Xbox version has better graphics?

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Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
May 21, 2008
Seems weird cause the PS3 is supposed to be all around better for graphics but I compared the two and found that the Xbox version has more attention to detail.


Look at thisO_o
^Personally I think the whole Graphical Argument is a load of bs.

The only occassion where you will outright notice a Graphical Advantage held by the PS3 is if you're using a HD-TV and a large one at that. Every comparison I've seen puts both PS3 and 360 on par, one handles textures better, wheres other does lighting...honestly, the differences are so minute on standard screens and settings that anyone buying PS3 for the sheer graphical advanatge is wasting their time imo.


Anyway its nice to see I have the right console for DMC :D, nice thread Kage + rep ^^
^Correct, no console will ever be able to provide power enough to compare with the Graphics a PC can display ^^
Keaton;164872 said:
^Correct, no console will ever be able to provide power enough to compare with the Graphics a PC can display ^^


If you go into the library and look at the 3D models of the monsters, the attention to detail is amazing.

You can see every feather on Angelo Credo, the muscles and fire on Berial look great, and Sanctus don't even get me started on how good he looks in diablo form. Oh and not to mention Angus in his bug form. The attention to every detail on the Xbox version is just amazing.

I was so impressed that I thought "wow if this is the xbox version, the PS3 version you must be able to feel."

Not true as it turns out. Xbox graphics do better with this game.O_o
DeviRyuuD;164896 said:
^ But not if we`re talking about older PCs...


@Kage: Lol, I will admit, I got the 360 version and a few months later I offered to help my friend on Bloody Palace, and I wouldn't say it was less impressive, but I certanly noticed that it wasn't the same as my version ^^

Well, DMC4 is an awesome game all the same :D
Its usually down to how the developers create the game. Ive seen many graphical comparisons on sites where it has seemed the 360 GFX had more detail and better shadows etc. Its mainly down to the anti aliasing on the PS3 not being up to par due to the GFX chip in it. The 360 comes with built in RAM of 512Mb as opposed to PS3's 256Mb, however the RAM speed of PS3 is faster. However the 360 can produce 500 million polygons per second as opposed to the PS3's 75 million which can sometimes be a factor. Lots of developers have trouble working with the SDK tools for PS3 and therefore there can sometimes be more issues rendering things, putting detail on objects, creating shadows and certain lighting bloom effects. You will be able to tell the developers who can use the tools correctly and to decent efficiency such as Guerrilla Games (Killzone 2) and Konami (MGS 4). Its usually only the odd detail here and there so i wouldnt worry too much.
PS3 uses Nvidia RSX technology for the GPU (Graphic Processing Unit).

X360 uses ATI Xenos GPU.

Nvidia > AMD ATI

As DD said above me, Sony hesitated to share the SDK with the game developers, so yeah.

But the comparison I made, is that Nvidia has a much better GPU.
Speaking of PC I just read that RE5 is gonna be on the PC aswell this year and I'm loving Capcom at the moment.
Not trying to say one console or the other is better, I'm just surprised is all:lol:

Looks like the two consoles can be on equal grounds graphically.
Sparda™;164993 said:
It was stated several months ago, Capcom would go in three platforms.

Yeah they wanted to maximise their revenue and profits and developing for multiple platforms (if they predict high sales) can be the best way to go about this.
Sparda™;164993 said:
It was stated several months ago, Capcom would go in three platforms.

Yeah I read this but I also read that they were gonna cancel it because of how bad DMC4 PC sales were. But I'm shocked they are still going through it it!!!
As I own a xbox and have never seen a ps3 playing devil may cry 4 I can't really comment but I must say that when DMC4 is playing on 1080i it is amazing!