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Slightly frustrated. That may be the last time I tell a stranger I'm a witch. I thought God (or, in my case, the gods) were supposed to be forgiving and loving. Why do people have to break out the "you're going to hell"/"you will be judged" lines? What have I done to require a judge, jury, and executioner just for what I believe? If I've led a good life, when I die, if I was simply wrong in my beliefs and there is only one God...won't God still love me and forgive me? I believed in a form of Him, yes? I didn't go around saying that there's not any gods. I just said I believe there is more than one. In a way, that makes me think I'm just spreading more of the love around...right? @_@

On a different but related note. I knew Death is considered a god/dess...but I did not realize Death could be someone's patron saint. @_@ *mind blown**puzzled*

1 - They break out those lines because they think they're speshul. Which they're not. I'm a saved Christian, that doesn't make me more special than you nor does it give me the right to cast judgement. I'm trying to be LIKE Christ, I'm not trying to BE Christ, else I probably would be in my right to judge. But then I'm not God and I'm kinda going off the point..my point IS that, even though you may not understand this, YOU are much more valuable to God than I am. I'm saved, I've been 'cured'. Jesus healed the sick and the lost, He didn't dwindle on the people who have already reformed to His following because what's the point? They're saved already. We have to go out and spread the Word through testimony and scripture and example, etc etc.

2 - The reason people worry, despite your good deeds and your good heart (which I might add is not what gets you into heaven, contrary to my hubby's methodist upbringing), that you'll be judged for being a witch is because there is only one way to heaven and that is through accepting Jesus Christ as the Son of God, acknowledging what He came to do on earth and tackling head on the legacy He has left for us to live up to. If you do that there really is no room for any other gods, because you really are, in a sense, laying down the life you had to follow the one God intended for you. God is forgiving and loving, but He wants undying, total devotion to Him alone. There is only one God, the Holy Trinity. Satan is not a god, he doesn't even reign up there at all, but he's an expert deceiver (a la Julian style) and to guess or assume that there are other forms of God is like saying that God is not enough. (stop yawning) It's also giving the devil more power and glory than what he deserves (not that he deserves any).

3 - I'm gonna shut up now because I don't mean to preach, just explain. *huggles*

+ it's so cold outside D:

I remember what I wanted to come post!

Members: *in high kiddy voices* yap yap yap troll troll ha ha yap yap yap
*enter Tony Redgrave* said in the movie guy's voice
Teeheehee :)
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What's in this box? ... I HAS A 3DS!!! It can take 3d pictures... *hmm, I'll stalk tilly with the camera later, or when she stops sulking about her visit to the vets*
Had to take in a parcel for a neighbor though (which i didn't really want to do as they are utter trouble makers.)
I've never seen a cat kick-up so much about going to the vets. She was trying to break the carrier open with her head :lol:. Plus, she had flea treatment... yeah, so she isn't in the best of moods.

Oh a protest about the new DmC? Read all mangas/novels, play original games etc... yeah, cause that'll really make a difference... DON'T FRIGGIN BUY IT?! Geez, how stupid are some of these people?!

Nintendo need a kick up the arse... Update a console before i can play a game?! I just hope i can use the wifi in that cafe.
this is being typed on my 3ds in a cafe in town cool! wifi cafes rock!

I always feel obligated to buy a drink and then have to make it last for 3 hours because I refuse to pay another £3.50 for more. I can get a HOOGE baguette for that in Greggs! And desert ^^

I’m hungry now. And I swore I would only be on here until 12pm… I really gotta do some cleaning. Ugh, such a dirty word…
Preemptive haters: These guys really hate something. They seem to know almost everything about the object of their hate. The problem is, the work they hate hasn't been released. Often, it hasn't even been finished. These people are basing their hatedom on previews, teasers, and miscellaneous information floating around about the unreleased project; from it, they have constructed a picture of something they loathe intensely. This is more common in the internet age, since people can get all sorts of false information (and true info, for that matter) from Fan Dumb and other Hate Dumb; and when release dates are staggered, there can be preemptive haters on the same board as people who do have access to the work. Remakes of works are frequent targets of this — people anticipate Adaptation Decay. On the bright side, the odds of getting a preemptive hater to see the work when the time comes is better than that for someone complaining about a extant show they don't watch.

Definitely reminds me of what's going on with DmC right now...
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Reactions: Shadow
Busy, busy, busy.
Never enough hours in the day nowadays.

Speaking of never enough time.

Preemptive haters: These guys really hate something. They seem to know almost everything about the object of their hate. The problem is, the work they hate hasn't been released. Often, it hasn't even been finished. These people are basing their hatedom on previews, teasers, and miscellaneous information floating around about the unreleased project; from it, they have constructed a picture of something they loathe intensely. This is more common in the internet age, since people can get all sorts of false information (and true info, for that matter) from Fan Dumb and other Hate Dumb; and when release dates are staggered, there can be preemptive haters on the same board as people who do have access to the work. Remakes of works are frequent targets of this — people anticipate Adaptation Decay. On the bright side, the odds of getting a preemptive hater to see the work when the time comes is better than that for someone complaining about a extant show they don't watch.

Definitely reminds me of what's going on with DmC right now...

I should make linking to TVtropes punishable by death, that'll eat up whatever free time I have left these days. :lol: