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Private RP/Shadowrun


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni walked up to LOW and looked at him in the eye. "You know about what happened to Azel's father, don't you?"

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*Nic looked deep into her eyes, his own had changed to black, sorrow clear on his face* I don't know what happened to him, but I know he is dead. It is the only way that Azel could have that sword.


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni glanced over to Azel before replying. "Are you going to tell him, or should I? He needs to know. I don't want the kid to get hurt. I also don't want him to try to please his father, that never ends well..." She looked at the ground.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel stirred, he was dreaming, but it seemed real... A lizard with red scales and long white wings was talking to him.

Son... It's been a while.


If you see me here... I'm dead, and you have inherited my powers. His tone of voice was sad, heartbroken even.

You're... Dead...? Dad! No! Azel ran forward, and embraced his now deceased father. I never got to know you...

Aden laughed, but it was bitter. I know. I wish I could've been with you, but I wasn't allowed. I'm truly sorry... Aden began to fade, then disappeared entirely, leaving Azel by himself. He fell to his knees and cried, long and hard.


Well-known Member
The three others heard a loud thump. They looked and saw that Azel had fallen out of the tree and looked as if he had been crying again. "Perhaps he shouldn't come with us..." Zu'Coni whispered. "He's not in any condition to fight. But I don't want to leave him either..."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel jerked awake, now on the ground. His back ached from the fall, and he groaned loudly, wiping away the fresh tears on his face. He tried to get up, but slumped over. He didn't have the strength to get up.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel got up and sluggishly walked to Nic and Zu'Coni. "He's dead... He told me... In a dream... It's why I have my powers now... Which means he just died recently..."


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni matched LOW's glare with her own. "I apologize for being concerned for him. Next time I'm about to be sympathetic please stop me before I do. I'd hate to appear like something other than a cold hearted officer that doesn't give a sh*t. I know he's coming with us. I just hate to think what he is going to have to go through."


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni looked at Azel sadly. "I know you have. Just be careful. That's an order."

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*Nicodemus' eyes changed to a darker red as he stared directly into Zu'Coni's eyes.* I said he comes with us, I never said not to be sympathetic.


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni didn't care how red his eyes got. Hers were dead. "Learn to tell when someone is being sarcastic. And don't get so angry. Its not like a murdered anyone...recently." She smiled evilly and turned to leave. She felt the rage emitting from LOW.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel's face tightened. "You both should shut up. We won't be able to do anything if you two keep bickering." His voice was calm, and sounded of maturity. "Now, shall we go or not?"


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni glared at Azel for moment before relaxing. "No. You sleep. Now, soldier." she smiled sincerely.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
My rage is not because of her. It is because of Aden's death. He was a friend, and he is dead, probably because of me...*Nic's eyes slowly darkened even more, changing to a dark blue, he then walked away and started to lean on a nearby tree.*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Azel smiled back. "As you command." He went back to the base of the tree and curled his wings and tail around himself to conserve warmth.


Well-known Member
Zu'Coni sighed, lost in thought. Like I belong here, amongst a god, a demon, and...whatever the hell Azel is. Oh well. Someone needs to look after the kid, so it might as well be his commanding officer. Still. She looked over at LOW.
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