Your reaction to the DMC5 reveal

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I've been trying to figure out how to describe my thoughts on this whole thing. Ever since the trailer popped I've had mixed feelings on the game and it's not easy to describe, especially since I'm pretty emotionally invested on this game and how it does what it does and what it is that it does. I might end up rereading and rewriting this a whole over and over the more I think of it but I'll try to be as clear as I can, as much for my benefit as others.

Lord, me and my essay length replies. It's probably long enough to be an bloody article.

As soon as the trailer started I thought Microsoft has scored themselves another Dead Rising exclusive. The soldiers, the style, the characters, and the comically bad driving with cartoon physics along with that song. But the guy kept saying demons and then, inside, I just went 'no no no, not this.' When Nero moved his feet I thought it was DmC2 and even after Nero pulled out his signature gun, revved his sword and Johnny Bosch started talking with his distinctive voice I still thought it was DmC2. It took me a little bit to finally let it sink in that it was DMC5. All this... reacting took place in the span of those few seconds from the the first shot of the van to when Nero shot that bug in the street sign. Rocky ride. But still, through that whole first minute I had no idea what I was looking at. Nico and her van (it's confirmed to be Nero's actually) look like something that fits more with Dead Rising, so when she opened the door and went all, hey, hun, I got a very distinctive impression that that's what I was looking at, even when they have, in Neon, Devil May Cry on the side of the van with a little 5 printed next to it.

Anyway, the trailer continues and I am not sure how to process what I'm seeing. The combat looks the part and it looks the proper, but enemies, the character designs, the world, that song, they just seem misplaced in a DMC game. None of them are conceptually bad but they scream other things. The demons look more like aliens to me, like I said, Nico looks like she came out of the last Dead Rising, the world doesn't really strike me as particularly gothic any definition of the word, and they finally made Dante look like a hobo. Lots of unkempt facial hair, tattered get up, dirty face, long and grey, not white or silver, hair and generally looking scruffy as hell, which actually applies to everyone in general. Everyone looks to be varying degrees of tattered and unkept. Add to it that I'm really feeling the whole 'Grandpa' Dante hashtag on this and the image that leaked earlier. The hair color isn't helping with that, either. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the general description of Dante something else? What was it? It wasn't 'Grandpa' or 'Scruffy.' I can't quite remember it but I think it started with an 'S' and I think it ended with 'tylish'? Well, all unintentional snark aside, I'm not feeling a particularly stylish vibe out of this one. Plus he looks like Clancy Brown.

Odd think I can't put my finger on. I don't know what it is but looking at Dante and Nico's teeth... they look off for some reason. I can't figure out why but they just don't look right. I also get a RE7 feel from some of the scenes which I guess can be expected considering it's the same engine.

Anyway, I've watched the trailer a few more times and Nero's combat seems fine. It's what we'd expect it to be, f' yeah, and I think he might have a dedicated dudge button, which was on my wishlist for this title, but I also had the old combos scrapped from the combat on that same wishlist. No reanimating the old combos to look better, smoother, reorganized, more realistic or simply have slight alterations with a slightly different command input to get basically the same attacks as the previous games. I wanted entirely new animations for the combos. Even the way he shoots in the air is the same as before and that's been my one constant complaint about the combat system from DMC3 to 4 to DmC, these baby steps. I wanted new combos, altogether.

So, even before the trailer is finished, specially the first time I saw it, and I'm tremendously conflicted about this game. I'm glad it exists but at the same time I had this feeling, this thought in my head that says 'damn it, they did it to us, again' where they insist on giving DMC a more western style. I know it's a Japanese staff and designer but so much of this has such a western feel to it, especially in the design of Nico, the writing (that line about kicking demon ass) and the world, that I can't imagine there being no western staff or a note to appeal in their agenda for this game. Nero looks really DmC, too, but that might just be coincidental. Same for the city but I can't say exactly why since the architecture is so different but there is just something about the world that reminds me of DmC. Anyway. You know, there is such a thing as Japanese charm and it was a huge part of the original DMC games appeal. I know a lot of people think DMC is 'anime' and obviously can't tell 'anime' from a general 'Japanese' style. Resident Evil is blatantly Japanese, no way around it, and both it and DMC share a style and atmosphere so DMC1 is as anime as REmake is. Everyone knows why that's the comparison I always make so no point in going in to it.

As conflicted as I was at first I didn't want to say anything or mention any of my concerns because it felt like Capcom might've been holding the franchise hostage. Last time a game didn't sell well enough they almost buried the franchise, and if this one doesn't perform they just might. But at the same time, as the series progresses I recognize it less and less. And I get that things change but the alterations from the last two games from the original concept have been rather dramatic. I complain about DMC4's drastic changes in appearance, designs, motifs and, just, general approach because it feels so distant from what DMC used to be, but DmC and DMC5? If you showed me a trailer of the original game and then one from each of those games with the names removed I wouldn't associate them with each other. Yeah, with DMC3 in between you can see the progression, the sort of missing link, but when you see the things that got you interested in a franchise start to disappear from it then, you know?

Usually I can look passed these things. I try to enjoy the new settings, I can probably get passed the alien insectoid looking 'demons' (did with the completely inoffensive scarecrows from 4), I can try to enjoy the completely different aesthetics, how the only constant in this series is the inconsistencies from one title to the next and even the fact that they keep recycling combos since DMC3. All that I can usually go along with. I'll bitch and moan all the way to grandma's house about it but I'll get the game, just the same. All of that as long as Dante is there. As long as I can look forward to seeing him again I can still try to find some enjoyment out of the games. He is the main draw of the series, his presence and attitude is what I look forward to. Kicking ass and taking names. That's why it bothers me so much that they made him look old as hell (no pun intended). How old is he? Pushing 40? That's not that old at all. Jason Momoa is 38. Jared Padalecki is 35. Jensen Ackles is 40. Ben Affleck is 45. the Rock, 46. Hugh Jackman is pushing 50, and so are Gerard Butler and Mark Wahlberg. Jason Statham is 50 and none of them look anywhere near as old as Dante does here and they don't have the benefit of demonic blood to keep them looking good. The idea was to have a young man with white hair, which gave him an ethereal aura about him. Well, he's not that old, yet. I also get the feeling in the back of my head that maybe they did this to make Nero look good.

I'm hoping I'm wrong, that time will prove me so and that I'm just being dramatic, that maybe DmC left me traumatized and paranoid, that that's just a tragic angle for Dante. I don't know how things will change from here to release, but I do know this, in the end I was left less excited about this game than before I saw it. You could argue that 10 years of build up could never be met, but all I would've been content with would be them getting Dante right, and as it stands, I don't know if they managed that. I'm still going to buy it, day 1, that was never in question, I still want to see if they did right by us, but, honestly, I never thought I'd see the day I'd be more excited over Tetris than Devil May Cry.
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I'm glad it exists but at the same time I had this feeling, this thought in my head that says 'damn it, they did it to us, again' where they insist on giving DMC a more western style. I know it's a Japanese staff and designer but so much of this has such a western feel to it
DMC was going for a Western style before Itsuno and his staff smeared an anime aesthetic and narrative style all over 3 and 4. Dante's mannerisms and appeal was largely modeled after Western action heroes, there was a far larger emphasis on guns than swords, the enemies were far more oriented towards mythology and superstition than simply satisfying a 'cool' factor...Team Little Devils even traveled to Europe to better study castles and churches as to make Mallet Island's Gothic feel even more authentic.

If DMC5 goes closer to being Westernized, that's going back to its roots, not diverging from them.

Same for the city but I can't say exactly why since the architecture is so different but there is just something about the world that reminds me of DmC. Anyway. You know, there is such a thing as Japanese charm and it was a huge part of the original DMC games appeal. I know a lot of people think DMC is 'anime' and obviously can't tell 'anime' from a general 'Japanese' style.
You should check out the trailer again. There's a lot of daytime shots of Nero fighting in some church courtyard that very much resembles what we got in DMC4 (which, I'll remind you, people actually complained about not being DARK and GLOOMY as enviornmments seen in 1&3. So if you find this aesthetic to gloomy and colorless (though I don't, personally) you have those people to thank.

Resident Evil is blatantly Japanese, no way around it, and both it and DMC share a style and atmosphere so DMC1 is as anime as REmake is. Everyone knows why that's the comparison I always make so no point in going in to it.
This really makes me laugh. Resident Evil is blatantly Japanese? You should try forwarding that memo to Capcom, because they have oriented that series towards a Western market harder than any other franchise they own. They even admitted that movies like Blackhawk Down and Die Hard were inspirations for RE5's writing, which is extremely evident in both that game and RE6's constant need to have its heroes diving in and out of explosions and quipping Stallone-style one-liners. Even if Capcom is clueless about how different their product is from actual Western entertainment, they were still trying MASSIVELY to make the RE series as much of a Western action game as possible.

And as far as people thinking DMC is more 'anime' than Japanese, you have no one but Capcom to thank for that. What with DMC3 literally turning into a rain-smattered, melodramatic shonen TV episode and DMC4 cranking the anime aesthetic and sappy writing to maximum, and having an ACTUAL ANIME released in between, I'm surprised more people don't think the Devil May Cry series is actually based on some anime.
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@berto You could rent it instead of buying it day 1 and giving Capcom money for a game you aren't even all that hyped by, considering Capcom doesn't read much into why people are giving them money as long as they get money, but you do you, I guess.
@berto You could rent it instead of buying it day 1 and giving Capcom money for a game you aren't even all that hyped by, considering Capcom doesn't read much into why people are giving them money as long as they get money, but you do you, I guess.
Like I said, we'll see how things go from her. There are still 7 months till January.
I wanted new combos, altogether.

Me too. But they still didn't show us much, they might very well have made new moves for all we know. Another reason why I can't wait for actual gameplay footage. Hell, I'll even take reports from press describing the combat if they decide to show it behind closed doors.
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I will say, I am majorly upset that they removed Nero's Devil Bringer. Sure it felt like a cheesy knock-off of Nūbē's Demon Arm but it gave him his arc in 4 where he comes to accept the truth about himself and how things aren't always black and white in the battle against demons. It could have even gone interesting places narratively with it slowly spreading across his body the more he uses his powers.

But no, we get a lame Inspector Gadget arm... Go-Go Get Your Arm back Nero so we can have the Devil Bringer in DMC6! :tongue:

Don’t forget that Nero keeps Yamato stored inside of his Devil Bringer. That’s not normal in any sense. I’d like to see anyone store a weapon in their own arm.

My point? Vergil only wants Yamato, not the DB. There’s no saying that his magical arm won’t somehow reconnect to him by the end of the game or something.
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When Nero moved his feet I thought it was DmC2 and even after Nero pulled out his signature gun, revved his sword and Johnny Bosch started talking with his distinctive voice I still thought it was DmC2.

Felt the same as you: first time I saw the trailer I thought it was a DmC2 or just some trolling. I couldn't believe I was just looking at a new DMC5, which means DmC got its sweet revenge after all for a lot of fans who disliked DmC are now approving this new entry.Life is a cycle.

So now Vergil is V.Do you remember when we called Vergil as "V" in this forum long ago? Not only that, but that leaked info is almost an exact copy of some fans speculations here.I remember someone here had imagined Vergil would come for revenge and to take Yamato back while punishing Nero and Dante in the way of it. It seems capcom stole fans theories.Lol.
Max's reaction was pretty amusing to watch. LOL

He brings a good point about the cuffs of the hooded man resembling Vergil's coat's a lot too. That's a detail I missed there.

C’mon man, Capcom said they were making this game for the fans. That’s definitely Vergil. He’s back and he wants his Yamato. He wouldn’t let Nero keep it, we all knew that.

Yup, DMC 5 is real and it’s going to have all of the characters in it.

Well, I say all. Haven’t seen or heard anything about Lady or Trish, yet.
My reaction: i was more than happy to see a solid trailer. everything looks so great.
at first i felt awkward about Dante's appearance, there was no handsomeness in his face he looks exactly like Jeff Bridges. but after watching it 5-6th time i got kinda used to it. The thing is im so happy that the series is continuing where its left off.

but still though wouldn't mind a change of dante's face
Nero and Dante look really ugly. Besides that i'm ok with it, looks cool. Oh and it kind of depresses me that nero has become a generic robot arm guy, the devil bringer was awesome.
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Lets just say I thought it was either DmC2 or a Scalebound clone.I wasnt expecting 5 to be taking cues from the reboot. Only things I dislike so far is Dantes face and Nico. I dont think I need to go into detail about Dantes face. Nico, ugh, I cringed when I first saw her. Shes a Cindey knock off.
Hello fellow fans,

I can't say how hyped I am after watching the trailer for the nth time. I wasn't astonished that there was a DMC5 reveal at e3. For me it was kind of expected that capcom would announce a new DMC given the the number of the leaks, but I simply wasn't expecting it to be this good!

1) I'm glad they redid Nero's hairstyle as it was too close to Dante's in dmc4.
2) It seems to me that the overall style of the game is like a mesh of dmc2 and dmc4 with a touch of DmC and I'm happy about this. I think it was time to move on and be progressive and innovative about style and direction. If they'd reiterated a game in the same vein as DMC1 or DMC3 it would've been too much repetition imo.
3) 60 fps DMC combat with pristine graphics is bliss!
4) Nico seems fun!
i liked the city different places the bad guys werent retarded the young woman sounds cute dante ,s clothes are cool the story so far makes a game and then there was sparda in the motorcycle at the end tehehe