Which Eva are we talking about? DmC Eva the angel? Or DMC Eva the human? If DmC, that could be plausible, but the insignia behind Yamato during the cutscene looks really wicked and not in a good way. If DMC Eva, that probably wouldn't be that likely. Yamato was said to have been used by DMC Sparda to seal hell gates and probably combat long before Eva existed. Force Edge/Sparda was probably used a lot by him too. But Rebellion is more of a mystery if he ever used it at all.Perhaps Yamato was crafted by Eva. It doesn't seem very demon weapon like.
Edit: Both Yamato from DMC and DmC look just like regular katanas, nothing demonic, angelic, or ethereal about them appearance-wise. As I stated, there isn't a lot you can do to make katanas look all that different. Jagged edges maybe, or different tsubas, hilts, wrapping, sheaths, etc.