my av and get annoyed at newbie Dante.
*Retreats back into lurker mode*
"You want how much for the Ultimate Daizyujin toy?! Your nuts!"
I'm NOT spending 200 US dollars on a toy no matter how much I want it.
ITS A TOY!!! :/
Slightly frustrated. That may be the last time I tell a stranger I'm a witch. I thought God (or, in my case, the gods) were supposed to be forgiving and loving. Why do people have to break out the "you're going to hell"/"you will be judged" lines? What have I done to require a judge, jury, and executioner just for what I believe? If I've led a good life, when I die, if I was simply wrong in my beliefs and there is only one God...won't God still love me and forgive me? I believed in a form of Him, yes? I didn't go around saying that there's not any gods. I just said I believe there is more than one. In a way, that makes me think I'm just spreading more of the love around...right? @_@

On a different but related note. I knew Death is considered a god/dess...but I did not realize Death could be someone's patron saint. @_@ *mind blown**puzzled*
Are you a Wicca by any chances?
Couple of weeks and all the work will be over and I will have a nice new house to be proud of. Body is hurting and tired but all the work is going to a good cause and a good investment. New episode of Game of Thrones to watch tonight which is keeping me going through the day.

New Game of Thrones episodes get me through work too! I'm still waiting for the library to send me a message telling me that A Dance with Dragons which I reserved over 4 months ago has come in. I hope they'll release all the books in a hardback collection when it has been completed. I’m still trying to make space on my bookshelf for them.

If anyone is silly enough to put their Gamertag on display, I have probably added you to my friends list. You have been warned.
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New Game of Thrones episodes get me through work too! I'm still waiting for the library to send me a message telling me that A Dance with Dragons which I reserved over 4 months ago has come in. I hope they'll release all the books in a hardback collection when it has been completed. I’m still trying to make space on my bookshelf for them.

If anyone is silly enough to put their Gamertag on display, I have probably added you to my friends list. You have been warned.

I havent read the books as im enjoying watching the show and not knowing what is going to happen next but id really like to read them at some point.
I havent read the books as im enjoying watching the show and not knowing what is going to happen next but id really like to read them at some point.

They are epic! Game of Thrones is pretty much exactly the same as the first season, it's only in the second season (A Clash of Kings) they seem to be changing a lot of things around.

I’m really gonna sign off and watch it now. Good Night all! ^_^
Oh Metro... your review scores are becoming too obvious to guess. 3/10 for Doctor Who... I guessed that by just looking at the title of the review.
Plus Metro only use 3/10, 7/10, 9/10, & 10/10 (mainly reserved for Street Fighter and Mario Games)

I can't believe this... well, i can, pop is throwing his toys outta the pram again... selfish b*st*rd.
Poor Tilly is feeling the warmth and she's got a flea check...what fun! ... not >.>
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I'm a witch, but, while I'm technically Wicca, I don't follow it completely to a T. *has had her veiws changed some over the years* ^^; Sorry if that didn't make sense. *tends to ramble*
Like Vergil saying he is a devil, but he is technically human. It does make sense, technically.
Like Vergil saying he is a devil, but he is technically human. It does make sense, technically.

Sorta? Every Wiccan is a witch, but not all witches are Wiccan. So...yeah. *confused herself now*

I think Bunny's shedding. I dunno. He's got a bald spot on one of his ears and if looks like there's dandruff. =( Everytime something bad happens to him I get worried. I hope he's alright! >_< We really need to take him to a vet. He's never been before.
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Reactions: Dante's Stalker