Slightly frustrated. That may be the last time I tell a stranger I'm a witch. I thought God (or, in my case, the gods) were supposed to be forgiving and loving. Why do people have to break out the "you're going to hell"/"you will be judged" lines? What have I done to require a judge, jury, and executioner just for what I believe? If I've led a good life, when I die, if I was simply wrong in my beliefs and there is only one God...won't God still love me and forgive me? I believed in a form of Him, yes? I didn't go around saying that there's not any gods. I just said I believe there is more than one. In a way, that makes me think I'm just spreading more of the love around...right? @_@
On a different but related note. I knew Death is considered a god/dess...but I did not realize Death could be someone's patron saint. @_@ *mind blown**puzzled*